Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 420: Investigation

"Get down here!"

The carriage stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse. John turned off the engine and pulled open the car door. He cackled.

"My brothers, look what I’ve brought you."

"Oh! God’s gift!"

A few people walked out of the old warehouse. They were all in their hippie getups, hair dyed in multiple colours, tattoos on their necks and wrists, wearing skull-themed chains and rings. They all had black eyeliner on and armed themselves with baseball bats and steel pipes. They approached the car menacingly.

"Get down now, yellow skin monkey from the Middle Continent!"

A red-haired white-skinned youth dragged Fang Yuan forward and eyed him with bloodlust.

"Mm, not bad... this coolie looks healthy. Buyers will like him!"

"Lock him up, and don’t forget to scrub him from top to toe!"

"Tsk tsk... before he is sold, let’s not waste this opportunity!"

An effeminate hippie smiled and stuck out his tongue, which had a pearl piercing. There was an evil glint in his eyes.

"My god!"

Fang Yuan put on a cool face.

"I don’t want to play with you all any longer! By capturing me, do you intend to sell me as a slave?"

He had long heard that during the period of unrest in the Middle Continent, many yellow-skinned people were taken in by the Golden Eagle Federation’s sweet-talking advertisements for job opportunities abroad. They had packed up all their belongings and stowed away on illegal immigrant ships, only to find out that they had been sold into slavery. They had become workers of the lowest level and suffered even more than they had in the Middle Continent.

Those that managed to make a name for themselves were the few fortunate ones.

"No no! There isn’t any factory or mine around here that still needs workers from the Chinese country. We have a better idea. Isn’t that right... Ratty John?"

"Boss Bond, let’s take his luggage first. There should be quite a lot of money inside... these Chinese people are like rats; they like to stuff cash and all sorts of resources in their nests!"

John continued to smile as he looked at Fang Yuan.

"Yellow skin monkey, it is unfortunate that you have fallen into our hands. Boss Bond is right, everything you have, both your kidneys, your liver, your heart, your blood... we will sell them all at a good price."

"The black market for organs?"

Fang Yuan furrowed his brows. As one of the top doctors in the Chinese country, he was naturally aware of the progress made in medicine by the other countries.

"The medical expertise of the Golden Eagle Federation has progressed to such a level?"

"No... this isn’t right, there is another possibility!"

Fang Yuan’s eyes gleamed.

"Even if there is insufficient medical skill, the rejection effect from transplantation can be alleviated through the introduction of mutations..."

"What are you talking about?"

A change came over Bond’s face and he immediately waved a hand.

"Get him!"

His surrounding henchmen pounced forward at the same time, and one of them even pulled out a spring knife.

"Alright, scumbags!"

Fang Yuan loosened up his body.

"I don’t know how many people have suffered under you all, but it is your misfortune to have met me!"


A hippie screamed and came charging at Fang Yuan with a baseball bat.

It was a quick and heavy weapon which could deal severe damage with one blow.


The bat was stopped in mid-air by a swift grab from Fang Yuan.

The hippie was unwilling to let go of the bat and was thus swung backwards where he landed on the floor several metres away.

"Kill him!"

Bond called out loudly to his men. Beads of cold sweat lined his brows as he retreated.

Fang Yuan’s performance was making him very uneasy.


An obese man lunged towards Fan Yuan with a steel pipe while a hippie danced about with a knife and approached him from the other side.

Ratty John rolled his eyes but stayed behind with his boss instead of joining the attack.

"Bing bang!"

Fang Yuan surged forward, grabbed the steel pipe and tossed it aside with the obese man still holding onto it.


The knife in the hippie’s hand entered the obese man’s stomach as he received a crushing blow to the head from the obese man’s pipe.

"Dogshit! Mutant!"

Seeing that Fang Yuan had turned around to face them, Bond and John turned tail and ran away.

Fang Yuan chased them into the old warehouse and with a throw of the steel pipe, Ratty John screamed and fell to the floor holding his thigh.

"Ahh... don’t kill me! I’m just his henchman!"

Ratty John crawled backwards pathetically as Fang Yuan walked over.

"Do you know... where is the doctor in charge of harvesting organs?"

Fang Yuan asked casually.

"I don’t... don’t know. The boss communicates directly with him!"

"What a pity. You are no longer of any use to me!"

Fang Yuan grabbed him by the head and yanked it sideways.


There was a piercing sound of splintering bones and Ratty John’s head turned a full 180 degrees. Fresh blood spurted from where his head still hung partially on his neck.

"Dogshit! Dogshit!"

