Seized by the System

Chapter 308: When the Dragon God Appeared, All Knelt in Admiration

Chapter 308: When the Dragon God Appeared, All Knelt in Admiration

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The System did not want to summon the Dragon God, a fact that rendered Fang Ning speechless. He could only wrack his brain for a way to deal with the millions watching him right now, as well as the gaze of the entire world.

With no idea on how to handle the situation, Fang Ning entered the System Space to speak with the Hydra Demon.

At this moment however, an accident had happened.

At the same place high in the air where the purple snakehead had just been grabbed by a giant golden palm, a light green snakehead suddenly materialized instead!!

However, this snakehead had a fuzzier appearance, for it appeared to be less vivid than the purple snakehead, which made it less menacing and scary too.

Everybody in the desert was still shocked at this sudden development!!

How could this be?

The Eastern Pharos shone bright just now like the Buddha himself, he had subdued the purple snakehead with a strike of his heavenly palm, yet another one had appeared?

What exactly was this snake demon? How was it possible for it to produce a green snakehead this time?

However, Vigilante A watched the green snakehead with glinting eyes.

Fang Ning was not too shocked himself, but he did the calculations in his mind, ‘Last time around the volcanic area of Japan, we killed two snakeheads.’

He remembered it clearly; one was an icy blue while the other was a fiery red, and that one just was purple.

Now a green one had appeared, so it seemed that they belong to a certain arrangement of colors, namely red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. However, the Hydra Demon had eight heads, so what color was the last one?

“I’ve said it before, as long as there is fear, I will never die. So what if you capture my purple head?” taunted the green head.

Vigilante A finally broke his silence, “Evildoer, who are you trying to scare? You only have three heads, three of which I have already subdued, so how many times will you come back to life again? Today, I want you to show me whether you have more heads or I have more skills!”

Once his words faded, a giant golden palm formed in the air once more.

Seeing this, the green snakehead showed no fear and made no bid to evade it. Instead, it laughed coldly, ‘Hahaha, so what if you do subdue all my heads? Natural disasters would still occur, humans would still die, and I would still be revived as a god from their fear…

Somehow, the giant golden palm had stopped right above the green snakehead.

The snakehead still showed no fear as it continued, “I know what you want to ask the Dragon God after summoning it, it’s about the surge of anomalies right? Unfortunately, even if the Dragon God does tell all of you the truth, what use would that be?”

Fang Ning knew this snakehead had an ulterior motive, but he still had the System wait for it to finish speaking.

At the same time, the audience members in the desert and the people tuning in to the live broadcast shared the same thought with Fang Ning.

They wanted to let the snakehead continue speaking although they all knew that it possessed only ulterior motives.

The snakehead then finally revealed the cause of the surge of anomalies, “You’ve all guessed right—the surge of anomalies are warnings from the Heavenly Axiom of this realm. However, none of you know why it decided to give warnings!

“That is because the next natural disaster is something none of you can go up against. It is…”

Everyone immediately held their breaths in anticipation. In the desert, only the green snakehead’s voice could be heard.

“A collision between the Earth and the Moon!”

What? The Moon was going to collide into the Earth?

Who could stop this?


Or magic?

Everybody was terrified speechless instantly!!

Some were even so terrified their faces had turned pale and they were on the brink of passing out.

The green snakehead only laughed maniacally at the scene before it.

“A year from now, the Moon that you all write poems about will finally return to the Earth!

“The upper limit of strength in this world is low as a protection for humans since those of the Upper Realm cannot act as they please after they’ve descended into this realm. Sadly, all good things come at a price!!

“Nobody in this world has the power to stop the natural disaster this time around! According to the new power standard set by your True Dragon, the Pond-level and Lake-level whatnot…

“The limit of the Power Level in this realm is Lake-level. When faced with the upcoming natural disaster, haha, what do all of you think those Lake-level powerhouses can do? Even if they can fly to the Moon, what can do they about it?

“What use is there in all of you summoning the Dragon God? It is merely as powerful as the most powerful of Lake-level powerhouses! Sometimes, not knowing the truth is better than finding out… At least you won’t have to worry or fear before dying! Hahaha!”

Nobody could care about the green snakehead’s endless jibes anymore for everyone was dumbfounded at the revelation.

How did it suddenly come to this?

Could they no longer return to their previously calm and peaceful lives?

A countless number of people suddenly started realizing a bitter reality—this new era was not a colonial-era for humans to advance as a race!

On the contrary, it was an era of legends, an era of danger.

