Ending Maker

Chapter 158: Banquet of Swords (1)

Chapter 158: Banquet of Swords (1)

Trivia: Owning a building in South Korea is considered a symbol of wealth. There is a strange phenomenon in South Korea wherein owning a building is considered the number one dream of teenagers.

Duke Spencer.

One of the only five dukes in the kingdom and someone who belonged to a prominent family that possessed wealth, power, and military force.

The Spencer family’s great power came from their immense wealth and position among the nobility, and on the strength of their military forces that could even wipe out a small country by itself.

Where did their wealth and military force come from then?

“First of all, their land is wide.”

It wasn’t just wide, but enormously wide.

Duke Spencer’s territory not only had half of the Cilates Plains, which was the continent’s largest breadbasket, but also the whole region of the Gigantos Mountains, which bordered the Argon Empire.

“So you’re saying that they’re rich and have a lot of money?”

“Well, sort of. Cordelia, do you know why a large land can make you rich?”

Cordelia leaned against her seat on the carriage and spontaneously replied to Jude’s question.

“You get a lot of building rent?”

“No, that’s the case for building owners. Take a more fantasy-like approach… no, from an ancient times perspective.”

“Hmm, if the land is large, you can farm a lot and get large amounts of grain…is that right?”

“That’s right. One thing to note here is that there are a lot of people too.”

“I see. So there’ll be a lot of people who’ll be paying taxes then?”

“That’s true, but it’s also because they have an abundant labor force. You need a lot of labor to farm, right?”

“Umm…I guess so. Maybe.”

Cordelia replied in a way that showed that she was a bit unsure.

She had never seen a real rice field, let alone did any farming.

“In any case, the land is large and there are a lot of people. They’re also the breadbasket region, and have several mines.”

It was at a level where they had everything.

“Thanks to Duke Spencer, various industries have also been developed. Thus, commerce was also naturally developed. They have a large trading city where they trade with the empire when we’re not at war.”

“That means they’ve got everything that’s good.”

“Yes, something like that.”

Their rich territory could also be counted as one of best sources of the kingdom’s immense wealth.

Where did their military force come from then?

“Sword School?”

“There’s that, but it’s also because of the location…how do you say it, like it’s the reason… Anyway, it’s because of the location of his territory.”

The Spencer duchy was one of the shields that defended attacks from the Argon Empire.

In particular, they were in a position to protect the Cilates Plains, which was the reason the Argon Empire waged war several times, so they always had to maintain a strong standing army.

“If other nobles formed a standing army comparable to the size of Duke Spencer’s army, people would be suspicious of them. People would wonder if they’re trying to raise a rebellion.”

“But you’re saying that Duke Spencer is allowed to maintain a standing army of that size because of his geographical location?”

“Yes, and in addition to that, there are only a few nobles who can maintain a standing army of that size in the first place.”

Duke Spencer was able to maintain a standing army because of his immense wealth.

“Moving on, it’s because of his great and powerful family that makes him very powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that he’s the king of a small country.”

“That’s why it’s so big.”


“That one.”

Cordelia shifted her gaze to outside the carriage window, and Jude naturally followed her gaze.

He saw it on the side of Cordelia who sat opposite him.

“That. You see that?”

Outside the window.

There was a huge castle in the distance.

People called it the Red Rose Castle.

Though Jude had explained this and that at length, the Red Rose Castle was actually a very familiar place for both Jude and Cordelia.

‘Because it’s the place where the Raid Boss appeared.’

By the time the entire continent began to be devastated by trials and tribulations, the S?len Kingdom was nearly in ruins already.

“Duke Spencer has a particular nature. You can say that the villa over there is a bit… too much for social exchanges with the royal capital. But that’s something normal for him.”

“Yeah, he’s really rich.”

“A seriously rich man.”

And it was highly likely that this seriously rich man had a favorable impression of Jude and Cordelia.

‘I’m sure we can rip off a lot from him.’

He had a lot of excellent items.

Because Duke Spencer was a man of honor.

Jude smiled in delight, and Cordelia burst out laughing, having guessed his thoughts from seeing his eyes.

‘Should I say that you’re really great in making a living?’

Or should I say that you’re really wicked?

‘Either way, that’s so like my Jude.’

Cordelia eventually ended her thoughts with a smile, and she looked out the window again.

The reflection of the Red Rose Castle in their eyes gradually grew bigger.



Cordelia unconsciously exclaimed upon seeing the Red Rose Castle up close.

Her reaction wasn’t because the castle was very big and beautiful, but because of the nice smell that came out the moment they entered the castle.

“Sniff, sniff, the scent of roses?”

