Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 65 - The Gods Of Kritias


"Ah, it even lost its rust!" she said.

"I wonder if you can throw them like javelins?" asked Ervas.

"I think I should be able to, but it still very frail, I would like to put a coating of my armor material over it to make it stronger, but I don\'t know how to make it sharp, so it will become dull and lacking sharpness… Is there even a Javelin Technique?" wondered Veronica.

"There is… I just remembered it through \'Memory Retention\'" said Ervas.

"Me too, it was in that time when we were reading the Skill compendium books in our previous life as Anastacia…" said Veronica.

"Throwing them like Javelins wouldn\'t work with my \'Artillery Technique\', and recreating another one would cost thousands of mana… that\'s why I wasn\'t capable of throwing equipment from the Armory Skill as projectiles before…"

"Well, you can receive my mana and do it as much as you want," said Ervas.

"You\'re right, time to practice Javelin Technique then! …After lunch, I\'m hungry!" said Veronica.

"But Veronica, you don\'t have a stomach," said Shade.

"Geeeh… I know, I know. I just like to eat food, it makes me happy… even more when I do not have a flesh body, so I will never get fat, fufufu! This is the dream of any woman!" said Veronica.

"I don\'t remember developing such a dream before… but I\'m happy that you\'re enjoying life," said Ervas, smiling.

"Ah, the bread is ready!" said Shade, dissipating the sphere of light that generated enough heat to bake the dough.

The party quickly gathered around the bonfire, Charlotte, Aqua and Cthulhu came rushing as well from within the forest, bringing some prey, such as fish and the corpse of a Demon Boar.

"Bilililili!" said Cthulhu, hugging Ervas with its tentacles, which were capable of extending over a meter.

"Hello Cthulhu, did you had some fun with Aqua and Charlotte?" asked Ervas.

"Bibibililili!" said Cthulhu, nodding happily.

"Good boy, time for dinner, there is bread, and I also made some fried steaks," said Ervas

"Bububulili!" said Cthulhu, emitting strange noises which seemed to be happy noises. He flew towards Veronica and grabbed his little plate, where Ervas put some steaks. While Veronica gave it a large piece of bread.

"Guburuuu! Gu, gu, gu!"

Aqua brought a dozen fish that she caught in a nearby river, and gave them to Veronica so she could cook them inside her body.

"Maybe later, Aqua. How about for dinner?" asked Veronica.

"Geehh… Gu!"

Aqua seemed a bit disappointed, but then she nodded and joined everyone else at lunch.

"Gishi!" said Charlotte, reprimanding Aqua\'s insolence, even though she should be her junior.

Charlotte seemed a bit more robust than before, her carapace had become darker and her nine eyes had become bright scarlet, she had become a Rank 4 Dark Armored Spider after a week of hunting and gaining shared Experience Points.

She had become tougher and her abilities had developed a bit more, she had recently awakened her Time Attribute Magic Skill through Veronica\'s magic classes, now with Ervas to instruct her even more.

Time Attribute Magic is a rather rare affinity to have, even amongst humans. But because it was of a low level, it would take a long time for it to finally shine. The only spells she had were related to slightly increasing the speed of others as a buff, or lowering it as if it were a curse to enemies and foes.

Offensive spells were rare for Time Magic, and Charlotte did not know any either, as she was a monster… but perhaps she might one day develop something interesting.

Aside from this, Charlotte was made summon a Spirit for herself, but it seems that she did not have any spirit affinity, so no new spirits had joined the party yet.

As the party enjoyed a lively lunch, Veronica began to tell the tales of the origin of Kritias, its gods, and the creation of all living things to Jason and the rest of the party (aside from Ervas who already knows and is well versed in this story).

"When the world was still empty of life, death, time, or space, two Great Entities appeared. The Great Bright God Anir, and the Great Dark God Kelsus. Crossing the boundaries of reality, they glanced at each other and saw their complete opposites in each other. Naturally, they fought due to these crucial differences. Because they were equally strong, they ended striking each other down, and their corpses fell into the endless void."

