Martial Arts System

Chapter 90: Martial Ranking Test.

Chapter 90: Martial Ranking Test.

The day of the Martial Rank test.

Ichiro was currently eating his breakfast with his family. Today is a big day, and his family decided to take the day off from work and come to watch.

But apparently, it isn\'t only his family who is going there to watch.

School decided to have a sudden school trip, and the location is the Martial Rank Test Hall.

Of course, the news about Ichiro\'s Martial Rank test has spread everywhere in Irio, and News Stations plan to broadcast it as well.

Usually, the Martial Rank test isn\'t a public event, but since Ichiro\'s fame, they made an exception.

\'\'Did you eat enough\'\' Azumi inquired.

Ichiro sighed and nodded, \'\'Yes, mom.\'\'

His parents have been anxious whole morning; they are even more nervous than he is.

Even after hearing Ichiro\'s answer, Azumi was still anxious. She bit her nails while looking around the house. Her heart was beating rapidly, nervousness crippling her.

Eiji looked at the watch on his wrist, \'\'Time to go.\'\'

Azumi with a trembling body stood up; she took the plates and put them on the washing machine.

\'\'Mom, you alright?\'\' Ichiro raised an eyebrow and asked.

\'\'Y-Yes.\'\' Azumi\'s voice shook.

\'\'Why are you so nervous?\'\' Ichiro asked strangely, even he isn\'t this nervous, and he is the one fighting.

\'\'B-Because you are fighting a Mutated Beast! It is dangerous!\'\'

Ichiro rolled his eyes, \'\'It is very safe.\'\' He stood up and hugged his mother, \'\'I will be fine.\'\'

Azumi sighed and nodded.

\'\'Let\'s go; we need to be there in half an hour,\'\' Eiji with anxiousness said, even he was nervous.

He is nervous about being late, he is nervous about the fight, he is even worried about not finding a parking spot!

Azumi grabbed Ayakos\' hand and left the house.

Eiji left after them.

Ichiro left the house last; he locked the door and closed it.

They entered Eiji\'s black-colored car; it wasn\'t anything fancy, even slightly poor-looking.

But it was enough for them.

While his parents and Ayako anxiously sat with rapidly beating hearts.

Ichiro was calm, but he was also excited.

\'Iron Style… I am not complete without you…\' Ichiro thought in his mind; he felt incomplete every time he fought.

Every time he used Iron Lance or Ironic Edge.

There was always something missing.

Every time he fought, he knew that he could have done better if he had his Iron Style.

Like against Slych.

Ichiro would have won with Iron Style.

His Iron Lance and Ironic Edge were the most important moves he needed; they were simpler to use and more versatile.

But they still lacked a lot.

Ichiro could have chosen movement technique; it could have given him more options, but what is the point if he doesn\'t have a good attack or defensive abilities.

Ironic Edge is definitely his most used defensive ability, even in his past life, and Iron Lance was his most used attack to kill his opponents.

He knew those moves already perfectly; that\'s why they were the first ones Ichiro decided to choose.

But those are only 2 moves, there is still Steel Smash, but it wasn\'t that great technique, even if Ichiro likes it.

There are hundreds of techniques in Iron Style and today… It might be the day when he unlocks them all.

The car entered the area close to Martial Rank Test Hall, but the streets were filled with cars parked on the side of the road, and the parking lot was full.

There were also dozens of buses where students were seen swarming around.

Eiji decided to park the car at the side of the road, there is a few hundred walk, but it is manageable.

They exited the car and started walking in the busy streets.

\'\'Kyaa!\'\' They heard loud screams coming from around them.

Azumi and Eiji looked around them and saw people pointing at their son, Ichiro.

Ayako timidly hid behind Ichiro while he was in the spotlight.

The crowd stepped aside and let them walk unhindered.

But there was still a lot of camera flashing around them.

Once they entered the front of the Martial Rank Test Hall, the Administrator noticed them.

\'\'Make way!\'\' They started shouting.

The crowd in the front of the Hall was confused, but when they looked behind them, they saw Ichiro appearing with his family.

They quickly stepped aside and let Ichiro walk towards the entrance with his family.

\'\'Kurogami Ichiro correct?\'\' The Administrator said with a nod.

