Super Ability Student

Chapter 301: Savage

Building a house on a tree is certainly not Lin Tian\'s whim.

He looked at Li Ming, he should have been prepared. If you build an ordinary house like Li Ming, it will definitely not be as good as Li Ming\'s.

It\'s better to find another way and build a house directly on the tree.

Building a house on a tree is certainly not easy. However, Lin Tian thought about it, and felt that he had scalper skills plus floating techniques. In fact, there is not much difference between building a house on a tree and building a house on the ground.

"Li Ming, look at the Dream Girl Team, this is going to build a house on the tree."

The members of Li Ming\'s Gouweishan assault team are basically Li Ming\'s attendants, and they have made certain preparations before the event.

Otherwise, they won\'t hold down the Dream Girls Team in the first two rounds.

In fact, if Lin Tian did not appear, Li Ming\'s plan was to do these things with Shen Mengyi himself, and there would be no competition.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Lin Tian that Li Ming changed his mind halfway through, and now he has the current game.

The original intention was to let Shen Mengyi know Li Ming\'s excellence, but after two rounds, I am afraid that it is not Li Ming but Lin Tian who has achieved it.

This game was a temporary motive. The planning of the live broadcast platform finally came up with three links. This building is the last step.

It was not that the planning team was incompetent, but that Li Ming had prepared these three items before. This is all over, you have to plan the fourth link, you also have to be able to show off.

Therefore, Li Ming\'s current goal is relatively simple, try to show off in the last link and let Shen Mengyi notice him.

Don\'t look at Li Ming\'s ordinary, but this guy is a real son of a big family. What is important is to make decisions and then move. Once you are in a disadvantaged position, you will not rush forward, as long as you can gain something.

"It seems that Lin Tian already knows that if he builds a house like us, he will definitely not be able to surpass us."

For Lin Tian, ​​Li Ming only came into contact with this event, but Li Ming suffered a big loss.

Last night, he had sent someone to check Lin Tian\'s details clearly, and he realized that Lin Tian was not simple.

"Building a house on a tree is definitely more difficult than on the ground. Did they give up this link?"

"No, for us, it may be more difficult to build a house on a tree than on the ground. But for some people, the difficulty may be the same. Moreover, for a house built on a tree, even if the quality of the house is poor in all aspects, Will get higher scores than houses on the ground."

With Lin Tian\'s detailed information, Li Ming immediately guessed Lin Tian\'s plan.

"Then this time the first one was given by Lin Tian again? Why are we doing so hard? Why don\'t we just let it go."

"How can this work? If we do, we must do our best. As for how others are doing, that\'s not our consideration."

This time, the appearance of Lin Tian really disrupted Li Ming\'s layout, but Li Ming would not be shaken by these.

Instead, it inspired Li Ming\'s eagerness to win. Lin Tian you won this time, but next time I will be more prepared.

"Wow! Lin Tian and Guo Rong really built a house on the tree, it\'s really amazing!"

When Shen Mengyi came back with the fantasy girl team for the second time.

Lin Tian and Guo Rong have built the main structure of the house.

The house is on a tree, but four pillars are also erected around the tree as pillars.

Then the main part of the house is constructed with the center of the branch where the tree branches are forked.

The rest is to supplement it with thicker branches.

At noon, the houses of each team had their prototypes.

Among them, most of the Gouweishan Commando\'s house has been completed. From the outside, it already looks alike.

The houses of the Gouweishan Mushroom Team and the Fish Mocking Team have been erected, but they look more like a shed from the outside.

The forest treasure hunt team’s house currently has four pillars erected, and the forest treasure hunt team has a great disagreement on the issue of what kind of house to build.

Lin Tao felt that he wanted to build a stable and stable house, but Feng Jiabao thought that it had already bottomed out anyway, so he could just get a shed.

Judging from their appearance, it is estimated that nothing can be made in the dark.

The tree house on the side of the Dream Girls team has now been set up to the east and south. I believe that by night, the tree house will definitely take shape.

While the students were enthusiastic about building their own houses, on the other side of Gouwei Mountain, two off-road vehicles stopped.

Five strong men got out of the car.

The demon mercenary group is here!

"A university student, do you need us to raise the teacher? Why don\'t I let me go directly to the kid, blow his head with a punch, and we will complete the task."

One of them has a shaggy head and a mask, and his whole body is full of body hair, saying like a man on the side of a savage with an urn!

This guy\'s brain has always been insufficient, but he has enough strength.

Several other people didn\'t say a word, they had Lin Tian\'s information in their hands. The target person this time is obviously not a simple college student.

Yin Ye failed and was caught, and in the eyes of Li Guan and Zhang Wenbin, Yin Ye was a rubbish.