"Because their corpses were immense, they even filled the void, and through the differences of Anir and Kelsus, both corpses seemed to fit each other, converging into a single space and creating Kritias."

"Anir\'s corpse became the day, the sky, the stars, the sun, the vegetation, and the animals. While Kelsus\'s corpse became the moon, the ground, gave birth to intelligence, to emotions, to destruction, and death."

"And as intelligent races were still not born yet, the Gods were born… the Bright Gods and the Dark Gods. Each one born from a part of each great god, but sharing both gods flesh and blood… although they often fight because of differences, they are the children of both gods, not only one."

"Inheriting the authorities of both Anir and Kelsus, they maintained order and stability in Kritias,"

"Bestellen, the God of Light and Righteousness, Chief of the Bright Gods, was born from Anir\'s brain."

"Uphy, the Goddess of Fire and the Sun, was born from Anir\'s heart."

"Kesheia, the Goddess of Life and The Day were born from Anir\'s genitals."

"Rhalorr, the God of Water and Oceans, was born from Anir\'s blood."

"Chaneyr, the God of Wind and the Sky, was born from Anir\'s lungs."

"Phunana, the Goddess of Thunder and the Weather, was born from Anir\'s nerves."

"Tikdall, the God of Wisdom and Intelligence, was born from Anir\'s spine."

"Droella, the Goddess of Time and Patience, was born from Anir\'s stomach."

"Razdall, The God of Darkness and Sins, Chief of the Dark Gods, was born from Kelsus\'s heart."

"Nymera, The Goddess of The Moon and the Night, was born from Kelsus\'s blood."

"Qadall, The God of Death and Souls, was born from Kelsus\'s residual soul."

"Tevra, the Goddess of the Earth and the Depths was born from Kelsus flesh and bones."

"Vedon, the God of Inventions, Alchemy, and Magic, was born from the first piece of Kelsus brain."

"Roneas, the Goddess of Emotions, was born from the second piece of Kelsus\'s brain."

"Lamus, the God of Space and Otherworldly Knowledge, was born from the third piece of Kelsus\'s brain."

"Zilmera, the Goddess of the Stars and Constellations, was born from Kelsus\'s Eyes."

"And then, after the gods were born, inferior beings to them, but that still harbored intelligence and emotions appeared."

"Humans and Elves were born mostly from Anir\'s corpse, while Dwarves were born with almost a perfect balance between Anir and Kelsus, meanwhile, Beastmen and Demons were born from most of Kelsus."

"Naturally, the Bright Gods loved Human, Elves and respected Dwarves, while the Dark Gods were attached to Beastmen and Demons, who had a great and wide variety of appearances and subspecies."

"In the past, all gods were united, and all intelligent races lived in harmony. But as the Bright Gods saw Beastmen and Demons as impure, and so different than Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. Their hate, fear, and disgust grew deeper. Until one day, they tried to exterminate all Beastmen and Demons, but were stopped by the Dark Gods, waging the first war between gods, the first Ragnar?k."

"The Ragnar?k ended with both Gods retreating with their respective tribes… The Bright Gods shaped the largest continent and named it the \'Human Continent\', or \'The Continent of Anir\'s Hands\', while the Dark Gods escaped to the smaller continents, which were named \'Beast Continents\' or \'Demon Continents\'."

"And that\'s that! Phew, without \'Memory Retention\', it would be impossible to remember the amount of lore in this world, it is ridiculous! I wouldn\'t blame anyone if they can\'t remember all the god\'s names, they\'re too many" said Veronica.

The rest of the party was eating as if nothing… except Ervas who was glancing at Veronica.

"They got bored midway through and ignored you," said Ervas.

"…Eh? But Jason, didn\'t you ask me about this?!" shouted Veronica.

"Indeed… but it was too confusing miss Veronica…" muttered Jason.

"I guess so… well, anyways, time to finish this lunch! Ah, Aqua, leave some bread for me!" said Veronica, resuming lunch with everyone else.

Meanwhile, a mysterious presence lurked through the forest, watching the party…


It had… bunny ears?


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