Cordelia said as she sniffed, and Jude nodded.

“Yes, the sense of smell couldn’t be reproduced in the game.”

There was only the perception that the castle was filled with roses in full bloom, but the smell of roses was so clear and strong that they could understand why this place was called the Red Rose Castle.

“It’s amazing. It’s like I’m in a flower shop.”

Cordelia said with a bright smile before she closed her eyes and sniffed again. Jude looked at Cordelia and then turned his gaze to the window.

‘This place wasn’t built for defense.’

He had thought about it in the game too, that the Red Rose Castle was more of a palace than a castle.

The walls were very low, the structures were also aesthetically beautiful, and there were many parts that were not suitable for it to be a defensive fortress.

‘If you think about it, it’s like that French palace.’

Jude silently nodded as he briefly recalled the Palace of Versailles.

He had talked to Cordelia about the power of Duke Spencer, but in the end, the S?len Kingdom was a monarchy, and Duke Spencer was a vassal of the royal family.

It was not acceptable to build a fortified castle adjacent to the royal capital and make it a home.

“We’re here.”

Cordelia said at some point despite having her eyes closed, and the carriage stopped at that moment.

“We welcome Mr. Jude Bayer and Lady Cordelia Chase.”

When they got out of the carriage and handed over their invitation, the butler bowed and politely greeted them.

The place where the carriage had currently stopped was at the entrance of the Red Rose Castle, so they had to travel via Duke Spencer’s carriage from here on.

“This way please.”

As soon as they got on the roofless carriage, the coachman who was waiting bowed to them before he began to drive the carriage.

‘He’s seriously rich.’

‘Yeah, he’s really rich.’

Count Bayer and Count Chase belonged to the 12 northern families, so their families weren’t inferior, but Duke Spencer was still different.

They could only admire the vast garden and the places within the castle as the carriage passed through it.

‘And it’s very pretty.’

‘I agree.’

As they passed through the large and beautiful central garden decorated with colorful roses, the coachman drove the carriage towards the annex on the right side of the central mansion where Duke Spencer stayed.

Jude recalled that this place had a training field.

‘Isn’t this where the Sword School is?’

‘Yes, because that’s just how Duke Spencer is.’

Jude answered with his eyes before turning his gaze back to the front.

Three employees dressed in butler clothes, who seemed to be servants assigned to the annex, came out and politely greeted them as if they had been contacted in advance by those in the front gate.

“We welcome Mr. Jude Bayer and Lady Cordelia.”

“Please allow me to guide you to your rooms.”

Jude and Cordelia didn’t have to do anything as the servants received the luggage from the coachman, and another servant led the two inside.

‘Woah, the inside is so shiny.’

Compared to the mansion of Count Bayer, which was close to a fortress, Cordelia was born and raised in the bright and beautifully decorated mansion of Count Chase.

But the sight in front of her was far superior.

Because there was a significant difference between the bright and beautiful structure to the splendid – no, the luxurious structure.

‘It’s like the royal palace.’

Unlike Jude, Cordelia had already visited the royal palace before when she attended a founding ceremony in the past.

Jude nodded his head and replied with his eyes.

‘Indeed, it really looks like the Palace of Versailles.’

‘Have you been to the Palace of Versailles?’

‘I once passed by it and saw it for a moment.’

‘How envious.’

It wasn’t long before they arrived at the guest rooms while they had a conversation with their eyes.

“This way please. We have servants waiting around her at all times, so if you need anything, you can ring this bell.”

Jude nodded at the young butler’s explanation and then looked around the room.

It was in the form of two bedrooms facing each other with a small living room in between, and it seemed like they had allocated such a room in consideration of the two being engaged minors.

“Mr. Bayer, the guests who have arrived first are currently having a tea party. Would you like to participate in it?”

At the butler’s question, Jude turned to Cordelia who immediately nodded and used magic.

[I wonder who’s there.]

Since it was a time where nobles from all over the country gathered to participate in the founding anniversary, the number of young prospects who would be attending the Banquet of Swords was also higher than before.

[Maybe there’s another playable character?]

Among the playable characters from the S?len Kingdom, there was still Kajsa Ophand from the 7 southern families.

[But Cordelia, doesn’t Kajsa use an axe?]

[That’s true.]

Kajsa Ophand.

A young lady from Marquis Ophand’s family, one of the 7 northern families.

She boasted of having the strongest physical ability among the 11 playable characters, and preferred large weapons such as a halberd or battle axe.

“Her blade is so light that it looks like a toothpick.”

She liked large weapons that could display her full strength.