Ichiro nodded, \'\'That\'s me.\'\'

The Administrator nodded with a smile, \'\'Come inside; your family can come as well. The Test will begin in 10 minutes.\'\'

Ichiro nodded and followed behind him.

The test was held in a spacious Hall with stands around the hall, making it look like a miniature stadium.

There was a massive gate at the end of the Hall, and there weren\'t any seats near that gate.

\'That must be where they keep the Savage Beast.\' Ichiro thought while gazing at the metal gate.

\'\'Prepare yourself; meanwhile, we will let others inside.\'\' The Administrator bowed and left towards the entrance of the Hall.

\'\'Good luck, son,\'\' Azumi said with a nervous face.

Eiji showed thumbs up, but his hand was trembling.

Ayako has been silent since morning; she is too nervous to talk.

Ichiro nodded with a smile and walked towards the middle of the Hall.

He sat down on the floor and calmed himself.

[Calm Nature Activated]

He kept his eyes closed, waiting for the test to begin.

The hall started slowly filling with people, soon the stands were packed.

Lucas and the rest of the Martial Arts Club members were sitting on the front row.

Azumi, Eiji, and Ayako sat down a little further away from them but still in very good seats.

But suddenly, a group of 3 sat down next to them.

Azumi turned her head and saw a woman with beautiful black hair and bright blue eyes; she looked mature and gentle with a slim body. Next to her, a man with brown hair and blue eyes was sitting with a stoic face.

Next to them, a cute-looking little girl was sitting nervously; she had similar beautiful black hair as the woman next to her and similar blue eyes.

\'\'Have I seen you before?\'\' Azumi opened her mouth and asked the woman.

The beautiful woman turned her head and widened her eyes slightly, \'\'You are Ichiro\'s mother, aren\'t you?\'\'

Azumi had a proud face, \'\'Yes, who might you be?\'\'

The woman smiled and pointed towards a muscular young man, \'\'I am the mother of the Martial Arts Club Captain, my name is Iris.\'\'

The group of three were Lucas\' parents and his little sister.

Iris, Luke, and Leia.

\'\'Ohh!\'\' Azumi exclaimed.

Iris opened her mouth, \'\'You must be nervous, seeing your son fight.\'\'

Azumi wryly smiled, \'\'I am nervous, Eiji is as well, but it seems Ichiro isn\'t even slightly nervous.\'\'

Iris put her hand on her mouth and chuckled, \'\'Lucas was very nervous as well, especially Leia~\'\' She turned her head towards her daughter and slyly smiled.

\'\'Hmph.\'\' Leia pouted with a slight blush.

Luke clenched his fists, \'I hope the Mutated Beast will show you that you shouldn\'t touch my daughter!\' He glared at Ichiro\'s figure.

Ayako turned her head and saw a girl the same age as her.

Leia also turned her head towards the cute girl; she smiled slightly.

Ayako blushed out of embarrassment and nodded; she quickly turned her head and looked at Ichiro instead.

The Hall was now full of people.

The Administrator took a radiophone and said, \'\'Open the gate.\'\'

The people in the hall went quiet.

Slowly the metal gates opened, a terrible stench instantly appeared on the hall, making many grimace.

\'\'Grrr…\'\' A quiet growling sound came from the metal gates.

The Metal Gates was already 50% opened, but people could already see the paws of the Mutated Beast.

And once the Metal Gate was opened 80%, the mutated beast managed to squeeze himself through.

The Mutated Beast was a 5-meter long Tiger! His fur was not ordinary orange, but instead, it was dark red. The dark red eyes of the Tiger hungrily looked around the Hall and smelled many different dishes. The Tiger also had a metal collar around his neck, which kept beeping in the color of red, everytime the Tiger turned his gaze towards the stands, the collar started beeping.

But once the Tiger was about to go to the stands, the collar in his neck made it impossible, everytime he tried to move towards the stands, the collar beeped and shocked him.


The Tiger painfully roared, his dark red eyes went mad, he was getting angrier and angrier, and he needs to unleash that anger.

Then… He saw a lonely-looking black-haired young man sitting in the floor hundred meters away from him.

The Tiger started drooling, he crouched and was about to pounce towards his prey.

But then…

Ichiro\'s eyes opened.

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