Fang Yuan could sense that Boss Bond went deep into the warehouse instead of escaping. He kicked over a couple of crates before snatching up a hand pistol among a large pile of cash.

As Fang Yuan approached, Bond immediately raised his pistol and took aim.

"Alright... mister, all this has been a damned misunderstanding!"

"See, there’s lots of money here... you can choose to take it all, or fight me to the death..."

Bond’s voice was quivering slightly.

"The Brother’s Sect can tap on the influence of the Black Man Society. Even though you are a mutant, you are still a foreigner... as long as you let me leave, everything will be kept under wraps... believe me!"

"Black Man Society?"

Having heard about the largest mutant association in the Golden Eagle Federation, Fang Yuan threw out a coarse laugh.

"If your death can bring them to me, that would be best. But right now... I don’t need your money yet, nor your life!"


With a flash, Fang Yuan snatched Bond’s pistol away from in front of him and broke his index finger for good measure.

"Bring me to your base camp, and find me the doctor!"

Fang Yuan toyed with the pistol casually and brought it to Bond’s forehead.

"You want to meet our leader? Alright, I’ll bring you to him!"

Bond nodded as cold sweat appeared on his brows.

"Get on the car!"

Fang Yuan dragged Bond up the car.

"If I even sense that anything is going wrong, I’ll fire immediately... you can try me!"

"Of course not!"

Bond grimaced and started the engine.

’This... is a city filled with blood and sin!’

Fang Yuan gazed out of the car windows and was slowly absorbed into his surroundings.

This trip was an impromptu one. The God of Thunder’s mysterious disappearance after duelling with the Thousand Year-old Willow Tree was news that would shake up the mutant community.

There would be chaos in every ministry in the country.

Of course, Fang Yuan could scarcely be bothered by these things.

He chose the Golden Eagle Federation over the Blue Star Alliance because the vampires and werewolves had the power of their bloodline. He was not interested in the god dao of the Curia.

Also, there was something else that led him to choose the Golden Eagle Federation.

Fang Yuan opened his luggage and took out an idol of the Aquilaria Maitreya.

This artefact was originally in the possession of Guo Jing, and the second inspection he conducted managed to yield some answers.

This idol was, in fact, a key, or rather, half a key.

From the information Fang Yuan had gathered, the other half was with a collector in the Golden Eagle Federation.

The unrest in the Middle Continent was a blow to the collector community. Many prized treasures and artefacts were taken overseas.

Fang Yuan was extremely interested in this mysterious idol as well and thus wanted to get to the bottom of things once and for all.

"Your heart rate is 88 beats per minute, 17 breaths per minute... you better keep things within this range, or I’ll shoot!"

Fang Yuan had noticed that Bond kept stealing glances at him from the front, and decided to reveal the barrel to him as a gentle reminder.

’Devil... he’s the devil from the Middle Continent!"

Bond laughed bitterly and extinguished the ideas he was entertaining in his mind. It was safer to just follow orders and drive on.


While Fang Yuan was on his killing spree at the Brother’s Sect hideout.

On a docked airship, in one of the offices.

The two white inspectors who had interrogated Fang Yuan before were called into the office, and they stared back at several solemn-looking men in black windbreakers.


"So you are the two idiots who let him go?"

One of the men in black had a bad temper and gave them a hard kick each.

"What is happening?"

The security officer standing by took out his handkerchief and mopped the cold sweat off his brows.

"We are the Federal Special Investigation Bureau. We have reason to suspect that a dangerous person has entered our borders through this place! You are both to be questioned!"

A man in black windbreaker flashed his identity card.

"No way... please provide proof that you are from the Immigration authorities..."

Just as the security officer gave his weak retort, he received a punch on his face.

"Idiot. Do you know the gravity of your mistake? You superior won’t be able to protect you. Follow me to the Investigation room, or I’ll arrest you for not complying with the military law!"

The man in black with a pale face was looking more threatening than ever.

"Okay... fine!"

In truth, even though news regarding the existence of mutants had already spread all over the world, but it was still very difficult for most people to accept it.

Especially for the Special Investigation Bureau, newly set up but nearly unlimited in power. They would have to cooperate with and adapt to the system.

Still, it was not a surprise that investigators of the bureau liked to throw their weight around.

Under violence and intimidation, the investigators got what they wanted shortly, that is a video recording.

"It’s him!"

A few of the men in black widened their eyes and scrutinised Fang Yuan’s disguise on the screen.

Of course, the video proved that was no identity proof on the passport, just one single word: "Idiot!"


The chief officer in black smashed his fist onto the table. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Impudent yellow skin monkey, I’ll definitely catch you one day!"

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