Humans would be returning to the era of their ancestors, which meant that they would need to put down their past attitudes of arrogance and live like their ancestors once more—devoted to humbling themselves and submitting to this world, sacrificing their blood and sweat to blaze a new trail and to survive day to day!

They might either build a heaven on earth, or turn things into a living hell.

The green snakehead was not allowed to run rampant for long, as the giant golden palm once again turned it into dust.

This time around, no snakehead of a different color replaced it.

However, nobody had cared about this matter anymore, they only thought about one problem!

Who was going to stop the Moon from crashing into Earth?!

Vigilante A also seemed to be stunned by this reality, for he stood there emotionlessly after killing the green snakehead.

After hearing the true causes of the natural disasters, the audience members in the desert, the audience watching the live broadcast, and even the people watching online started furiously discussing in horror about what’s to come.

“How did it come to this? A small asteroid was able to completely wipe out the dinosaurs, how would we survive once something as big as the Moon hits?”

“Don’t Russia and the USA always claim that they have enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the Earth’s population many times over? We can just have them blow up the moon instead…”

“The comment above mine was definitely made by an idiot. I don’t even want to explain things, just quit the group chat.”

Things went like this in most public chats and it was no different in private chats either.

“What use is the Noah’s Ark we built then? That’s the Moon we’re talking about, once it crashes into us, the Earth will split into pieces!”

“Noah’s Ark may not be useful anymore, but there are still places we can escape too. We just can’t waste any more time.”

“Oh, you’re right, there are still places for us to escape to. We really cannot afford to waste any more time, so we shouldn’t be stingy with our effort and sacrifice anymore.”

Even the powerhouse standing by on the desert were in heated discussions.

“Bodhisattva, any plans?”

“I do have plans for escape, but saving all living beings would be difficult…”

“Master, what are we going to do now?”

“Pack up your belongings. We are in good relations with the Truth Department, they won’t ignore us.”

“That’s true, how fortunate. Cooperating with them all those times before were not for naught.”

The powerhouses seemed to have their ways out.

The same could not be said for the regular folk, however. What else could they do? Where else could they go?

At the same time, in the System Space.

For the first time, the System spoke without confidence, “This matter, Great Emperor Host, I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t have enough experience points to do anything… I expended more than half of my experience points to raise True Bodhi Tactics to Legendary Level because of compatibility problems, so now I only have one billion experience points left as backup. These experience points are practically useless now no matter what we choose to do actually. You see, Host, do you think we should look for a place to hide first?”

On the contrary, Fang Ning was uncharacteristically calm as he said, “Where can we go? Unless you can survive on Mars. Eh, I understand what you mean, there is still a place we can go to hide.”

The System replied, “Hmm, we can go into an arcane realm since arcane realms and Earth exist on different planes of existence. We can just return after the Moon collided into Earth.”

Fang Ning’s expression turned heavy at the System’s reply and he sighed, “No wonder all those arcane realms appeared, and some were even called the Land of Heritage. That’s why the Heavenly Axiom gave us a warning a year in advance. The heavens really are giving us a slim chance of survival, but the price we’ll be paying is just too heavy.”

The System pressed, “Since the Great Emperor Host understands the severity of the situation, let’s go home to pack up. You can bring all those attendants of yours, and all the friends you have at home too, since it doesn’t come up to a lot of people. I know you’re softhearted and would never leave them to save yourself.

“I have more than enough food and water stored in my System Preservation Area to supply about a thousand people for around 20 years. You might lose connection to the Internet for a few years, so just bear with it. However, you’ll still have electricity, so you’ll be able to play stand-alone games.”

Fang Ning was speechless at the System’s words.

It really did put survival above all things, since it even managed to think of the worst possible situation.

The Path of Heavenly Punishment either existed, or it did not.

However, when talking about being negligent, the System really was on par with Fang Ning, and it had negligence cultivated to its peak too…

It was no wonder it wanted to control Fang Ning completely.

Once Fang Ning came to this realization, he placated, “Don’t worry, I have a plan, just wait for me to summon the Dragon God first.”

After he heard that the Moon would be colliding into the Earth, the idea that popped into his head while he was at the South Pole investigating the surge of anomalies suddenly seemed clear to him.

Stopping the Moon from colliding into the Earth was not necessarily unstoppable by humans… they just needed time.

The System was astonished at Fang Ning’s reply, “What use is there in summoning the Dragon God now? We already know the causes of everything and that Dragon God of yours is merely at Inland-Sea level; it might be able to fling away a small asteroid with a flick of its tail, but that’s about it.

