Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 90 - Side : The Last Hope

"Hm. But what could I do now? I cannot let two souls holding my copied system wonder through this Mirror World. It is a mistake that might endanger my reincarnation cycle and probably anger these gods, it would be better if they do not know about this mistake. It would be lamentable if I lose the power I gain from this world" said the entity.

Although the entity was connected to many worlds where he managed the reincarnation cycle, even losing a single world amongst many might end up weakening him, every world was in perfect and delicate harmony.

The bearded man also feared the scolding of his master, the chief of the reincarnation gods. If his master were to know that he had suddenly screwed things over and lost the connection with a world, he would be scolded and perhaps lose the ownership of the reincarnation cycle from some of his worlds, which would be given to better reincarnation gods.

"The best thing I could do for now is to carefully inspect this Mirror Kritias for now. If these two individuals end up not being as much of a threat, then my worries were not needed. But if they change things too much, and their existence is noticed by the gods… I will have to take some measures. At the very least, I could reincarnate the souls of the Heroes in the original Kritias to this Mirror Kritias to kill these two and send me their split souls so I can stick them together again, cleanse them and send them to Earth\'s reincarnation cycle"

The entity decided that this was the best course of action for now. He was already busy fixing the bugs and errors that Veronica left out in the original Samsara System.

Meanwhile, his master was waiting for the results of his system, so the system could be utilized and given to various worlds that were undergoing an event named \'Apocalypse\', which was being provoked by another hostile god that seeks destruction and chaos.

This hostile god was an entity that could not be easily fought against, especially the reincarnation gods, who were not good at fighting and only good at reincarnating souls.

Most of the gods from the affected worlds seemed to want to cooperate, but they lacked the proper knowledge to strengthen their intelligent races.

Due to this demand for a tool to help mortals and also the gods, the Chief of the Reincarnation Gods asked his subordinate, this bearded old man-like entity named Hekaton, to create the Samsara System.

Hekaton was clueless at first, but after seeing the system created in the world of Kritias, he decided to copy it and improve upon it for the Samsara System.

It was ironic that he complained that his system was copied when he copied it from the same gods that copied it back.

The bearded old man, or Hekaton, knew that the Samsara System would help the intelligent races of many worlds fight against the threats of the \'Apocalypse\', which as a result, would make the worlds prosper and not suddenly end, maintaining the power of all reincarnation gods.

Time rewinds a bit over two years ago.

The Demon Queen Anastacia was defeated by the Reincarnated Heroes of Kritias, and Bestellen used his divinity and a strange power that he acquired to split her soul in half, killing her once and for all.

The Heroes celebrated their triumph and the Hero of Light realized that Anastacia used to be one of them.

After the third war between gods, led by a recovered Bestellen and the Reincarnated Heroes, the Dark Gods were cornered by the Bright Gods army of both mortals and gods.

Some Bright Gods that did not want to fight were forced to do so, and those that did not want even when forced were sealed inside their Divine Realms and had their authorities taken away by Bestellen.

Without a strong army of mortals or gods at their side, the Dark Gods were easily crushed. One after another, their divine authorities were taken away by Bestellen\'s divine authority that governed over the law of Kritias and their bodies were sealed.

Formerly his siblings, the God of Light and Righteousness was merciless to them as if something else had taken over his sense of self and emotions.

"It is the right thing to do for the prosperity of Kritias" were his words, as he sealed his siblings, the ones that accompanied him since the beginning of the world.

However, two Dark Gods were fighting desperately against the army of gods.

The chief of the Dark Gods, Razdall, the God of Darkness and Sins, and their beloved brother did not want to see any of his siblings be sealed anymore.

In the middle of the fight, Razdall grabbed these two gods, Lamus, the God of Space and Otherworldly Knowledge, and Vedon, the God of Inventions, Alchemy, and Magic, and sent them flying in his opposite direction.

"You two are too important, I cannot let you be sealed by Bestellen," said Razdall.

"You fool! What are you doing?! You cannot possibly think that you can fight against Bestellen alone?! Let my tentacles go! I will fight against that insane Bestellen and beat some sense into his old face!" roared Lamus, who resembled a giant blue octopus with golden eyes.

"Razdall, don\'t be reckless! You shouldn\'t sacrifice yourself, if we lose you, there will be no future!" shouted Vedon, who resembled a giant bird that seemed to be a combination between an owl and an eagle, with colorful feathers and a beak made out of gold.

"Anastacia… she did not deserve what happened to her… you must guide her there… I know that she can help us out if she is given enough time and a place to grow" said Razdall, who resembled a one hundred meters tall giant, a white-skinned man with scarlet eyes and long white hair, covered in dark chains and a cloak made out of shadows.

"Anastacia…? What do you meaaaaaaan?!"


The two gods were sent through the sky by Razdall\'s immense physical strength like two baseball balls. The gods that saw the scene tried to chase down Lamus and Vedon but were stopped by Razdall\'s giant body and shadows.

"I won\'t let you chase them!"

As Razdall fought against many gods with immense might, the bright figure of an old and stoic man with a long white bear made out of pure light appeared. Shining white eyes illuminated the shadows of Razdall and burnt his white skin.

