The Abandoned Empress

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Chapter 134

“Are you Sir Monique?”

“Yes, but what is going on?”

“This package is for you, sent from the capital.”

“Thank you. Nice job.”

It’s been a week since I sent the letters.

I received a small box of two letters and a small box from an attendant working for the administration while I was in the middle of training. The two envelopes were silver and blue, respectively. The box was small and made of wood.

After taking a deep breath, I headed to the corner of the training field. Sitting in the shade of a tree, I opened the seal of the silver letter.

I smiled at the letter full of my father’s affection for me. Touching his neat handwriting on the page, I whispered, “I miss you, Dad.”

I came down here only recently, but I missed him very much today.

‘Let me read this letter now.’

I picked up the blue envelope hesitantly. As always, there was a signature written in pure white ink on the envelope with golden pearls scattered on it. Looking at the lion’s seal stamped on the envelope, I sighed and opened the seal. The blue stationery, shimmering in gold, had just a few short lines, as always.

< How are you doing? I heard that it\'s very cool down there at the summer palace. As the emperor cares for you a lot, I hope you can take care of him well while he is staying there. Bye. Rublis Kamaludin Shana Castina.>

The handwriting used by the imperial family was beautiful and the few lines were cold.

Barely breathing out, I carefully folded the letter. I was rather relieved when I saw his letter that was just as short as usual. I opened the box, relaxing my stiff body.

When I was about to open it, a young man with red hair approached without my knowledge and sat down beside me.

“What is that? Sent by somebody in the capital? ”


“…It looks like the letter is from the crown prince.”

“Oh, it is!”

I saw the imperial seal stamped on the lid of the box. If so, was this also sent by him?

I hesitated for a moment and opened the lid. It contained the best quality dried rosehip berries, the small red berries were effective for beating the heat.

“What is it, tea?”

“Yes. Should I brew it for you?”

“No thanks.”

“Well, okay.”

Carsein nervously swept his hair and looked back at me quickly. His red hair was dishevelled like crazy.

“Hey, how long are you going to focus on the letter? You don’t want to practice today?”

“Oops! I should, of course.”

“As you idled your time away, let me have you do it another 100 times.”

“Oh, no! Never say that.”

“You often forget the fact that I’m your senior as well as your master. Got it?”

“…Got it.” I pouted, lifting the sword I had put down a little while ago.

‘I’m fortunate enough to be here at the cool summer palace. I couldn’t do it another 100 times in the capital!’ I whispered to myself.

‘No, I should not think like that.’

Obviously, the members of the 2nd Knights Division in the capital must be struggling to practice in this sweltering weather. I haven’t realized how lucky I am to be here. How can I complain?

After correcting my posture, I suddenly swung my sword the way I was used to. Perhaps it was because I experienced a near fatal battle recently that I seem to have become more agile during sparring. In fact, other knights praised that my skills improved a lot after they sparred with me.

Wait a minute. Sparring?

Come to think of it, I have never sparred with Carsein. I think I have to ask him since his shoulders are almost healed.

After I was done practicing as assigned, I asked Carsein, who was checking my posture.


“What, Tia?”

“Well… Wait a minute.”

When did Carsein begin to call my nickname?

Narrowing my eyes, I looked straight into him. I was dumbfounded at his casual look on the one hand, but I was curious, on the other.

“When did you start to call me by my nickname?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I’ve called you like that for some time.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I think I called you like that from the day we were ambushed.”

“… Really?”

Come to think of it, he seemed to have called me Tia then, but I was not sure.

‘Dang it! He should have asked for my permission first, though.’

As he was one of the few precious people to me, it was not difficult for me to allow him to call my nickname, but I felt I lost out somewhere.

He grinned at my grumpy expression, saying, “Why, do you think it’s unfair?”

“… Yes, I feel like I’m losing…”

“Then, you can also call me by my nickname. Now, call me Sein.”

“… ”

When I looked up silently, he said with a smile, “You don’t like it? How about calling me brother then?”

“No thanks.”

“Then, call me Sein. Repeat after me. Sein.”

“… Sein.”

“Good job, my little girl!” Carsein smiled in a satisfied manner and stroked my head gently.

‘Oh my, you are treating me as a child again!’

I felt a bit uncomfortable as he tried to gloss it over, but I decided to give it a pass as he already began to call my nickname. Then I picked up the sword again.


“Call me Sein or brother, will you? It’s up to you.”

“… Sein.”

“Why, Tia?”

“Why don’t we have a sparring match?”

“Oh, little girl. Are you now challenging your brother?”

His blue eyes were shimmering. As I stared at him sharply because I felt he ignored me, he chuckled, raising both hands, “Okay, okay. No problem. It seems like you look down on me because I’ve not completely healed. I don’t care if you cry after sparring. Got it?”

“… No, I don’t look down on you.”

“Good. Once I draw my sword, I’m not going to go easy on you. Do your best. ”

“Well, that’s what I want.”

Grabbing the sword, I stood face to face with Carsein. As soon as he drew his sword, Carsein quickly got ready for fighting. I caught my breath while staying alert.

His blue eyes looking at me sharply sparkled. Then he pointed the sword at my side.

I stepped to the right and pointed my sword at his neck. But he moved one step to the right and blocked it easily.

The two swords clang against each other, making a screeching noise.

‘I can’t win in terms of strength.’

‘There is no odds in terms of the power fight. Let me hold out a bit more and move back.’

When I was trying to loosen my grip on the sword, Carsein beat me to the punch.

I lost my balance.

“Be careful, young lady.”

Carsein caught me as I was falling. He said, giggling at me, “You want to do it again?”

“Well, sure. You won this time.”

Although I kept challenging him, I was no match for him because he beat me by using a different fencing style. Eventually, I gave up and squatted down, gasping for breath.

“Is it hard for you?”

“Don’t speak to me now. I’m short of breath. Whew!”

“Hmm, Good sparring. Your skills have improved a lot.”

“Oh my, how can’t I beat you even once?”

“I told you. I don’t go easy on anybody once I grab my sword.”

Unlike me who was gasping for breath, Carsein didn’t look tired at all, except for his occasional rough breathing.

‘He’s like a monster. There is a reason why they call him a genius swordsman.’

Somehow, I felt dispirited. I regained some confidence after winning at the recent mock drills, but I just sighed at the dark reality that I had to go a long way. Will I ever be a full-fledged knight?

“Nonetheless, you have made good progress… Um?”

While patting my shoulder with a gentle smile, Carsein suddenly raised his head and stared into the distance.

I opened my eyes wide at the violent clattering of horse’s hoofs. Unless it was urgent, nobody would ride a horse inside the palace like that. Did something bad happen in the capital?

“What’s going on?”

“Let’s go, Tia.”

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