Seized by the System

Chapter 332: Where’s the Principle of Heaven?

Chapter 332: Where’s the Principle of Heaven?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Translator Note: At this point, it has been observed that the author will use he/she and it to refer to some demons interchangeably, so the translation from now on will follow the author’s usage of pronouns.?

Cang Gongzi finished listening to the mission he was given, and his spirit immediately became uplifted.

The little worries he harbored toward the Greater Rat Clan vanished into nothingness.

‘As long as there are righteous characters like the Venerable One in this world, there will still be hope!’

He returned to Bai Shixin’s residence to inform him of his own imminent departure.

A hint of disappointment flashed across Bai Shixin’s face, which was covered up as soon as it appeared.

He smiled. “Even if you’re leaving, it’s not immediate, is it? I have more things that needed your help, is it possible that you stay for a few more days?”

Cang Gongzi gave it a thought. He would soon be building a whole city, and Bai Shixin knew all about the entire underground city of the Greater Rat Clan, so he should be a good resource to learn from.

He phoned Fang Ning and informed him of his decision.

Hearing that, Fang Ning asked him to focus on learning and not worry about the work back home.

That was the original intention of Fang Ning, to allow Cang Gongzi to absorb the experience others had in building a city from scratch.

It was then that Cang Gongzi no longer held back. He agreed to Bai Shixin’s suggestion and stayed for three more days.

Three days later, Cang Gongzi felt he had learned a lot.

Bai Shixin was a real wise man. Anything that he was asked, he had answers down to the details ready to be explained. He was indeed talented enough to become the prime minister of an entire nation.

It was no wonder the Greater Rat Clan could be developed in such a short time. Within just twenty years, it was already flourishing.

In comparison, other sapient clans on Earth were still unenlightened. At best, they collated into villages. At worst, most of them were still living individually.

That was the difference between having a good leader and not.

As time was almost up, Cang Gongzi no longer wanted to delay. After all, he had already decided to return for future studies.

Since it involved the Venerable One’s city-building goals, he had to ask despite his concern for dishonoring himself for ignorance.

There were many things that could go wrong without the possibility of correction.

He took his leave and promised to ask for help again in the future.

Bai Shixin did not try to persuade him to stay this time. He sent Cang Gongzi off himself.

The two appreciated each other as if they were two old friends.

Cang Gongzi understood the reason very well. Even though Bai Shixin never used to tease and bully him like the others, he did not pay extra attention to it either.

The reason for his current treatment was simple. Merely half a year after he had learned the Atmospheric Morality Technique from the Venerable One, he had improved into a Pond-level from a Bucket-level!

Demons value lineage, that was because lineage had placed them at a good starting point. However, if one had an advantage but still could not improve on their own due to attitude or not having the opportunity, they would be even more looked down upon.

He had never been great at learning the slyness and viciousness that other rats embraced. His personality did not match the royal cultivation technique, so he could not attain the improvement that he should have.

That was why his status as a descendant of Elder Ancestor Bai did not bring him any honor, instead inviting shame and humiliation.

In the eyes of the others, someone who came from a much higher class but had lower achievements would be the perfect target for their sneers and jeers.

A certain someone’s indifference to the phenomenon had exacerbated it.

Now that he had finally achieved a strength level that matches his royalty, the treatments he received changed drastically.

‘Demons are that fair-weathered. They value power, and they relish in it.’

Cang Gongzi lamented. He resumed with their talk about the weather and finally tried to leave.

At this point, a familiar female voice yelled from a nearby street.

“Cang Gongzi, no, Shixin, save me!”

Bai Shixin’s heart clutched as he shifted his gaze over.

A disheveled woman was running toward him. She only had one of her high heels on as she stumbled trying to reach him.

His eyes glazed, and his heart jerked.

‘I didn’t think he would be so sensitive.

‘I’m not surprised though. He is intelligent and has really good talent, but he had not been sapient for that long, so naturally, he was less exposed to things like that.

‘However, does he have other plans?’

Bai Shixin thought, reflexively.

Cang Gongzi was surprised and confused.

Bai Ruocang sighed in his brain. “This is domestic abuse. After we get married in the future, it might turn out this way too. So if I ever go down that path, remember to help me.”