"Razdall, I have come to seal you once and for all! And to finally accomplish the peace and prosperity in Kritias!"

"Bestellen, your insanity has gone too far! Snap out of Anir\'s control!"

"Anir\'s control?! Do you dare call the name of our father in such tone? I am not being controlled, but guided by his words! Now, brace yourself!"

Dark and Light clashed against each other in an explosion of divine power as both siblings fought for their ideal future for Kritias.

Meanwhile, Lamus and Vedon flew through the air at immense speed until Lamus created a rift in space where both gods entered.

The rift in space led to a different space, where the gods fell.

"Vedon, let\'s go back!" said Lamus.

However, Vedon stood still in this space.

"Vedon…? Are you actually going to obey that idiot\'s last words?!" roared Lamus, moving his tentacles.

"Lamus, you are the god of Knowledge, you cannot go insane no matter how much you try. Stop faking your desperation" said Vedon.

Lamus relaxed as his tentacles fell.


"As of now, you already felt it, right? While we flew, Bestellen already sealed Razdall and his divine authority was taken by him. We already lost" said Vedon.

"He said something about… saving Anastacia, the Demon Queen?"

"He probably wants us to do that," said Vedon.

"That? You mean… in that world I discovered?" asked Lamus.

"Yes, that world," said Vedon.

Lamus groaned.

"Mirror Kritias…"

"I wonder if it will really help?" asked Vedon.

"It should, that world reflects our own and each god there is also our reflection. We are all connected with them. If she can do the impossible and somehow asks for their help, we might have an opportunity in the far future… but she would also have to fight against Bestellen… I wonder if the Heroes will appear there… no, it is a different factor" said Lamus, his tentacles glowing in bright pink light as his giant brain began to think in many possibilities.

"You figured it out?" asked Vedon.

"Yes… more or less, let\'s go," said Lamus.

Lamus created a rift in space where Anastacia was killed, he glanced around and found her split soul still floating around.

"She hasn\'t disappeared yet?" asked Vedon.

"Most likely because she was split, and the flawed copy-pasted system of that Hekaton is throwing her errors while trying to figure out what to do with a split soul," said Lamus.

Vedon extended his wings, which shined like colorful lights, and grabbed both split souls.

"Hm? What is that?" wondered a nearby god.

Some gods around them quickly noticed the disturbance in the space but both Lamus and Vedon had already disappeared through another portal in space.

"Alright, I got them," said Vedon.

"Now let\'s do it… though I will need your assistance in this," said Lamus.

"Sigh… leave it to me… with our last tidbit of power, we should be able to do it," said Vedon.

Vedon extended his divine authority and bathed Veronica\'s split souls in it, then, Lamus did so as well.

Their consciousness dived into her soul and quickly found Hekaton\'s Samsara System, a comprised magic construction fueled by the god\'s divinity.

Vedon, who had created the system in Kritias, found an incredible familiarity with the Samsara System, using his abilities and those of Lamus, they both \'hacked\' into the Samsara System\'s mainframe and created two provisional \'authorities\'.

"I will be… Takoyaki" said Lamus.

"You\'re really fascinated with the food on Earth… well, me too. I will be Karaage" said Vedon.

"Oh wow, Hekaton really did some improvements… but he also messed in the defense of his own system, this is too easy to hack," said Lamus.

"Yes, now let\'s copy this… this… this… and this…" said Vedon, copying countless \'files\' within the magic construction and fueling them with Lamus and his divinity.

After a few minutes, they seemed to be done. The entire Samsara System was copied flawlessly, and both of them improved upon it, fixing various bugs and errors, and added more details and complexity to it.

"We have even improved upon it," said Lamus.

"Yes… Haah… I am too tired. I can already feel my entire body aching… Let us give it to both of them… and our blessings as well" said Vedon.

"Yes… may you two have a better third life… and we apologize for giving you such a big task…" said Lamus.

"Hopefully, our brother is not wrong about her, or we will end up mummified while waiting for her to do something…" said Vedon.

"Anastacia, no, Veronica… she shared our brother mindset, and she loved all demons, beastmen, monsters, and even humans, elves, and dwarves without any discrimination. She was a woman with strong principles and a heart of gold, a true ruler…" said Lamus.

"The guider of Demon and Spirits… you\'re our last hope," said Vedon.

Lamus and Vedon sent Veronica\'s split souls through their copied Samsara System to Mirror Kritias, as both of them immediately fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile, in Mirror Kritias, the Artificial Intelligence created by Hekaton to assess the reincarnation of souls glanced at the two new souls sent to him.

It lacked an ego and a personality, and only did things automatically.

Lamus and Vedon had covered both souls into an illusion that could fake the soul\'s appearance, so they would seem as if they were already cleansed of their memories and personalities.

Seeing them as clean as water, the being sent both souls to Mirror Kritias without any further inspection.

The first split soul followed the stream of souls\' and found its way into the young fetus of a half-demon by chance.

However, the second split soul was separated in the streams of souls and fell into the world\'s surface, wandering until it was seen by Qadall, the God of Souls and Death, and put into a random dungeon inside the Devil Forest, where it waited for two years to finally reincarnate as a Living Armor.


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