Seized by the System

Chapter 781: High and Low Statuses

Chapter 781: High and Low Statuses

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Old Master Ma did not know when he left the mountain. The only thing he knew was that when his conscious was finally clear once again, he had already arrived at the front door of Vigilante A’s place.

“I killed my own son...” He kept repeating.

As Zheng Dao welcomed him into the living room, the man constantly repeated the same sentence.

Seeing that the man was clearly unstable and anxious, Zheng Dao reached out a finger and pointed at the space above the man’s head, and a soft ray of blue light shot out.

Suddenly, Old Master Ma’s eyes were once again as clear as before. His arms were wrapped around his head, his mind still not being able to comprehend what had just happened.

“Monastery Master Ma, what happened?” Zheng Dao asked with concern.

This old man had a good heart, so he was guessing that the person must have suffered something tragic.

“Yes, yes, I need to see the Venerable One. The Venerable One should know how to save my son,” Old Master Ma said hurriedly.

His long beard kept shaking, and his hands reached out to grab Zheng Dao, a desperate pleading expression on his face.

“I’ll contact the Venerable One right away,” Zheng Dao comforted the man, then took out his phone to send a message.

Obviously, he knew all sorts of spells to make sound travel great distances or whatever, but there was nothing better than messaging.

Not long after, Vigilante A suddenly appeared in front of the living room.

Old Master Ma saw him and immediately threw himself onto the floor.

However, before he could even kneel, Vigilante A grabbed him by the arm and held him up.

“Master Ma, if there’s anything urgent, you can tell me slowly. There’s no need to panic,” Vigilante A comforted.

Promptly, Old Master Ma repeated the entire story to him.

“It’s normal for young men to get tempted by beauty, it’s just human nature. Even though Ma Ping’s actions weren’t right, it’s still nothing worth such a huge fuss, and you’re saying that the Golden Armored Deity actually killed him right away on the spot. That’s simply an act in utter disregard of the law, and how dare he treat a human’s life as no more than grass. Don’t worry, I’ll seek justice for your son,” Vigilante A said coldly.

“Thank you, Venerable One, for your act of righteousness...” Old Master Ma replied as he wiped away his tears. For one, he knew that the only person in the world who would dare get involved in such thing was no other than this Venerable Dragon God.

If it was some other powerhouse, who would possibly go against an Upper Realm god just for an insignificant teenager?

That was simply impossible. Besides, what benefits could Old Master Ma give in exchange?

“As for the matter on his resurrection, I may have some ways around it. I’ve just received an arcane realm where all the true spirits and souls gather, perhaps you can go and have a look there first,” Vigilante A continued.

Once Old Master heard what Vigilante A said, he broke down into tears once more. He did have a vague and general idea in the first place, but he would never have imagined that there would really be hope.

Not only did the other party not reject him directly, the man even gave him a solution.

This made him extremely moved, especially that he had met the right person.

After that, Vigilante A pointed his finger, and a light gate that showed the way to the Land of Sanguinity appeared.

“Come with me.”

Old Master Ma immediately followed behind. Both of them, one at the front and one following at the back, then entered the light gate and disappeared.

Seeing the two who just disappeared, Zheng Dao could not help but shake his head.

Although the Upper Realm gods were so-called “gods”, they were no better than vicious predators. Associating themselves with such wolfish behaviors would only backfire.

Ma Ping had already brought death upon himself by such a small incident.

This was not just about Golden Armored Deity being cruel, it was because of the difference in views between the two realms.

The whole thing about Ma Ping peeking at the Upper Realm fairy maiden, he might have thought that it would be regarded as a small matter like schoolboys sneaking peaks at the girls’ dormitory...

However, he did not know that in the eyes of the Upper Realm gods, this was as serious as the ancient commoners on Earth spying on a lord.

That would be considered as a crime of deceiving the lord, and it was an unpardonable crime.

Yes, casually peeping at the king was totally out of the question. It meant disrespect and was known as a sign that one had ulterior motives.

When an emperor traveled, it was impossible for tens of thousands of people to gather around and look, but on the other hand, if it was an emperor with power, the pedestrians were to kneel on the ground, not one allowed to have their sight directed upwards.

A god was far more important and honorable than a commoner’s king, so how could Ma Ping be allowed to simply peep?

In the past, the Lower Realm gods were not powerful enough, so they might tolerate certain things here and there occasionally, but today, they were clearly not going to tolerate it any longer.

