Chronicles Of The Shura Clan

Chapter 281 - Akasha’s Spiritual World

Hearing Ling Chen\'s words, whether it was Fang Lan, Azure, Hu\'er, and the Dark and Light Primordial Shura, they all became excited.

From Ling Chen\'s explanations, they knew just amazing and heaven-defying Akasha was, as such, they couldn\'t wait to see her with their own eyes.

Furthermore, they could also tell just how important and valuable Akasha was going to be for the development of their Shura Clan. She was simply priceless and irreplaceable.


As Ling Chen\'s voice faded, the numerous blue circuits and patterns on the dark blue globe suddenly began to shine even brighter.

At the same time, whether it was Fang Lan, Azure, Hu\'er, and the Dark and Light Primordial Shura, they suddenly felt a powerful suction force pulling their consciousness towards the dark shining blue globe.

"Don\'t resist. It\'s Akasha, she\'s trying to pull you into her Spiritual World." Explained Ling Chen.

Hearing Ling Chen\'s words, they all stopped resisting and closed their eyes as they let the powerful suction force pulled their consciousness away.


At the same time, not even a second has passed since they closed their eyes and Ling Chen\'s voice suddenly rang out in the ears again. "You can open your eyes now. We\'re here."

Without hesitation, they all quickly opened their eyes. And the moment they did, they were unable to hide the shock and amazement on their faces as they stared at their surrounding in awe.

A second ago, they were all sitting in the conference room inside the Dark Pegasus battleship. However, now they found themselves hovering in the sky above a whole new world.

This new world looked no different from any real world. The sun was hanging high above the cloudless and blue sky. And below them was a boundless grassland with endless rolling hills and majestic mountains.

There were large rivers that resembled silver serpents. Not only that, but there were also numerous floating islands hanging in the sky.

Everything here was full of life, and the spiritual energy even permeated the air. The entire world looked like a fairyland or a paradise created by a powerful celestial immortal. It was truly breathtaking.

At this moment, they were all at loss for words as they were looking at this enthralling and fascinating new world.

"It\'s nice to finally meet you guys." As Ling Lei and the others were still lost in thought, a beautiful and captivating voice suddenly rang out in the ears which caused them to jolt awake.


At the same time, a thumb-sized little female with a pair of black and white feather wings materialized in front of them.

Her long hair was also a mixture of black and white just like her pair of wings. Her face was peerless and had an oval contour that exuded a unique nobility.

Whether it was her tiny features or her figure, all were without complaints and her beauty had reached an unrealistic level.

Her pair of eyes were like the starry night sky, pitch black with a cluster of faint and bold light like shining stars in a night sky.

The little woman was curiously looking at the dazed newcomers before she flew toward Ling Lei and smilingly said." You must be Ling Lei, the firstborn."

Her voice was intoxicating like the sound of nature.

"How did you know that?"Asked Ling Lei as she was looking at the little woman with a surprised and curious look on his face. It was their first meeting, yet, that little lady already knew his name before he even introduced himself.

Furthermore, Ling Lei could feel both his dark power and the holy aura of the Light Primordial Shura from the little woman.

Aside from that, he could also feel a deep kinship connection with her just like Ling Wei and his other siblings.

"I know everything, I am Akasha. Plus, the moment you entered my spiritual world, whether it was your life experience and memories, I was able to read them all." Answered Akasha with a playful smile on her face.

Hearing Akasha\'s words, not to mention Ling Lei, everyone had surprised and ugly expressions on their faces, except for Ling Chen.

No matter who it was, no one liked to have people going into their minds and read their memories, especially without permission. This was the place where they kept their deepest and darkest secrets.

"Alright guys, no need to worry. Akasha is your younger sister and she would never do anything to harm any of you." Quickly explained Ling Chen as he was looking at the expression on Ling Lei\'s fade as well as the others.

"Anyway, Akasha why don\'t you give them a quick introduction about yourself." Ling Chen added.

"Alright, as Divine Father explained to you guys earlier. I am a Primordial Shura just the rest of you. This entire spiritual world is like my sea of consciousness while the dark blue globe outside is my physical body."

"I\'m no different from any of the real worlds you\'ve visited before. However, I can\'t house any living physical bodies but soul or consciousness. I have my own consciousness just like the rest of you."

"Though I don\'t have strong battle prowess like the rest of you, I am invincible in my spiritual world. Aside from Divine Father, I am like the supreme God of this place. I can control and create anything I want to."

As she was staying that, she made a hand gesture, and numerous life-like beasts such as dragons, eagles, and other flying beasts materialized in the sky out of thin air.

Aside from that, there were also numerous floating islands and new plants were appearing in the sky and the ground.

Looking at this, Ling Lei and the others had a surprised and amazed expression on their faces.

Seeing their expression, Akasha slightly smiled before she said". "You could also do it too if I give you some control over my spiritual world."

At the same time, she pointed her tiny finger towards them. Following which, numerous golden lights flew out her fingers and entered Ling Lei\'s body as well as the bodies of the others.

"Now, try it. Just think about anything you want to create but not too big and complicated." She added.

Fang Lan was the first one to try it by creating a small bird while Freya created a floating tree etc.

"Hey, why can\'t I make anything." Ling Wei suddenly asked confused expression on his face as he was looking at the others creating their things like God.

"What did you try to make ."Asked Akasha.

"I try to make another sun in the sky." Answered Ling Wei as he was pointing at the sun in the sky.

"Ohh! You can\'t create a sun. I didn\'t give you that much control or privilege. The things you can create or built depended on the amount of privilege and control you have. Try to make something simpler." Explained Akasha.

"Anyway, back to the topic. Unlike you guys who need to absorb blood and life essence or karmic energy and faith to increase your strength, I could only grow stronger absorbing information and spiritual energy to grow stronger."

"It was also why I read your memories the moment you entered my spiritual world."Explained Akasha.

"Aside from that, this is the first layer of my spiritual world and I could also manifest and materialize anywhere where people have accessed to me."

"Also, the flow of time in my spiritual world is different from the outside world by a ratio of a hundred to one."

"So if a hundred years were spent in my spiritual world, then outside it – in the outside world, has only passed one year." Explained Akasha.

The more Akasha continued to explain about her abilities and the functions of her Spiritual World, the more amazed and shocked Ling Lei and the others became.

After talking for another twenty minutes, Akasha finally explained all her abilities as well as the ones she hasn\'t awakened yet due to her lack of strength which left Ling Lei and the others dumbstruck.

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