Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 10 - Face To Face

The doorbell rang then open. Stefan turned to look when seeing who came in, his frowned face changed to a brief smile. Sam smiled gladly, went to his elder brother, them two raised their fists and touched one another as it was the way they greeted each other, then hug tightly.

"Hey, bro. What\'s up?"

Sam greeted, knowing from the serious looks of his brother that there was something bothering him.

"You didn\'t say that you\'re coming. Where\'s your bag?"

Stefan asked instead of answering his brother\'s question.

"Just quick decision, bro. I\'m staying at my usual room down below."

Sam pointed finger down to give a gesture that it was the family zone.

"Okay. How long are you staying this time?"

Stefan asked and walked to the bar, poured whiskey into a glass, walked back and handed it to Sam.

"Thanks, bro. I think I\'ll stay for a week if nothing comes up."

Sam replied, lifted the glass to his mouth.

"Cool! it\'s been a while since you were here."

Stefan said with a warm voice. He used this softer tone just with his family only.

"I also come here to surprise someone. She\'s here in Las Vegas at the moment."

"Aha, Who? Do I know her? You mean she\'s visiting Las Vegas?" Stefan asked

"Oh, no. Vegas is her home town. And nope! You don\'t know her."

Sam answered and sipped the whiskey.

"Okay, she must be quite an interesting girl to make my little brother fly from Boston to Vegas like this."

Stefan said with a grin. Sam smiled widely.

"Of course, this one, she is always special. She\'s kind of cool and very very pretty."

Sam said firmly to his brother, wanted to allure Stefan to pay attention.

"And if you see her, you\'ll definitely agree with me." Sam continued.

"Agree with you? About what?" Stefan did not understand what Sam meant.

"Agree that my girl is pretty."

Sam repeated and laughed when his brother shook his head sending a gesture saying... Nonsense!


Stefan asked with teasing showing in his deep blue eyes. He loved his brother very much. Sam always wanted to be a doctor. Apart from his handsome look, he had got a good heart, generous, had compassion and was a \'gentleman\'. The word that Stefan could only spell but not care to practice and install that quality in himself.

There were 10 years between them. The two heirs of The Mackenzie Enterprise. The two that were so different in personalities, brothers from heaven and hell, that\'s what people described them. And there was no need to point out which one was from hell and which one was from heaven!

"Well, let\'s order Thai food. We haven\'t had dinner together quite some time.

Sam said cheerfully, changed the topic quickly, avoiding to give his brother a clear answer about... girlfriend or Not girlfriend.

The truth was Sam intended to introduce Wirata to his big brother. He wanted to surprise them both. Sam thought it was ridiculous that the two of them lived here but never came across each other. So it was about time that his beloved brother and his beloved friend should get to know each other.

Stefan was a very powerful and influential businessman in this city, he could help Wirata only just wiggled his little finger. And Wirata was good at many things, she had got skills. She\'s studying accounting and financial stuff which was related to Stefan\'s business. So when she graduated, and she wanted a job, his brother could help her for sure. Sam satisfied with his ideas, didn\'t see anybody would lose benefits in this case.

"Go ahead."

Stefan agreed. So Sam rang Vi Wine restaurant to order the delivery. He asked the staff to make sure that Wirata would deliver it herself. The staff said luckily today was Wirata\'s turn for handling the delivery.

"Okay, bro. Done. I\'ll go to my room, want to take a shower first. Oh, by the way, I asked them to deliver to my room, so you\'ll go down to join me, will you?"

"Sure, what time?"

"About six."

"Okay, no problem. I\'ll knock on your door at that time."

Stefan confirmed. Sam hugged his brother again and left.

Wirata received orders to be delivered at the Grand MC hotel which was a seven-star luxury hotel she knew but never had a chance to go in there. She was not sure why the hotel guests dared to order food from outside to eat. Because it seemed ill-mannered and insulting the skills of the hotel chefs. However, that was not her problem. Everyone had the freedom to do anything according to their own rights under the laws.

Wirata was wearing another restaurant uniform, which was a black T-shirt, had the name \'Vi Wine\' printed on its chest and wearing her favorite black jeans. She had a brown leather jacket covered on top, wearing a pair of sneakers.

Wirata drove to the hotel, when arrived, she informed the security at the front door that she was delivering food to the guests on the 30th floor. The security made a face like he did not believe her. However, he led her to the reception front desk. It was a very long counter with so many nice-looking receptionists in the hotel well-cut suit uniforms standing behind it.

"Delivery to the 30th floor?" She asked again, her face was saying, REALLY?!!!

"Yes, mam. You can ring the guest who ordered it to make sure. That\'s the room number."

