Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 126 - Want To Be Your Man (7)

She was quiet for a moment.

"The man I will love and want to be with, um, first, got to be a nice man. He\'s got to have a kind heart, got to be a family man and most importantly, not a mafia."

She said and glanced at him. Seeing he made a solemn face.

Stefan listened and was thinking along.

A nice man... Stefan was not sure if he was one of the guys. How to specify that? It was a quite big word.

A kind heart... Hm, he considered he was quite kind.

A family man... He did not have a fucking clue what that meant.

And Stefan sighed when it came to the last one. It could not be him. Because he was mafia.

"Loves animals."

She continued. 

Stefan paused to think. 

That was him. Definitely him! One point!

"Loves his sibling."

Wirata said. She turned to nudge her face at his upper arm. He was still in thinking and pondering mode and still rubbing on his chest as though to soothe his pain. Wirata tried to hide her amusement under her smooth expression.

Stefan was really using his brain hard. He loved Sam so damn much. That must be counted. So that could count Two points!

Stefan stopped rubbing his chest and put his ears up with more hope!

"Takes good care of people who work for him."

The soft voice pronounced more qualities of a man she would love forever. Stefan thought he qualified for this one, too. So that made three points!

"Great at whatever he does."

Wirata glanced and see the man was mumbling as if he was calculating some numbers in his head.

Stefan thought he was good at his business and everything under his wings had great success. So it\'s four points!


She gave the next quality. This one Stefan could not help himself. He lit up a smile.

Definitely HIM! Five points!

"Honest, faithfull, loves me and has only me forever."

He loved her so damn much right now. He would have only her and would swear to be faithful to her forever. Six points!

"Listen to me when I have things to say as I will listen to him, too. Gives respect and treat me right as I will do the same to him." She said the next one.

This was quite a long wish list the woman wanted. She was asking for quite a lot. Stefan looked at her and he slowly smiled. 

However, she deserved it all. Stefan pulled the soft body to lie on top of him.

"Wow! Quite a list. Has anybody applied for the position yet?"

He asked. Wirata looked at his handsome face. He was smirking. She nodded.

"Oh, yes. A lot."

She replied, causing the handsome face to shut his smile instantly.

"Really? Who?"

He asked with a serious tone.


Wirata was having fun to tease the mafia god.

"I will kill them all."

Stefan answered and tightened his arms to cuddle her fiercely. He parted his legs wide so her lower body fell between his strong legs.

"Tell me what you think, Stefan. And please be honest with me."

Wirata said with her soft voice. She put her chin in his chest and played with his face by drawing a heart-shape on his forehead.

"I want to be that man."

"Which man?" 

"The man you will love and want to spend the rest of your life with. I want to be him."

He said it out loud and clear, finally. Wirata blinked rapidly. She was stunned by what he just said. She was teasing him but did not expect the arrogant man to really say it out. He flipped her body to be underneath him and staring into her eyes waiting.

"Really?" She murmured.

"Really. What will you say?"

The gentle voice confirmed and asked. He planted a kiss on her cheek.

Wirata stared at his sharp blue eyes. She could not believe the man who was gently embracing her right now was the same man who wrote a short note offering her to go to bed with him four years ago. The man who chased after her as if she was his enemy from the last life.

Three months ago, he wrestled and won her with his experience in the area she did not have until there was nothing left. He insulted her. He was rude and did not care with the words he spoke to her and they were sharp enough to stab into her heart and her dignity.

"I recalled you used to say you didn\'t care for the women you could buy with money."

She said with her smooth voice, remembered every MEAN WORD he spat at her. He was silent for one minute.

"I am sorry. I meant other women in the past. That\'s the truth. I have never been interested in anyone. But, you ... I don\'t know. You are different from all of them. My heart is demanding. "

The harsh voice answered, looking into her eyes.

"Demanding what?"

Stefan sighed. It looked like she had to ask for every detail. Usually, Stefan was not a serious thinker, especially, about the delicate matter like the matter of the heart.

Yes, between him and her, now it seemed like it was not just the external body thing or physical level as it had been agreed on before.

"Demanding that this Wine is super delicious. I want to hold on and keep close to my chest as my personal treasure. "

He said. He truly felt what he said to her.

"I am your personal treasure for one year. The whole year. Am I not?" she said.