In fact, Silver Night has been in the sight of the Super Mercenary Group in recent years, and the Demon Mercenary Group even sent people to investigate Silver Night half a month ago. Preparing to absorb Yin Ye into the demon mercenary group, he did not expect to be planted into Lin Tian\'s hands.

"The savage looks like this mission, you can do it alone? Or we won\'t go there, you can kill Lin Tian and get your head back."

The man with glasses seemed to approve of the savage\'s words, and the savage was quite charming.

"Boss, you are waiting here, I will come as soon as I go."

The savage rushed into Gouwei Mountain happily, and everyone else was a little confused.

"That Lin Tian, ​​the savage can\'t clean it up, right?"

An old man with a scarred face said. This person is actually the handsome young man who appeared before, and his name is Guimian. Very good at makeup. Basically every time it appears, it will appear differently.

Even inside the demon mercenary group, no one knew what the real face of the ghost face was.

"Of course it\'s impossible. But the savage has no brains. He just wants to believe his fist and let him try it. Monkey, you follow it quietly. If you have a chance, help the savage to kill Lin Tian. If there is no chance , Immediately took the savage to withdraw."

The spectacle man is the boss of each team, and others call him Cobra.

His IQ is extremely high, belonging to the brain level. Almost no one has seen Cobra take action, he is only responsible for making suggestions.

"The wood you found for Mengyi is too fine. The most important thing about this tree house is the bottom. You can\'t use the branches you found. I will find something strong by myself, and you can build it first. Pay attention to safety."

The tree house was almost built, and Lin Tian found a big problem. It is the bottom of the tree house. If it is built with branches, it is not strong. Lin Tian decided to get some thinner tree trunks by himself. Use the trunk directly to make the bottom, it will be very strong.

Of course, only Lin Tian did this job. Others estimate that they have cut two trees for a long time, and they still can\'t carry them.

"Well, can you do it alone? Would you like Guo Rong to help you?"

"No need. Guo Rong should stay and help you."

Lin Tian looked at Guo Rong who was turning around under the command of Bai Ruolan, and said that he was eating goods, brother, I can only help you so much, and the rest is up to you.

"Should I go and beat you?"

Bu Mengting became interested, but Lin Tian still refused. He has supernatural powers, if he goes alone, it will save a lot of time.

In the end, Lin Tian got into the depths of the forest alone, and would meet those classmates looking for wood at the edge. Only by going deep can Lin Tian release his abilities.

However, he had just separated from Shen Mengyi and the others, and he was stopped by someone before reaching the depths of the forest.

A tall man wore a short coat and his pants were still a belt.

He looked like a farmer in the mountains, but Lin Tian knew that this man was definitely not a farmer who farmed the land.

"Your name is Lin Tian?"

The savage quickly found the target of the mission. Looking at the appearance of Lin Tian\'s small arms and legs, the savage\'s interest was a little low. This goal is so weak, it has no combat effectiveness at all.

"Yes? Are you?"

"My name is Savage, I am here to kill you. Hahaha! Die!"

The savage yelled and strode towards Lin Tian.

He is tall and has long legs. He exaggerated his strides, running faster than ordinary people, and soon came to Lin Tian.

The big palm like a fan slapped Lin Tian over.

Lin Tian deliberately tested the savage\'s power and stretched out his hand to block it. The bodies of the two shook at the same time, but they did not back off.

This guy\'s strength is not small, so he can fight half a catty with his own scalper skills?

Lin Tian was very surprised that someone could have as much strength as the self blessed by scalper power.

"Huh? You have a lot of strength. But this is better. Otherwise, it\'s boring to always crush."

The first time the savage encountered an enemy whose strength was not much different from his own, he immediately aroused his ferocity.

A slap and a slap greeted Lin Tian\'s body, Lin Tian did not dodge, and came head-on with the savage.

The savage relies on his talent and divine power, while Lin Tian relies on the scalper.

The savage hit a punch and consumed a few points, and after a few punches, his strength began to go downhill. Lin Tian is different. He has been at his peak Soon the savage couldn\'t hold it anymore. Lin Tian punched him in the chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"If you don\'t want to die, just tell who sent you."

Lin Tian said coldly, he could probably guess who it was. But still want to know the answer from the savage\'s mouth.

"Why should I tell you, I always yell me to kill you"

Lin Tian wanted to laugh as soon as the savage finished speaking, this guy was really upright. But it was also very dangerous, Lin Tian planned to abolish the savage first.

But when Lin Tian was about to act, he suddenly felt a hint of danger. A blast of cold light came, it was a silver flying knife!

The flying knife came through the air without making any sound.

"There is anyone else?"

Lin Tian hurriedly avoided sideways.


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