Wirata pointed at the address on the bill. After looking, the woman did not hesitate to tell the bell boy to take Wirata to the elevator. He called the elevator for her but let her went up alone.

Wirata had food bags in both hands. She thought it must be for people, like 5. The elevator stopped at the 30th floor, Wirata stepped out, looked at the map on the wall. Her eyes were searching for the room number so she knew which way to turn. When got the direction, she went straight to the suite.

Walking down the corridor, Wirata took a look around, the place was sleek and very elegant, no surprised of course, it\'s a seven-star hotel. She probably would not have any chance to stay at this hotel even for one night. This high-class hotel was for people like David and Victoria Beckham and Hollywood movie stars, rather than Wirata Ratanawan, an ordinary girl wearing a T-shirt and jeans with old sneakers!

Wirata walked up to the front of the room and put down the food bags on the floor because she had to use a hand to ring the bell. Before pressing the button, the corner of her eyes saw a tall figure, someone was walking out of the private elevator and coming this way where she was standing. She turned to look and then Wirata was in a shock, her heart immediately skipped a beat before beating fast!

Oh, my God! Damn! She could not believe her eyes. Right there walking tall and coming this way, it was the evil mafia who kissed her and chased her like she was his enemy! Wirata couldn\'t believe her fate!

Oh my Lord Buddha! Please help me! Please, make him go, please!

She prayed and quickly pulled the cap down to cover her face as much as possible. Quickly knocked on the door, praying for the owner of the room to open the door quick!

Wirata also was praying that the evil insane man did not see her and walked past without suspicion. She still could not believe the world was this small. She had not prepared to face this man again in this life! But here came the jackass!

However, the prays did not work! Because the tall figure wearing a white T-shirt and pale jeans wasn\'t walking past as she wished and prayed! And it was even worse than that when he walked to stop right next to her! Right in front of the very same door!

Stefan glanced at the delivery boy-- um, girl, who was standing next to him. Her cap was low covered half of her face. At first, he thought it was a boy, but seeing her long hair tied in a ponytail style, hanging through the cap hole then he knew it was a SHE.

She was standing very still and had not turned to his direction, very strange. Usually, people who delivered the food were quite friendly. Not this one though. But, who cared.

The door of the room was swung open by Sam.

"Delivery, sir."

Wirata hurried to announced. At first, she did not look at the man who opened the door but the next second when seeing Sam\'s face, her eyes widened with shock. She was surprised and felt relief at the same time.

Wirata rushed to hug him and pushed him back into the room. She closed the door immediately, almost slammed it on Stefan\'s face.

"Sam! Oh, God, I can\'t believe it\'s you, my pray was working, please help me!"

Wirata said rapidly to her close friend. She couldn\'t believe it was him in front of her.

"Hey, hang on, sweetheart, wait a minute. What\'s happening? What\'s going on? Why do you look so shocked like this?"

Sam looked at Wirata. She was freaking out as if she was seeing ghosts.

"Shh! Be quiet and listen to me. The Mafia outside is going to hurt me! He\'s an evil bad mafia! Please help me! "

The restless voice said. Sam immediately frowned with what he just heard.

"Which mafia?"

"That one, in front of the door, didn\'t you see him? He is a bad mad man, Sam. Please ring the security for me, please."

Wirata asked her beloved friend, still didn\'t know why Sam was here right in this room and ordered her food without telling her it was him.

"Hey, calm down sweet Wine. That can\'t be true. Do you mean the man standing beside you?

"Yes! That one!"

"That\'s Stefan, my brother. There must be some kind of misunderstanding my dear."

Sam said. Wirata had her eyes open with shock again.

"What?! What did you just say?"

She thought her ears were going! It couldn\'t be right what she just heard.

"That tall and handsome guy in front of my door, he is my brother. Stefan Mackenzie."

Sam confirmed with no kidding tone. Wirata was stunned.

"Oh. no... it can\'t be... No, no-no." Wirata murmured.

This world couldn\'t be this small, it couldn\'t be, no. Wirata still couldn\'t believe it. Why these crazy things kept happening to her like this? But however, this wasn\'t the time to complain about it. She would keep it in her mind for now, because she had bigger trouble standing at the other side of the door waiting to kill her.

Wirata didn\'t think Sam knew how evil his brother was, and how come this mafia turned out to be Sam\'s brother, God knew!

"I want you to know my brother. He is a very kind man and a famous businessman in this city. In the future, if you need help, just tell him. He will like you, I am sure."

The cheerful voice said out. Wirata listened with a gasp, and her head was busy trying to find ways to escape.

Asking for help from this mad lustful man?!

Not a chance! Even the world was breaking into pieces, and even he was the last man on the earth!