It was a line in the game that clearly revealed the personality of Kajsa. However, she was sailing in the seas as a sailor of a private fleet, so she would not have come to the royal capital. And even if she had come to the royal capital, she would not have been invited to the Banquet of Swords.

[But Jude.]


[You’re not a swordsman either.]

He wore the Eastern Warrior’s Sword on his waist, but he didn’t pull it out except when he used it for lethal moves.

Jude just shrugged at that point that everyone had forgotten.

[It’s alright. Master is also a swordsman, but he doesn’t use a sword. So I can be a swordsman without using a sword.]

[Wow, that’s quite an answer.]

[Anyway, let’s answer him. The way he’s looking at us is getting weird.]

At Jude’s words, Cordelia looked back at the servant and awkwardly smiled.

In the eyes of the servant who did not know that they were using magic, Jude and Cordelia would have looked like a lovey-dovey couple who did not answer because they were busy flirting with just their eyes.

“We’ll attend.”

“I understand. Please allow me to guide you there.”

When the respectful butler spoke and began to take the lead, Jude slightly moved his arm towards Cordelia who naturally held Jude’s arm.

And a few minutes later.

The two came out of the annex and arrived at the garden entrance, and they saw a group of people having a tea party in the center of the garden.

And among those people was someone who was very happy to see them.


“Lady Cordelia!”


“Lady Cordelia!”

As Cordelia ran towards them, Lucas widely opened his eyes in surprise and stood up from his seat as he also ran the same way and stood in front of Cordelia.

“Lucas, you were also invited?”

“Yes, I was invited.”

Lucas spoke with a big smile, and Cordelia suddenly opened her arms, making Lucas hesitate for a while before he lightly hugged Cordelia.

And one, two, three.

Jude finished their short hug by very naturally going behind Lucas’ back and pulling Lucas’ clothes.

“Lord Lucas.”

At Jude’s call in a subdued voice, Lucas turned around and widely opened his eyes in surprise again.

“Mr. Bayer?”

“I’ve grown a bit taller, right?”

Lucas nodded several times at Jude’s words.

Jude was previously much smaller than Lucas, but had now grown to a height that was almost level with their eyes, or to be exact, Jude was now slightly taller than Lucas.

“You really surprise me every time I see you.”

“It happened somehow.”

Jude smiled and Cordelia drew closer to Lucas and added.

“Lucas, Lucas. He didn’t just become tall, right?”

At Cordelia’s words, Lucas looked back at Jude and widened his eyes at one point.

Because it was as Cordelia said.

‘It’s different.’

He really didn’t just become tall.

Lucas didn’t know on what had happened, but he could tell that Jude’s body had undergone a complete transformation.

‘It’s like…he was reborn with a body fit for fighting.’

His thought was correct.

After his metamorphosis, Jude had been reborn with a body optimized for martial arts, or to be exact, for Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors.

“Somehow, you’ve somehow made some great progress.”

Lucas spoke with an admiring face, and Jude slowly nodded.

“Yes, I was lucky. But…Lord Lucas has changed too.”

Jude didn’t say that to compliment Lucas.

Jude was not the only one who had significantly changed in just a month and 15 days.

Lucas was also much stronger than before.

“You…can tell?”

“To be honest, I can tell somehow.”

Lucas blushed in embarrassment at Jude’s words before he said with a bright smile.

“I’ve been training quite a bit.”

“A bit?”

“Actually, a lot.”

“To the point that the soles of your feet sweat?”

Lucas nodded as Cordelia, who was listening to him, joked and cut in their conversation.

“Yes, I honestly trained so hard that I thought I might die. My father was also very motivated.”

When Lucas’ face was filled with confidence and pride, smiles spread across the faces of Cordelia and Jude.

They were worried on what they should do if he was still in low spirits because of their last sparring, but it seemed that Lucas had overcome it well and rather used it as a driving force for growth.

“Amazing. Our Lucas is amazing. This sister praises you a lot.”

“Haha, thank you.”

Lucas replied with a shy smile, and Cordelia became more excited and tried to stroke Lucas’ hair as she stood on tiptoes, but Jude quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her.


At Cordelia’s gaze, Jude pointed to the other men and women gathered at the tea party, and Cordelia flinched and hid her hand behind her back as she pretended to look elsewhere.


Jude prevented the unnecessary skinship and also the situation that would embarrass Lucas and Cordelia. He then said as he turned to Lucas with a pleased face.

“Lord Lucas, may I ask you to introduce us to the other people?”

“Ah, of course. The joy of meeting you two was so great that I forgot about that for a moment.”

Lucas immediately answered before he led Jude and Cordelia to the center of the garden where the tea party was being held.

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