“It definitely doesn’t have a way of dealing with the Moon, which even Ocean-level powerhouses cannot handle. I think it’s better if we keep it as a backup instead.”

Fang Ning spoke with righteousness laced in his tone, “You still don’t know how to look at the big picture. It might not be useful, but nobody else knows that… We still have a year before the natural disaster happens.

“If we want to survive it, the most important thing that should be done is that we should all be calm. We must give the common folk a source of hope, only then will their true strength erupt.

“Besides, if you solve this, you’ll become a global legend… Be it for personal or public interests, the cost of summoning the Dragon God is completely worth it.”

The System ruthlessly exposed its Host true motives as it said, “Personal or public interests my foot, you say it so righteously but I think you’re just afraid of losing your Internet connection… I’m looking down on you.”

Fang Ning retorted with confidence laced in his serious tone, “My personal interests for now completely align with the interests of the public, what is there to look down upon? I’m leaving my best life right now, so I don’t want the world to be destroyed so that humans can begin anew.

“Stop all that nonsense, I’m going to summon the Dragon God so move aside. Oh right, lower me back onto the high platform first before you stop seizing my body. I’m afraid of heights.”


As everyone panicked about their impending doom, some of them noticed Vigilante A’s slow descent back onto the high platform.

Right after that, new background music played from where Vigilante A stood as golden light shined bright before him.

The music sounded endlessly sorrowful, desolate, and lonesome, yet the light filled them with hope, with joy, and with the strength to look forward.

A lot of people raised their heads once more upon hearing the music.

That’s right, we still had the Dragon God!

Once this thought occurred to them, countless people started praying.

“Dragon God, please save us.”

“Eastern Pharos, please have the Dragon God appear…”

In a single moment, be it in the desert or those watching the live broadcast, countless people had their gaze once again focused on Vigilante A.

Everybody was praying for the Dragon God to appear.

They could no longer depend on their Gods or the Heavenly Axiom, for only their Dragon God was responsible…

Praying to it was the best choice.

At the same time, Fang Ning could no longer think of showing off. Instead, he only had one thing on his mind.

The Internet could not be disconnected.

He did not look at anybody and said calmly, “Dragon God, appear.”

A System Notification then appeared. It read, [Current Favorability of Celestial Dragon Form ? Wood is more than 50 points. As all Celestial Dragon Forms are currently being nurtured, all Celestial Dragon Forms will have their Favorability returned to zero points after being summoned. Continue with summoning?]

Fang Ning was speechless; the System really was cautious…

He muttered, “Yes. Continue immediately…”

The next moment, an unexplained fluctuation appeared within the desert.

Everyone felt an odd sense of solemnity in themselves.

In a split second, some people watched Vigilante A completely disappear from the high platform.

In complete shock, they looked around themselves. However, all they noticed was that the sun was completely gone above them, all that was left was a blue sky.

A long, azure dragon had appeared silently in the blue sky as well. Its body was long and slender, and it stretched towards the East.

Its heads, horns, eyes, whiskers, and scales emitted an aura of dignity, and its appearance was as clear as day.

It then looked towards the audience members seated in the desert.

In the blink of an eye, a handful of elders fell to their knees in respect. With people taking the lead, everyone started doing the same in droves.

Soon, everybody was on their knees in worship.

Like how the Westerners worshipped their God, in the hearts of every person in China right now, the Dragon God was their God.

Worshipping it on bended knees was to be expected.

When the Dragon God appeared, all knelt in admiration.

Right as everyone was about to pray for its protection, the Dragon God spoke first.

”?Rise, descendants of the dragon?1?. Stand tall and remember this, there is no need to be afraid of natural disasters, for human strength will always prevail.

Its majestic voice floated into everyone’s ears. It offered comfort like it was a reminder sent by their ancestors or a lesson taught by their parents.

As the words faded, everyone that had their bodies bent started sobbing, moved beyond belief.

They slowly stood up after hearing the Dragon God’s words before they lifted their heads to look at the Azure Dragon.

This really was the supreme totem that their ancestors worshipped.

It was unlike those boring Gods where believers were required to pray to and worship every day so that their nobleness and distinctiveness would be highlighted.

The basis of the Dragon God was that it has always been the psychological support and source of motivation for the?Descendants of Yan and Huang?2?. It has never been an ancient and arrogant God.

It has always stood together with its descendants.

Once they realized this, countless people felt their fears dissipate completely as hope reignited in their hearts once more. ‘We have never been lonely, nor have we ever been helpless. We have our ancestors, we have the dragon totem, we have ourselves!’

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