Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 141 - Surprise! (7)

Stefan felt loosen up now in front of the lady. He felt as if he was talking to his own mother. Wirata got this quality from her mother. The way to make people around her felt eased and comfortable. But he was not feeling eased to imagine Wirata with another man right now!

"You don\'t like to see her with another man. So, she\'s feeling the same, cannot stand to see you with another woman."

Wilaiwan said to help him get a clear picture.

"But I feel this way because I love her ... But she doesn\'t love me."

Stefan muttered. He remembered the other day when he asked her if she was jealous that he returned home late at night. She said no. The day when she had gone out all day with his mother, he missed her, but she said she only missed Summer!

Stefan believed her to the point that he felt neglected and so sad inside his heart every time he thought that she did not care about him at all.

"If you still can\'t see it. I don\'t know how to help you. Well, I will give you a piece of advice. When you love someone, before you do anything, please think before you act. When you love, it means you consider her as another half of yourself. So you take care of both halves equally and fairly. If you love her as you say, you should think about her, care about her and be gentle with her feelings. "

Stefan calmly listened.

"I came here because I miss her so much. I really want to see her face and want to be very close to her all the time."

Wilaiwan was not sure if it\'s against the laws to use the word \'innocent\' to describe Stefan Mackenzie. After listening to him, she could say that this man has no intention of bringing the woman to trample on her daughter\'s dignity. But he really wanted to come here to surprise Wirata. However, Wilaiwan thought the person who turned out to be surprised was the man himself! 

Wilaiwan\'s phone rang. She wiped her hands on the apron and picked it up.

"Mom, I\'m sorry that I came out without telling you. I saw you were busy. "

The voice of Wirata came on the phone.

"Oh, have you left already? Where are you now, honey?"

Wilaiwan asked. She though Wirata was still in the Staffroom.

"Um, I have a headache. Tomorrow I will call you again, mom. "

The voice was not clear as if Wirata had been crying. It made Wilaiwan sighed. Her daughter did not cry often. But this time she probably cried a lot, more than usual.

 Wirata did not tell where she was. After saying good-bye, the phone was switched off immediately.

"Wirata isn\'t here."

Wilaiwan said to Stefan. His dark eyebrows immediately approached.

"Where is she ?"

"I don\'t know. She didn\'t say."

Wilaiwan sighed. It seemed that this young man really loved her daughter, but he probably did not have anyone to guide him properly. Or it was because he was the boss so nobody dared to give him advice.

"You really love Wirata, right?" She asked again to confirm her belief.

"Yes, Ma\'am. I swear. I love her with all my heart."

Stefan answered with a confident voice. Wilaiwan nodded to acknowledge.

"So, do you want to marry her and have only her all your life? Or just continue to keep her under your wings like this."

Wilaiwan asked him straight out.

"I can give her everything she wants. I want to marry her, have children, and have a family with her. What I wish from her, is for her to love me. That\'s all I want."

 He made a sad face at the end of his statement because Stefan still thought that Wirata had been counting the days to leave him.

"Tonight you did make my daughter cry. Wirata is not a woman who cries easily. Do you understand what it means? "

Wilaiwan asked him. She saw him raise his hand to rub his left chest as if he was feeling pain there.

Stefan felt pain in his heart when thinking that she was crying. He felt wanting to punch his own face so damn much at this time. He hated himself that he made her cry.

"Take this advice, Stefan. Next time, before you think of going out with another woman ... just Imagine Wirata kissing with another man or someone you hate."

Wilaiwan tried to teach something to a young man who could hardly imagine anything but his own side.

Stefan frowned, immediately imagining Wirata kissing with the person he hated ...

Birdie! ...

The heavy fist punched onto the ceramic plate immediately. The back of his hand bled after the action. Wilaiwan Nodded.

"Yes. It hurts, right? You feel angry, right? ... Jealous, right? ... Wirata would feel exactly the same way as you. But she doesn\'t like to show her true feeling. She is very good at keeping what she feels inside. But just because she doesn\'t show it doesn\'t mean she doesn\'t feel anything at all. "

Stefan listened carefully and analyzed every word. He frowned with unsure feelings.

"Does she love me, right? ... Does she love me? ...Please tell me ... Does she already love me? "

He looked up to ask in an excited expression after he pondered every word of what the mother of the woman he loved had said.

His dark blue eyes immediately sparkled with hope. Wilaiwan sighed. He was gradually getting there.

 "You go and ask her yourself. And if you really love her, please make her happy and treat her with love and care, the way you want her to treat you. "

"I will do everything to make her happy.  Only if she will love and stay with me forever. "

Stefan spoke from his inner true feelings. Wilaiwan nodded and gave him a light smile.

"Alright then. Go make it right. "

Wilaiwan said in short but clear. Stefan hugged her and quickly took off the apron, and said goodbye. Then ran out of the room. He took out his phone and called Ben.

"Guys, take Melissa back I will go by  taxi on my own. "

Stefan ordered. After that, he called Wirata but her phone was turned off. Stefan rang the Grand MC front desk to ask if Wirata went back to the hotel or not. They did not know. A lot of time they used the private way that the front desk could not see.

So Stefan rang the security room to look at the CCTV. A moment later. The head of the security team told Stefan that she had not been back to the hotel yet. 

"Where are you, Wine?"

He murmured to himself. Stefan rang James and told them to look after Summer and waited at the penthouse. He would go to her old apartment to see if she was there.

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