Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 156 - Tsunade Enters The Uzumaki Compound

Chapter 156 - Tsunade Enters The Uzumaki Compound

Yesterday, after finding and beating up Jiraiya, Tsunade didn\'t feel like actually spending the night inside the Senju compound. She couldn\'t help but think about all the family members she had lost over the years while staying there, so she wanted to spend as little time as possible there.

Despite that, she and Shizune were currently on their way to the Senju compound. Tsunade herself didn\'t know why she suddenly decided to visit the compound, but she chalked it up to nostalgia.

Over the years, she had sold huge parts of the Senju compound but wasn\'t too worried about that. It was very unlikely that someone had the guts to remodel or tear down the buildings of Konoha\'s most prominent founding clan. Even if one of the random merchants she sold one of the deeds to had the guts to do so, they would receive huge backlash if they tried to remodel the area, they purchased from her. It might be possible to turn it into some kind of museum, but no one would be interested in seeing a normal, empty house even if it belonged to the Senju clan once.

Or that was at least what Tsunade thought would be the case. She was standing in front of the Senju compound right now and considering the color scheme of the whole compound has been changed and that there were new clan symbols all over the place, she was apparently wrong in her assumptions. Considering the new symbols that could be seen all over the walls, Tsunade didn\'t need to be a genius to figure out who was responsible for this.

\'The newly reestablished Uzumaki clan actually dared to remodel the Senju compound? Why haven\'t I heard anything about this? Seems like sensei and Jiraiya need another beating. More importantly, shouldn\'t there be more backlash from the civilians? Why does no one seem to be bothered about the Uzumaki clan taking over the Senju compound?\'

"What is going on, Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade awakened from her contemplation when she heard Shizune\'s voice. An annoyed scowl appeared on her face as she approached the entrance of the compound.

"I don\'t know, Shizune, but it is time to find out."

When she got closer to the compound, the two people standing guard noticed her, and one of them started approaching. Tsunade prepared herself to send him into a wall in case he tried to stop her, but to her surprise, the person was smiling happily and even bowed towards her.

"Welcome! You must be Tsunade Senju-sama. Yuna-sama informed us that you would arrive here and that we should let you through. Please take this."

The guard gave Tsunade a small white crystal toked that had the Uzumaki symbol engraved into it. Tsunade took it instinctively and started inspecting the small token with some curiosity. She had a pretty decent grasp on seals, and although she could tell that there were some seals engraved into this token, she had no clue what it was supposed to do. Before Tsunade could ask about the meaning of this token, the guard had presented a second one to Shizune and started explaining its use.

"Just inject your chakra into these tokens and they will be bound to you. They allow you unhindered passage through the barrier surrounding the whole compound."

Although Tsunade was a little skeptical about that, she nonetheless injected her chakra into the token, and moments later, the token shone for a moment and changed its color from white to black, while Shizune\'s became red.

"The color of the token indicates what places you can access. Black is the highest level and allows you to go almost everywhere in the compound, while red is just one level below that. Please notice that if you enter areas, you are not allowed to enter, the compound\'s automatic defense system will activate to capture you."

Tsunade nodded in understanding, despite not really understanding the situation at all. She has never heard about such a complex system before. A system like this could drastically reduce the number of guards needed to guard the properties of a clan. Huge clans especially needed a lot of guards to cover their whole property, so a system like this could be incredibly useful for them.

\'Just what level of sealing has the Uzumaki clan reached? Even Konoha\'s most important buildings aren\'t protected by something this sophisticated and yet a newly established clan covered their whole compound with it.\'

Tsunade could only shake her head and enter the compound. Although she still wasn\'t happy that the Uzumaki clan took over the compound, she could solve that problem later. For now, she got curious about what other outrageous things have been installed inside the compound. She was certain that Yuna was somehow involved in this, so she would just look for her after she finished exploring the compound. She really wondered how Yuna managed to get her hands on the Senju compound and why no one said anything about the Uzumaki clan taking over the Senju compound, but she was in no hurry to find out about that for now. Her instincts were telling her, that there was something of interest for her somewhere inside the compound.

While Tsunade was exploring the Uzumaki compound, Yuna was on her way to a certain monument that was placed near one of Konoha\'s training grounds. The Memorial Stone. Just like she had expected, Kakashi was standing in front of it. Yuna didn\'t conceal her approach, so Kakashi noticed her approaching him.

"Can I do something for you, Yuna?"

Yuna quickly scanned the Memorial Stone and moments later she found what she was looking for.

\'I see, so his name was Obito, huh. Well, Obo isn\'t that far away in my opinion. The first, second, and last letters of both names are identical. If you look at it like that, "Obo" could actually be considered correct, since all letters are correct.\'

[I agree, Yuria.]

Yuna decided to ignore Kurama\'s quip and instead put a sealing tag on the ground, which would prevent anyone from listening in on her conversation with Kakashi.

"First of all, Kakashi, the information I am about to give you is not edited in any way and is the absolute truth. I am not trying to trick you with it nor am I trying to push some kind of agenda."

Kakashi couldn\'t help but raise his eyebrow when he heard what Yuna just said. This might be the first time that he has seen Yuna being genuinely serious, so he couldn\'t help but feel that something bad is about to happen.

"What is it you want to tell me?"

"The barrier surrounding the Uzumaki clan compound can pick up and differentiate between chakra signatures. As you might have expected, there are quite a few people that tried to probe the barrier surrounding our compound."

Kakashi nodded his head in understanding. Considering the Uzumaki clan suddenly reappeared inside Konoha, it was only natural that a lot of people would be interested in it. Despite that, Kakashi wasn\'t really sure what he was supposed to do with that information. So far, Yuna hasn\'t told him anything that actually affects him, after all.

"One of these people used a Sharingan to probe the barrier of our compound, and his chakra signature was very similar to the one your Sharingan has. Just so you don\'t misunderstand me, I will clarify what I just said: the chakra signature of the PERSON matched the one that your eye has."

The moment Kakashi heard that his whole body froze up. He didn\'t need to be a genius to understand what Yuna just implied. He glanced at Yuna and noticed that she was glaring at the Memorial Stone. Or rather, she was glaring at a certain name on the Memorial Stone.

"Are you implying th…"

"I am not implying anything. I only told you the information that I got from my guard commander. You can interpret it however you like. If you want, we can have a more in-depth discussion about this inside the Uzumaki compound, but I believe there are a lot of things you need to think about for now, so I will leave you alone."

Yuna turned around and was about to leave when she stopped her movement. After thinking for a while, she shrugged her shoulders and added another sentence.

"Apparently, the right side of his body gave off a different chakra signature. I was told that it felt very similar to the First Hokage\'s."

Yuna noticed that Kakashi reacted to "the right side of his body" but didn\'t say anything about it. She only knew that Obito supposedly died during the war and that he was Kakashi\'s teammate. She didn\'t know HOW he died, but it seems like whatever supposedly killed him had to do with the right side of his body.

Yuna turned around again and this time left for real. Kakashi, meanwhile, kept standing in front of the memorial for a long time while thinking through all kinds of scenarios of what could have happened to Obito and why he would decide not to return to Konoha.

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