After half an hour, Zheng Dao saw the Venerable One and Old Master Ma coming out one after the other. To his astonishment, Old Master Ma’s expression was full of gratitude.

He did not expect the Venerable One’s powers to have reached such a powerful state!

The man was actually able to bring back the lives who were killed by those Upper Realm gods.

He now finally vaguely understood why Ren Ruofeng still insisted on forming an alliance with the Venerable One. It seemed that the other party had long deduced this point.

The conflict between the Upper Realm and this land was inevitable. If one became a slave, one might be able to survive through it, but what was the point of living with that sort of method?

Then, he paid attention to what Old Master Ma said, “Venerable One, since there’s a chance for my son to be brought back to life, there’s no need to find the Golden Armored Deity to seek justice anymore. After all, my stupid son was at fault in the first place, angering the god.”

Zheng Dao heaved a breath. Old Master Ma was really a man of good heart. Perhaps the element of fear might play a part in this, but the old fellow still did not want the Venerable One to go against the Golden Armored Deity...

According to what the other person’s description, he already knew that this Golden Armored Deity was extremely powerful.

Eyes that could shoot out rays of golden light, a Pond-level powerhouse who could just kill someone off by just staring into the person’s eyes. This pretty much summed up the opponent’s strength, and in this current realm, it had recovered to a very powerful extent.

However, Vigilante A merely waved his arm and said firmly, “If a kindhearted person takes a step back, the wicked will only push an extra mile. Ma Ping only did wrong out of admiration but brought on his own death just like that. If we let this Golden Armored Deity roam about leisurely in this realm like that, who knows how many more innocent people will he kill next!”

Hearing those words, Old Master Ma was dumbfounded.

What the man said was right. The modern people’s habits were completely different from the ancients. If an immortal appeared, there would be quite a number of people who would secretly snap a picture of them.

This point could be proven by the mass number of photographs of the mighty beings that were seen frequently circulating on various blogs and online forums.

Even his own photos had appeared on several Taoist forums, just that the regular forums required authorization or the pictures would be removed.

If they allowed the other party to wander around Earth unchecked, it would not take long before another case similar to Ma Ping’s happens.

“Let me take you there then,” Old Master Ma said immediately. After all, everything was caused by his son, so he had no reason to stand aside and just watch.

“Alright, you’re a witness anyway.” Vigilante A nodded in return.

With that, the two went off together.

Zheng Dao did not tag along as obviously, he had the premises to take care of.


In the main hall of the Mount Indigo Monastery.

A group of Taoists was kneeling on the ground, trembling, with their heads bowed low.

At the front of the hall sat two immortals.

“There are new rules in this realm. There’s a clear distinction between all high and low statuses, and all civilians and immortals are not to be mixed together...” the Golden Armored Deity was giving his precious teachings.

Whenever he spoke a word, the word “gold” would appear in midair and hover above him.

This was truly “golden counsel”.

The group of Taoists were all intelligent people. After all, they were cultivators who managed to get into Mount Indigo Monastery, so clearly, they were of good qualifications.

They immediately understood what the person was trying to say as soon as they heard it. Obviously, the high and low statuses were divided according to one’s powers, background, and bloodline.

It was evident that this concept was out of tune with most of the modern people’s concept. This whole speech was completely incorrect, and it would never be brought to the table as it was against the trend of history.

However, the other party wanted to do this because he had the advantage of power. He himself was able to crush the Earth.

Therefore, the other party was worthy to set the rules.

The reason Earth was able to implement the concept of “everyone was equal” was mainly because there were no differences at all between each human. The rich would never maintain wealth, and the poor would never stay broke. Well, the ancients did have a saying; “where once the swallows knew the mansions of the great, now to humbler homes they would fly to nest and mate”.

Whoever had more control over the more people would win more hearts of the people, then one’s powers would gradually grow.

Therefore, those who advocated for “everyone was equal” would naturally win the hearts of the people.

However, during the Vitality Era, things were different. There were gaps between people. The different between mortals and cultivators had already been great, but now, the gap between the cultivators and the Upper Realm gods were even more significant.

Under such circumstances, would one say that everyone was equal to the gods, and that everyone was the same intelligent living being who enjoyed the same powers and bore the obligations?

Whoever thought that would be an idiot.

Since they were able to have control over the greatest powers, naturally, they would formulate rules that best suit their own interests.

If they were equal to the mortals, how could they have more resources for their cultivation?

How would they be so high above, to be worshipped by everyone else?

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