Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 50 - Swinging Mood

Wirata was calculating how much the five times salary he talked about would be. It was a lot of money for her. For twelve months as they had the agreement, that should be enough to pay Bernardo to get the house back for her mother and Uncle John. But Bernardo didn\'t give Uncle John 12 months. He only gave him 1 month to pay off. And Wirata didn\'t know if Bernardo would be kind enough to extend the time length for Uncle John.

Her options would be: To talk to Bernardo, asking him to give her some more time. And to tell him that she would definitely be able to pay him off in 12 months. Or to talk to Stefan, asking for 12 months salary in advanced to pay Bernardo off. Which one would be an easier way for her, Wirata had no clues.

"As you might know already that Uncle John, my stepfather took the house to guarantee his debt with Bernardo and Bernardo gave one month to pay the debt off. "

Wirata said. She thought it was best to be straight and open since the start for their business so that he couldn\'t say she was hiding any truth from him later.

He turned to look at her with his sharp blue eyes. He face was sulky.

"Are you thinking of going to bed with Bernardo?! Yeah... your stepfather would have had that idea, that\'s why he let you have dinner with the bastard!"

The harsh voice bawled, shoving his hand in his hair. Stefan was feeling frustrated immediately when picturing her going to bed with his number one enemy!

He threw the coffee cup in his hand to the far corner. It hit the floor and smashed, broke into pieces! Wirata jumped, stood up and gasped. Summer also jumped, too. He barked but not for long then he went back to his delicious treat.

"Your stepfather will probably sell you to everybody he owed money to, huh?!!"

The angry voice snapped at her. Wirata was opening her mouth, going to say something. But he raised his hand up to halt her.

"You shut up! I will talk to your stepfather and the bastard. Now stop talking about money. For fuck\'s sake! I have enough!"

After finishing his words, the tall body stepped to lift Summer up and walked back inside with a stern face. Wirata sighed, sat down and finished her tea. She didn\'t understand why his mood was so swinging, up and down within a span of 3 seconds like this. However, from now on, she had to be very patient and must not let him get into her head, because she didn\'t want to have a swinging mood like him.

Wirata sighed again then stood up and walked to the shade, opened it and picked the cleaning equipment. She used the brush to sweep the broken cup to the trash and turned on the tap to spray water to clean the dirty floor which was smeared with coffee.

"Good morning, Miss."

Ben greeted from the opened door. Wirata turned to smile at him.

"Good morning, Ben." Wirata greeted back.

Ben looked and saw that Miss pretty Wirata was cleaning the floor, using the water to wash the coffee stain.

"Boss told me to come to clean the floor. You shouldn\'t do it yourself. "

"It\'s alright. Is he often behaving like this?" She asked out of curiosity. Ben gave her a sheepish smile.

"Um, well, not often, Miss."

Ben responded with a short statement, not wanting to make the boss lose his good image. Because their job right now was to help the boss increase his popularity scores with Miss pretty Wirata. But the big boss himself did not give good cooperation.

"The boss is taking a shower. He asks you to go to prepare the clothes for him, Miss. "

Ben told Wirata. He was surprised a little when first heard the order. Because normally, the boss could dress by himself! The bodyguards knew Stefan Mackenzie didn\'t like anybody to mess in his bedroom.

Wirata nodded and gave Ben a friendly smile then walked back into the master bedroom. The tall figure came out of the bathroom, there was only a towel wrapped around his waist. He used a small towel to wipe his damp hair. His face was emotionless at this moment.

"What do you want to wear?"

Wirata asked. She walked to the tall and big wardrobes along the wall. Slid open the doors and stared at the clothes hanging in there. The rails were controlled by a remote. Very nice and well-organized. Everything was in its place, there were lots of drawers. She pulled them out to look at.

There was a drawer for socks, neckties, underwear, handkerchiefs, watches, including jewelry, classified separately and all looked expensive. The other cabinet was full of shoes, made in every style, and with premium materials. They all were clean, polished, and ready to be used.

"A shirt and jeans." The voice answered. He didn\'t show any mood at the moment, only glanced at her once, walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked emotionless, but Wirata was not sure he was really feeling emotionless underneath his I-don\'t-wanna-talk-to-you posture.

Wirata nodded. He said that today he\'s working at home and would go later. She started to memorize the information in her mind.

"Any specific color for the shirt? And what type of shoes?"

"Blue. Any black leather shoes" He gave the answer and then continued to be quiet.

Wirata picked one out, with dark jeans. There were dozens of black leather shoes in front of her. Wirata decided to pick the nearest pair. Then grabbed a pair of socks and a handkerchief. She tried not to blush when grabbing his boxers out of the drawer. She walked to him and handed everything to him. He took them and stood up, removed his towel and stood naked right in front of her! Wirata gasped with a shock and embarrassed. She hurriedly turned her back and walked away.

Now Wirata had time to observe more of his spacious bedroom. There was a section of the living area with the biggest size TV on the market, connected with all entertaining box sets. There were sliding glass doors opening to a wide terrace to see the front view of the beautiful Las Vegas buildings. A big oak desk was by the window. He seemed to have a desk placed in every room. But the main room would probably be in the office according to its name.

"I am going out now. You stay at home, write a draft of the contract we talked about. When I come back, we\'ll talk."

He spoke with a normal tone but Wirata had the feeling that he was peevish with her. Wirata was not surprised that he had changed his mind to go out now instead of in the afternoon as he said before. This had just confirmed her belief that he could change his mind like the wind changed its direction. You could never be certain which way it\'s going to blow.

Wirata nodded again to acknowledge.

"Black leather jacket."

He ordered when finished dressing. Wirata took it out of the wardrobe and gave it to him. They walked out of the bedroom. James and Ben were in the living room. Summer was playing with a ball on the floor. Stefan patted his small head gently.

"Stay home. Be a good boy, okay? "

Wirata rolled her eyes. She stood here but he didn\'t speak to her. Not that she was jealous of her baby or anything. But the way he was acting up to now, he was moody quietly, she thought maybe he was touchy but she was just here one night so she didn\'t know nor familiar with Stefan\'s gestures and behaviors yet.

"Ei! Ei!"

Summer moaned and looked up to him with his puppy eyes. Stefan then picked him up and touched his nose to Summer\'s nose. He raised him in the air and stared eye to eye.

"Don\'t cry like a girl. Don\'t show your weakness. I don\'t want to see it."

He spoke to the puppy with a serious tone.

Yep! He could talk to Summer endlessly.

"Come to mammy, Summer. It\'s your milk time, isn\'t it? " Wirata said. The puppy turned to look at her then back to stared at Stefan as if he was waiting for Stefan to allow him to come to her. This was a little bit too much! Her puppy was really spoiled! Stefan turned to her.

"James had already fed him milk. You can go to do your thing." He spoke to her.

"In the afternoon, I will take Summer for a walk."

Wirata told him. She planned to write a draft contact, after that she would go to the nearby park.

"Don\'t go anywhere until I come back."

He ordered, put Summer in her arms and walked out. Ben and James gave her a polite smile before hurried to follow their boss.

Stefan told James to call John White, he wanted to talk to this man about Wirata and the deal. A few minutes later, James reported the boss that John White wasn\'t at home or at his pub but he was at the Grand Costa casino at the moment.

"Calling our people to prepare. We are going to Grand Costa!"

The harsh voice ordered his followers. James immediately called his team.

Not long after that, the parade of black cars was driving in line, the destination was Stephan\'s number one enemy, Bernardo Costa!

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