Cang Gongzi did not have anything to say to that, but he understood and immediately paced over.

The woman was Bai Shixin’s ex-wife, Fan Jing.

After seeing Cang Gongzi coming to her defense, she hesitated before running straight toward Bai Shixin.

Nie Yuan approached them slowly.

His eyes were cold as if he was looking at a prey when he stared at the woman that ran away from him.

Bai Shixin approached anxiously.

Fan Jing stumbled into his arms, her sharp-featured face streaked with tears.

She mumbled, “Only my ex-husband treats me the best. Shixin, can you forgive me?”

Bai Shixin nodded with difficulty. “Of course, no matter what you’ve done wrong, I will always welcome you here.”

As he said that, he stared at Nie Yuan, the ethics-defying, mistress-seducing disciple.

Nie Yuan stood in front of the three and scanned over the three in disgust.

“Even if you want to look for a new beau, you should have looked for someone better. Such a foolish human who only looked at trash,” said Nie Yuan while pointing at both Bai Shixin and Cang Gongzi, “one of them lost his power, the other naive and childish. One of them is physically lacking, while the other mentally flawed. No wonder they go together.”

Fan Jing was scared, hateful, shocked, and regretful all at the same time. She did not know if Nie Yuan was speaking the truth or a lie, she only knew that she seemed to have chosen wrongly again.

Cang Gongzi did not hesitate to release his white aura that filled the space three feet around him.

Nie Yuan’s face changed and took a few steps back, his face betraying fear.

Cang Gongzi’s strength was beyond his imagination, and it was the demon-suppressing Morality!

‘He could actually cultivate that?’

Seeing his frightfulness, Cang Gongzi said, “Mister Nie, be aware of what you are saying! It’s been said that an impartial judge will find himself worthless in hearing a case of domestic disputes, I shall not intervene with your domestic matters. However, no matter what had transpired, as a powerhouse, don’t you think it’s excessive to manhandle a weak woman like this?”

Nie Yuan soon calmed down. ‘So what if he has the power?

‘He was just a kind-hearted rubbish!

‘What am I afraid of?’

He collected himself and smiled. “Cang Gongzi, if you know that even impartial judges would find it difficult dealing with domestic disputes, you should leave this woman to me.?She doesn’t know a single thing about the three principles and five virtues?1?and frequently changes her mind about her partner, which infuriates me.”

Cang Gongzi knew a little about the drama and was stunned but stood his ground.

He knew the craftiness of demons very well.

If he allowed Nie Yuan to take his woman back, it was almost guaranteed that a pile of bones would appear in front of their courtyard the next day!

That was completely different from domestic disputes in human households!

No matter on the Upper Realm or on Earth, he had seen demons consuming humans too many times. Every time he tried to stop things like this from happening, he would only invite sneers and taunts.

Even though he had never been beaten up, it was only because the other demons were paying respect to his heritage and status.

However, things had changed.

Since being taught the Atmospheric Morality Technique by the Venerable One, he had seen a new path worth taking.

‘No matter if one is a demon or a human, only kindness and brutality matters; no matter if one is strong or weak, only righteousness and evilness matters!

‘I already have the power to execute my ideals!

‘If that’s the approach he’s taking when talking to me, it means he is beginning to be wary of me!’

In a split of a second, many thoughts popped up in Cang Gongzi’s mind.

He said with resolve, “It’s true, it’s hard to distinguish what is right and wrong, but I know in this underground city, the law exists. Whether the couple wishes to stay together depends on their own volition. If you want to bring her away, she has to agree.”

“I don’t want to go back there, please, don’t let me go back there!”?Fan Jing shrieked in horror.

Nie Yuan smirked. “Hmph, Cang Gongzi, there’s something you should know. They said not to air one’s dirty laundry, but it had to be said. This wretched woman had bent away from her vows a few days ago when she had seen you!

“Tell me, as someone so untrustworthy, would it make sense for me to just let it go? Where’s the principle of Heaven? What about the sanctity of marriage?”

Cang Gongzi was slightly taken aback. ‘How did this turn against me?

‘We’ve only seen each other once!’

Nie Yuan saw this and immediately added, “With your status and power, would you be interested with leftovers like this? If you do, I will give you my blessings, no questions asked.”