Wirata thought but didn\'t say it out loud. This just confirmed her belief that Sam did not know what kind of man his brother was. A very kind man? There couldn\'t be any worse joke than this!


The knock on the door. Wirata jumped, pulled the cap down even more.

"Sam, please don\'t say anything about me. I am just a delivery girl this time, not your friend. Please don\'t introduce me to your brother. "

"Why? Don\'t be silly. I really want you to know him. And the way you jumped to hug me like that? No way that my brother would think we don\'t know each other. He\'s a smart man."

Sam said. Wirata quickly thought of solving the situation.

"Um, you can tell him that I am your lover then."

Wirata suggested because the thoughts just came to her mind that this mafia Stefan was angry. If he thought she was Sam\'s girlfriend.... he would not want to bother with her anymore, lifting her hand to rub her lips without realizing and skewed her face with disgust.

Sam smiled widely.

"Yes, sure, I can do that, my heart is in your hands."

Sam said jokingly and then hugged Wirata.


"Sam? ... Are you going to open the door or not. I can\'t stand here till tomorrow."

The low and husky voice said sarcastically. Sam put his arm around Wirata\'s shoulders, reaching out to open the door widely.

"Sorry, Brother." Said Sam with a happy smile on his face.

Stefan raised his eyebrow, was surprised to see his brother putting his arm around the delivery girl in an intimacy way. Stefan stepped into the room. Wirata saw the food bags on the floor, just realized that she had completely forgotten about it. Hurriedly to pull away from Sam and stepped out, bent down to carry food bags into the room. And then quickly stepped out of the room again, in her head was thinking maybe if she hurried she could escape now. She stepped back and ready.

"Wait a minute."

Stefan called the delivery girl who was acting so weird in his opinion. She was about to turn and run away.

Sam saw the strange behavior of his friend, he didn\'t quite understand the story Wirata tried to say yet. However, Sam reached out to catch her, she tried to protest a little and kept her feet outside the door.

"Brother, this is Wine, my um, my girlfriend."

Sam announced.

Stefan looked at Sam and then looked at the girl. Aha, that\'s why Sam was embracing her.

Stefan nodded with understanding. But however, he felt something was not quite right. This woman somehow kicked his memory in some ways and Stefan was not sure which way, but he felt familiar. With suspicion filled his mind, Stefan looked at the woman and stared longer this time.

It took only seconds for her to be unable to resist his glare. Her face gradually lifted up and looked at him in the eyes. Stefan stood still, his dark eyebrows suddenly frowned upon when catching her look.

Stefan reached out and pulled her cap off. The pretty sweet face was clear right in front of his eyes. Her huge black eyes looked even bigger, Stefan froze. His eyes did not move from her face and no blinking.

It\'s her! Violet? ... Wine? ... Sam\'s girlfriend?

"What? ... Wine? ... Girlfriend? ... She\'s your girlfriend, Sam?"

Stefan heard his own voice asking out loud. Sam nodded. He confirmed with a tight hug wrapped around her shoulders and smile happily.

"Yes, this is Wine ... my girl. Isn\'t she beautiful? I told you that you would be stunned. See?"

The only person who knew nothing about the incidents the other two people faced, said cheerfully. But then he must see the unusual. Sam frowned.

"Why are you two so quiet? Wine, this is Stefan Mackenzie, my brother."

Sam repeated, introduced again when nobody did nothing apart from staring at each other.

Then Wirata came to consciousness. She nodded but refused to shake hands with him. And Stefan still was staring with his dark blue eyes not move from her face.

"Ah, you should hurry to eat, Sam. The food\'s getting cold. And I\'ve got to run now. I\'m still on my working hours, I\'ll give you a call when I am off, okay?

Wirata said to Sam rapidly, ready to run away.

"I thought you could stay and join us? It\'s your own restaurant, isn\'t it? Please stay with me, please. Sam begged and made a sad face, but Wirata knew he\'s just pretending, Sam always made jokes, made people thought that he\'s into her like this. But this time, Wirata liked it very much!

"Sorry, Sam I can\'t, I must go back to work. I don\'t have special rights over other staff. Well, I have to go now, really. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Wait, I haven\'t paid for the food yet."

Sam said, felt disappointed that Wirata couldn\'t join him and Stefan as he planned.

"It\'s okay. It\'s my treat to you because you\'re my, um, my boyfriend!"

Wirata was ready to turn back but then the thought came to her mind that it looked a bit stiff and strange if she just walked away like that. So she went to give Sam a kiss on his cheek, pretending to be a sweet girlfriend, wanted to make the other man in the room think that.

He still was very quiet and stood there looking at her and Sam. Wirata did not wait any longer. She quickly dashed out of the room and never looked back!

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