Magic Shop System

Chapter 206 - Revenge, But Not At The Cost Of...

Khrom walked as the cold, and stiff breeze rustled around him. He looked in front of him, a castle, was standing, glittering with lights. The castle had become grander than before he had seen the last time. The guards were still standing at the gates, looking all about for an infiltrator. Beor must be living quite an amazing life after becoming the ruler of the kingdom. He had also seen many changes in Orddono Capital. 

Previously, many noble families controlled the kingdom and its economy. However, after Beor became the king, he took the direct control of everything. Not giving even a little power to others. He crushed those who opposed him, and captured their women, for the enjoyment of his officials. Raping them day and night. No one dared to oppose him after that. No one.

"Damn, those girls of noble families are amazing. I wonder when I will be able to taste them," one of the guards said.

"Don\'t even think about that," another guard replied. "Only the captains or above could enjoy those beauties. We won\'t even be able to touch them."

"Alas, I know," said the first guard. "How amazing would it feel to ravage an arrogant and juicy daughter of a noble family. Don\'t you think so?"

"Of course, but we are ju—Who are you?" the second guard shouted, suddenly. Others around him also noticed a suspicious guy, and rushed towards \'him\' vigilantly.

Khrom lifted his gaze and smiled. "Oh, hey, I am Khrom. Here to kill your king."

The guards left stumped, eyeing each other with mouth agape, wondering if what they heard was correct. It took some time for them to come back to their senses. "Kill him," one of the guards—most probably the captain—shouted.

The soldiers reacted soon after hearing the command and rushed towards Khrom with their weapons. Some of them even cast spells without batting an eye. Khrom on the other hand curled his lips disdainfully and vanished. When he appeared he was in front of the man who gave command, while other soldiers around them clutched their necks as the blood spattered and then slumped with thuds.

The captain paled when he saw the scene. He gawked at Khrom with wide eyes and tried to say something. However, before he could make any sound, his head sliced off his shoulders, blood pumped out like a fountain. The body remained standing for a second or two before collapsing. It twitched until the blood remained in the body and then became still.

Khrom eyed the corpse for some time and then entered the door of the castle. Maybe they were innocent; maybe they also had families waiting for them. Maybe they were evil and had done lots of bad things. Maybe… he was just trying to find an answer to justify himself. Khrom stopped, he turned back to look at the corpses and clenched his fist. Maybe they were no good…

"Arghh, why am I giving an explanation to myself for killing my enemies?" he shouted, but then a voice said inside his head. \'Don\'t lose yourself due to revenge.\' He froze.

Khrom had promised Kadyn that he won\'t. 

"I won\'t," he said, his expression changed, as if he had been jolted by someone out of his deep sleep. He took a deep breath—"I won\'t lose myself"—and then entered the castle. He encountered a few guards, but this time he avoided them. Though he could kill them easily, he did not. His heart didn\'t allow him to do it. 

Maybe many of the guards were evil, and had done all kinds of wicked things, but that didn\'t mean all of them were the same. If he killed all of them, there would be no difference between him and Beor, someone whom he hated the most in the world. He would turn into that man. 

He \'would\' not turn into that man. He \'could\' not turn into that man. He clenched his fist and spotted a group of guards standing at the entrance of the extravagant looking chamber. All of them were rank 2 mage. It was weird for a rank 2 mage to stand guards. Much less four of them. \'Is it where Beor lives?\' he whispered. 

And then he walked towards the guards. They noticed him very soon. At first they thought he was a servant in the palace, so they ignored him, but when he continued towards them, they became vigilant. Because his attitude and walking style was nothing like servants. He looked more like an owner of this place, instead. His glittering eyes terrified them.

However, before they could react the man vanished. "Huh?" The group exchanged glances. Shocked and bewildered. "Find him," shouted one of the men. "Or we have to pay the price if he somehow disturbed the king. He may also be a rank 2 mage."

His companions nodded and rushed to check in the hall. Only one guard was left behind, standing at the door\'s chamber, guarding it. However, no one noticed a gust of wind that blew and vanished inside the chamber. The guards continued to look around but found no one.

At this moment—"Ahhhhh!!"—a screech of a woman came from inside the chamber. The guards rushed towards the chamber, the one who was standing at the entrance was completely frozen. He didn\'t know what to do. To enter or not. The king would definitely punish him if he rushed inside his chamber without his permission. Maybe, he would lose his head. However, he had no time to consider such things and bolted inside the chamber. Even a stupid person could tell that something was very, very wrong. At first that unidentified man, and then this.

Nonetheless, as the man entered the room, his companions also arrived from behind. All of them looked at the corpse on the ground with horrified expressions. Their king was lying in the pool of blood, headless. The blood painted the intricate floor that was made of expensive tiles and a large bed on which a woman was lying, naked. One of the guards went and checked the condition of the woman and found that she had just fainted due to shock.

"L—look at that!" said a guard. Others turned around and found that something was written on a huge mirror that was hanging behind them. They failed to notice it, previously, due to the blind-spot.

The guards looked at the crimson letters—most probably written from the blood of their king—with frightened expressions.


The group exchanged glances after reading this, confused. Not aware that someone had just poured his hatred in those words. 

"What do we do now?" asked one of them, his voice shivering.

"Should we wake up that woman and ask her about the guy who killed the king?" another of them suggested.

"Do it, if you have a death wish, but I don\'t want to die," replied his companion. "The king was rank 3 mage, and he died before he could even make a move. If he wanted to kill us, we would have already done that. Isn\'t that enough that we are alive? And you want to provoke that devil. Do what you like, I am out of here." Then he rushed out of the chamber. Others exchanged glances and also departed including the man who suggested an investigation.. No one wanted to die, after all.

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