Letters to Romeo.

Chapter 292 - Death in the air

"Are some of the diffusers not working, Mrs. Davis?" questioned a hunter who was nearby, and he pushed a vampire away from him.

"I think they are resistant to it!" answered Mrs. Davis, and she raised her hand to push the wooden stake into one of the vampire\'s stomachs.

But the vampire was none other than Enoch, who bared his teeth, and he caught hold of her hand that was still holding the stake. Mrs. Davis pulled out her gun with her free hand and tried to shoot the vampire, but Enoch was quick enough to snatch the stake from her hand and push it through the woman\'s wrist, and she screamed in agony.


Enoch was going to rip her head off if Mr. Davis had not come to her help, who fired a bullet at the vampire. Before the bullet could hit Enoch, he moved aside, and the bullet hit the tree.

"You fucking piece of hunters," Enoch glared in anger. He picked up Mrs. Davis by holding her collar and then threw her towards a tree. He then charged himself toward Mr. Davis.

Mr. Davis\'s aims were on point, and he continued to fire the bullets at Enock, making it difficult for the vampire to get too close to him. He shouted, "Things like you shouldn\'t even exist."

"Rich coming from the bastard who has joined hands with my kind," commented Enoch, and for a moment, Mr. Davis turned confused. What did the vampire\'s words mean?

Mr. Davis accused, "You must be a rogue vampire," to be talking nonsense like this.

Enoch didn\'t pay further attention to the words, as the very next moment, he was shot by one of the silver bullets, and it made him part his lips in pain. His eyes glowed red, and he went straight to attack the hunter, who had dared to shoot a bullet at his leg.

While the bullet was enough to kill any average vampire, Enoch appeared to be still strong, and with force, he pushed Mr. Davis down to the ground. They both battled, where Mr. Davis tried to stab the vampire with the wooden stake while Enoch tried to take a bite from the man, wanting to drain blood out of the human\'s body.

When the wooden stake fell off his hand, Mr. Davis had no other option except to punch the vampire square at his jaw. But that didn\'t help much as Enoch was stronger than him. Enoch returned the favour by punching back the hunter.

"You hunters behave as if you people have turned superior to us, but you should know that without these petty weapons, we are still superior," stated Enoch, and he punched the man again before starting to laugh. "Doesn\'t it feel good? It will feel better when I sink my fangs into your flesh."

And just when Enoch was about to take a bite from Mr. Davis, he sensed something scrunching behind him, and he quickly moved his hand and catch hold of Mrs. Davis\'s hand.

"Look who stood back up?"

"I will fucking kill you!" Mrs. Davis threatened him, and using her other hand, she pulled out a little bottle of liquid from her pocket and smashed it on the vampire\'s face.

Enoch screamed, stepping backwards. He held his face with both his hands. Fumes appeared from his face, moving upwards, and when he pulled his hand away from his face, a part of his cheek had dissolved. Blood dripped down from his face.

Mrs. Davis helped her wounded husband move to the other side so that he wasn\'t in the middle of the fight. She asked her husband, "Are you okay?"

Her husband\'s face had turned bloody because of the punches. He nodded at her question, "Yeah…I am good."

He spat the blood on the ground and asked, "How in God\'s name did we miss so many vampires in here? To think that Melanie has been protecting these things."

At the mention of their daughter, Mrs. Davis\'s face turned even grimmer than before, and she said, "Melanie doesn\'t know what she is dealing with. Maybe when we get home, she might have reflected well and will understand whose side she is supposed to be on. There are too many vampires..."

Suddenly Mrs. Davis was pulled back by Enoch, who wrapped his hand around her throat and started squeezing it. "You bitch!" he cursed her in an angry tone, where his face continued bleeding.

Mrs. Davis struggled to get away from the vampire\'s hold, and when she wasn\'t able to do it, she poked her fingers right into Enoch\'s eye, which had made him scream again. But this time, the vampire didn\'t step backwards. Instead, he continued to hold the woman. Both of them fell to the ground and wrestled.

Mr. Davis tried to point his gun at the vampire, but with both his wife and the vampire rolling on the ground, it was hard to aim. When Mrs. Davis\'s hand grabbed a piece of wood, she kicked the vampire\'s jaw and ran the stake through his chest.

The woman tried to catch her breath, her chest heaving, and she took hold of the gun from her husband and started shooting the bullets into the vampire\'s forehead. Enoch\'s body trembled, and after a few seconds, his body started to shrivel, and he stopped moving.

"Seems like it just takes a few extra bullets to kill some of these demons," said Mrs. Davis, and she took a deep breath as if fighting with this particular vampire had exhausted her.

"Master Enoch has been killed!" shouted one of the vampires, and soon the vampires started to convey the messages to others.