Bai Shixin’s face darkened as he turned his gaze toward the woman in his arm. ‘Hmph, as I thought.’

He had spent the past few months of sleepless nights thinking about his former partner.

He had always been revered as a wise man.

Even if he was cuckolded, he would want to understand the reason.

He refused to be like everyone else who got cheated on and blamed themselves for not doing enough.

‘Fan Jing was a woman with a huge need for security, as well as longevity and youth.

‘Before she could realize this goal, she could only stay in the underground city, as the human world was too competitive to allow her to reach her goal.

‘With all her experiences in life, she had found them to be most useful in the underground city.

‘But I lost my powers in that critical moment, flushing her most valuable security down the drain.

‘Surrounded by these demons, she had lived in fear most of her days, so it’s normal for her to be seduced by Nie Yuan’s power.

‘Meanwhile, that old man was probably allowing our relationship to worsen so we wouldn’t overpower him and take over the Greater Rat Clan.

‘That’s why he ignored the whole shebang. He might even have encouraged it.’

Now that Cang Gongzi had appeared, his chance of avenging himself had arrived.

He could tell from the get-go that Cang Gongzi was charming, personable, and kind. Furthermore, he was at the top of the achievable cultivation base and full of Morality.

That, to Fan Jing, was even more attractive that Bai Shixin and Nie Yuan combined!

As expected, as soon as Bai Shixin created the opportunity for the two to meet, his former partner immediately fell head over heels over Cang Gongzi.

Nie Yuan was so paranoid that he always looked out for people who tried to betray him, so he immediately noticed, unlike Bai Shixin himself.

That way, the new couple’s relationship would definitely fall into disarray. In this underground city, Fan Jing could only seek refuge with him.

Even though Bai Shixin’s plan worked, he had felt no joy. Unlike the usual euphoria that accompanied successes, he only felt like he had been stabbed in his heart.

If he had a choice, he would not have utilized intrigues like this, but to win his wife back honorably.

However, he could not. As long as his woman was with another person, he would be blocked, and his cultivation would stall.

Fan Jing did not know her ex-husband’s thoughts, she only stared dreamily at Cang Gongzi who stood between her and her assailant.

Seeing Cang Gongzi’s speechlessness, Bai Shixin knew that he was not used to handling dirty tactics like this.

He was a true gentleman. There was no way a gentleman could win an argument against an unscrupulous person’s reasoning.

He immediately blurted out, “All women are made of water, you callous lowlife! Don’t you dare undermine Cang Gongzi’s?honor by imposing your own filthy ideas on him. Do you think you are right to be proud just because you have made some contribution to the nation?

“Aristocrats will always be aristocrats, while slaves will always be slaves! After Elder Ancestor Bai achieved godhood, who do you think will inherit the Greater Rat Clan?”

Staring at the righteous, powerful Cang Gongzi, Nie Yuan’s face paled as a thought struck him.

However, he immediately calmed down. ‘What am I afraid of?

‘What could this gentle rubbish do even if he could inherit the throne?

‘I would be pardoned as long as I apologize.’

He immediately bowed and saluted with a closed fist. “Cang Gongzi, I apologize for my insolence. My rage toward this woman had clouded my judgment. If I have offended you in any way, please don’t take it personally.”

Bai Shixin smirked subtly. ‘The best way to handle scoundrels like this is to steamroll them with absolute power!

‘Otherwise, why would humans have created explosives and cannons?

‘Everything could be solved just by sitting around, sipping tea, and having a conversation.

‘Note to self, never try to exhort opponents with an entirely different set of beliefs!’

As Nie Yuan had apologized, the kind Cang Gongzi would naturally prefer a peaceful resolution.

The conflict resolved relatively quickly. Nie Yuan shot a disgusted look at his former mistress in his former master’s arms and left without looking back.

A little while after, Cang Gongzi finally had the chance to properly say goodbye to Bai Shixin and Fan Jing.

He announced that if Nie Yuan came looking for trouble again, he would not let Nie Yuan off so easily.

The both of them thanked Cang Gongzi for his help.

As soon as Cang Gongzi excused himself, he left immediately. He did not wish Nie Yuan’s words to come true. If it did, how would he keep his honor in the future?

If that really happened, he would always be the confused-looking hamster…

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