Wirata enjoyed seeing him thinking hard with her words. Good for him! The man who nobody dared to question his actions, his ideas, his words and his decisions before. Now he was having her throwing his words he spat out back at him. She wanted to see how he would handle it.

 "You are really counting down the days, huh? Repeating it too damn often. "

The harsh voice complained, making a sulky face a little. Wirata watched him closely. The little Stefan was somewhere inside this big body of the mafia god. Easily to get moody as usual and she did not even start paying him back yet.

"I can analyze your symptoms."

Wirata started.

"What symptoms?" He asked straight away.

"The symptoms you are having right now. It\'s because you are obsessed with me. I guess probably because of sex, only sex. But in one year your symptoms will improve or even shorter than that. Don\'t forget your words, Stefan, for what you have said to me three months ago."

She really was as tough as a nail, full of consciousness and good memory. Stefan sighed heavily. He turned to lie on his back again and staring at the ceiling again. 

Only sex? He did not think so. He could get sex anywhere he wanted but he did not want any woman since he had her. He craved for her. He yearned for her. He hungered only for her. So it was not just sex. He missed her when he was at work. It could say he was obsessed and crazily in love with her.

But the thing was, he did say a lot of things to her in the past. The things that he could not take it back. And she would not forget about it.

"What have I said? Just tell me."

He wanted to know how much she remembered his insidious words.  

"You said a lot but I will just give you a few examples. You said don\'t love anyone. Especially, the woman you bought with money. Women are just toys for you to enjoy and when you get bored you just throw them away, just like worthless things without a price. And for me, I was a gold-digger. You just wanted physical level"

The smooth voice recalled the memory for him. Stefan was listening. She really remembered. He did say something like that to her. At that time he really thought and believed the thing he said.

Every woman who came into his life was just focusing on his money and how much he would pay for her. Stefan did not see anyone cared to look precious in his eyes. They made themselves looked cheap and priceless, it was not him who did that to them but they did it to themselves. 

"In the past, I really believed what I said. "

He accepted with a solemn tone. Wirata turned to look at the man. At least he did not refuse it.

"What about now?"

She asked. Making him think again. Stefan had learned that when talking to her, he had to think carefully before answering. 

"With other women, I still believe the same. But with you, as I told you a moment ago that you are different from all the women I used to know. "

He turned to look at her. Wirata understood that he was very rich, and the women he had met wanted what he had plenty but they lacked which was money. And that was no surprise.

"Don\'t insult and look down on women, Stefan. Those women who wanted your money are not less human than you. They might have their own reasons to strip off their dignity to exchange with your money. "

"Like what?"

He turned to ask. Those women loved the comfortable and luxurious life. They were crazily in love with materials. That\'s why they wanted money to serve their purpose.

"For some women, I\'ve heard the story of. Sometimes they don\'t have many choices. Because back at home, there are old mothers, old fathers and young kids waiting for money to buy food, pay for school, buy medicine, and pay for the roof over their heads. The path of life for a lot of people, except you, not lined with roses. Where I came from, there are struggling and people fight with hunger day in and day out to survive. And do you know that women burdened with loads of responsibilities than men? "

Stefan listened quietly. He never knew any woman\'s life like that. The women he slept with were all models and famous from high society. He only heard the story similar to what she told him on the news but very rarely because Stefan was not interested in watching garbage. Although he heard through news but he lived in the extravagant life circle making it impossible to imagine the poor society she was talking about.

"What are you trying to tell me?"

He asked her directly just to make her tell him straight. He was not good at guessing.

"I just want to say, do not look down on anyone. Everybody has dignity and value in themselves. Whether it is just a small grain of sand that people trample on, or it is a beautiful diamond decorated on the gold ring. They all have value and use in their own worth."

"Do continue."

The listener said. He did not realize that he had a lot more patience than in the past.

"And it is not that you are richer, so you have the right to step on people who have less than you. The women who came into your life, they had to use themselves, their bodies in exchange for your money. You were happy with their service and they were happy with your check. So it was fair business for both sides. If you think they were dirt, but you fooled around with the dirt. Do you think you are still noble clean? in Thai, we have a saying. Hating eel but eating its broth."

Wirata saw him lying still and listening attentively.

"And If you finished lecturing me, please give me a certificate, too."

He spoke sarcastically, seeing her preach long lines of teachings.

Who got her to be a wife, would probably get an earache.

But ... Well, he did not mind to get an earache. If only she would not lecture him too often. Just now and again when he was unruly. That would be okay.

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