Enoch was a nobody to the hunters, while for the vampires of Veteris, news reached the Elders and Roman, letting them know who else was on their property. When the news reached Joaquin, rage took over him, and he raised his hands, killing the people nearby him, including some of his men.

Joaquin had believed that his brother would survive this battle, but he hadn\'t expected him to die. He killed people in seconds as he continued to head towards the centre of Veteris. Most of the people who were nearby turned fearful. It was also the spot where Griffin was defending. He came to stand in Joaquin\'s way.

But it took less than a second to send Griffin flying from there as Joaquin was nothing less than invincible.

On the other side of the property, Roman and Maximus continued to fight, eliminating the opponent vampires who were pouring in continuously. Roman turned around, raising his leg to kick right at the vampire\'s stomach before he ripped the head off. While he fought, he noticed Maximus\'s movements were turning unsteady, and one of the vampires was now trying to tear his head off.

Roman pulled out the gun and shot right into the vampire\'s head, killing other people on his way to his friend.

"Max!" Roman shouted and helped Maximus lean against the tree.

"How much do you think the previous bullet is affecting my body?" asked Maximus, gritting his teeth as he tried to appear strong.

"You look like shit," Roman responded with a glare, and Maximus laughed. "You need to get to the infirmary. Unless you plan to die right here."

Roman looked around for anyone whom he could use to take Maximus to the infirmary, and he noticed the morm… Dennis. Dennis came near them, and Roman didn\'t blink his eyes before pointing the gun at the morm.

"You have quite some nerve to show up here. Death wish?" asked Roman, pulling the cork of the gun.

"I am not here to fight with you, Moltenore," said Dennis without raising his weapon.

"Is that why you brought Joaquin and the others here?" demanded Maximus, who had raised his gun too, but his body was turning tired.

"I wasn\'t the one who brought Joaqiun here. It is Julie\'s father, Douglas Leighton who led Joaquin and his men here," replied Dennis. Seeing Roman\'s eyes narrow, the morm said, "He\'s here for Julie. I only came here to inform you that Julie\'s life is in danger. Because both he and Joaquin plan to use her heart to turn immortal. Douglas is already on his way looking for her as we speak."

"How can we trust you?" questioned Maximus, who didn\'t believe a word that Dennis said.

"When I first joined Joaquin, I thought it was only about Veteris. I didn\'t know it would also involve—"

"Julie," Roman completed Dennis\'s sentence.

Dennis didn\'t agree or deny Roman\'s words. He said, "It is up to you to believe it or not." Saying this, he turned around and started to walk.

"Where do you think you are going?" demanded Roman, and Dennis turned.

"There is nothing more for me in here," replied Dennis. He had decided not to fight alongside Joaquin, nor with the Veteris side. After all, he was only a morm. "My work is done here."

"I would like to think otherwise," replied Roman, and this time Dennis frowned at the vampire whom he least liked.

Back in the infirmary, Elder Remy held two glass tubes in his hand, and right now he was concentrating on one of the glass tubes, from which he poured one drop of liquid to the other glass tube.

"Is it done?" asked Doctor Isolde, but Remy looked for something.

"I hope so. Where is the liquid that I earlier preserved, Olivia?"

Elder Remy was soon handed a syringe. He took a sip from the glass tube and then injected his arm with the syringe. His expression remained calm and when nothing happened to him, he said, "Pour these in the smaller dissolvable bullets. Put it in the device and it should be faster."

"Are we shooting the bullets at our vampires?" Olivia tried to confirm.

"Yes. There\'s no time for them to take a sip of this antidote. The bullets are the quickest way to get it running through their bodies to cause a defense," stated Elder Remy.

Olivia nodded, and with the help of others who worked in the infirmary, they soon started to fill the bullet cases with the antidote they had just made. When the bullets were ready, they started to load the guns and were ready to leave when two people appeared at the entrance, and Olivia\'s hands turned cold.

It was Maximus who was injured, and he looked like he was going to dissipate any moment. Seeing the morm that had betrayed them, she pulled out another gun and aimed it at Dennis.

Dennis closed his eyes before opening and saying, "I am not to cause any harm. He\'s injured quite badly and needs help."

Olivia glared at the morm but quickly helped Maximus inside the infirmary and brought him to one of the rooms. Helping Maximus lay on the bed, who wasn\'t speaking, appeared in a trance state.

"What happened to him?" asked Olivia in worry, and Dennis shrugged his shoulders.

"I don\'t know, Moltenore told me to get him here," replied Dennis, and Elder Remy appeared in the room. The Elder vampire\'s eyes fell on the vampire, who looked like he was heading to his death, and then he looked at Olivia.

"Go get the bullets to the vampires, Olivia," ordered Elder Remy.

"But I—" Olivia began to speak.

"There are vampires who need your help. I will handle things here," said the older vampire, and she bit her lip before leaving the room.

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