Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 133 - Pekoran’s Dreams


Thanks to her strong connection with Ervas and their split souls that naturally can share each other talents, as long as Veronica is within a radius of one hundred meters from Ervas, she is capable of sharing her mana with him, and vice versa.

Due to this, Veronica had the millions of Mana that Ervas shared with her, which she used to raise golems and create buildings. Unlike Ervas, Veronica was not as detailed with her constructions, as this was most likely due to her personality which was more impatient and energetic.

Veronica was being currently accompanied by her loyal Slime Aqua, Shade (like always), her trusted friend Anna, and her Living Armor apprentice Pekoran and his daughter Pekorina.

"Get up, get up," said Veronica, raising her arms as dozens of dead spirits converged into the stones and hard dirt, possessing them, and creating golems. These golems moved at her whim, merging the stone and the dirt as if they were the soft and moldable dough of bread.

The soft stone and dirt shaped themselves into large buildings where whole families could fit inside.

"Get up, get up, gubo!" said Aqua, sitting at Veronica\'s shoulders while trying to imitate her commands… however, the dead spirits only glanced at her with curiosity but did not obey her.

"It seems that you won\'t be able to learn this technique by imitating Veronica this time, Aqua," laughed Shade.

"Gubo… I want to make golems!" said Aqua.

"Well… that you\'re able to speak almost as fluently as us is a great feat already, Aqua-chan…" said Anna at Veronica\'s left side.

"But that\'s nothing, gubo!" said Aqua.

"Although we have seen Aqua for a while now, I can\'t stop but wonder how slime can learn how to speak… Is auntie Veronica capable of teaching monsters how to speak?" asked Pekorina.

"I think Aqua was just a very talented and intelligent Slime from the beginning, I\'ve tried to do the same thing to Charlotte and Nidhogg, by inserting memories and experience into their minds so they can develop speech… but it is very hard, and they don\'t seem to want to cooperate as much, unlike Aqua," said Veronica.

"I suppose Charlotte and Nidhogg are more rudimentary than Aqua… Although I have become a monster as well, I can speak… could this be because I am also very talented?" asked Pekoran.

"No, papa! Don\'t be dumb, you can talk because you were already intelligent before…" said Pekorina.

"Ah! Right… so I am stupid or intelligent?" wondered Pekoran.

"Pekoran… although Pekorina just said that it was obvious, you can speak because you were a person before becoming a Living Armor. Your soul stayed with you, and so did your mind, emotions, personality, and memories. Even after becoming an Undead Monster, you\'re still a person" said Veronica.

"I see! So that is how it is…" said Pekoran, finally understanding. His question was not because he had become senile after becoming an undead, he was always a bit slow, even when he was alive.

"The interesting thing is that Aqua is not even an undead with the memories and intelligence of its previous life… she is a young slime born in a dungeon that developed even the ability to talk and think like a person… Even with Veronica\'s help, such feat is… quite baffling," said Anna.

"I am that awesome, gubo?" asked Aqua.

"Yes, Aqua, you\'re very talented," said Shade.

"I am? But then why I cannot learn how to do golems!" asked Aqua.

"That\'s not because you\'re talentless, it is because you lack a skill that Veronica developed named Death Attribute Charm, Aqua," said Pekorina.

"I can\'t develop it?" asked Aqua.

"Not that I think of… it is a skill that cannot be taught, it is just something inherently that is born from within oneself. I was able to share it with Ervas because we are two halves of the same soul, we have the same abilities in that regard, and we can share them…" said Veronica.

"I see, gubo… But Veronica mama, why have you not learned things from Ervas?" asked Aqua.

"Well… I am slowly learning Telekinesis and Mind Encroachment, amongst other things… but unlike Ervas, who had evolved himself to become better at them, I am specialized in other things… Also, there are abilities and powers unique from our physical bodies or nature of our souls that cannot be simply taught, such as my ability to duplicate myself and use my body as materials, or Ervas ability to drink blood, drain mana, and life or manipulate his skeleton… I don\'t even have a skeleton… there is also Phantom Form Transformation, which transforms living flesh into Phantom, but I don\'t have living flesh so I can\'t learn that Skill," said Veronica.

"I see… Lady Veronica is very thoughtful about a lot of things, it seems" said Pekoran.

"I wonder if Auntie could teach me more about magic with your special memory method. I kind of want to recruit a spirit like Amelia!" said Pekorina.

"A Spirit?"

Veronica inspected Pekorina\'s presence and soul with her own for a split second, sensing if she had the talent for attracting spirits.

"You seem to be capable of attracting spirits… so let\'s do it later today, I suppose," said Veronica.

"Really?! Alright!" said Pekorina.

"I would be glad if I could learn magic as well, Lady Veronica… I was always quite talentless with magic before, but perhaps this might change now!" said Pekoran.

"Very well then, I\'ll just teach you both then," said Veronica.

"Err… but weren\'t you going to come to the workshop today?" asked Anna.

"Yeah, I will go with my main body there. I can teach Pekorina and Pekoran things like those with my clones, so do not worry. I will make sure to attend our date, Anna" said Veronica.

"I-It\'s not a date! We were going to just craft more equipment and weapons…" said Anna with a flustered flush in her tomboyish but beautiful face.

"Oho, it seems that Lady Veronica charm has quickly conquered the heart of this fair maiden?" asked Ozgeth\'s, slightly appearing behind Veronica and scaring everyone with its giant phantasmagoric eyeball body.

"T-That\'s not true! And do not appear like that, Ozgeth… you scared me" said Anna.

"Ah, sorry about that… I am still getting used to being a ghost… it is rather complicated to erase my presence and then appear again without causing people to be scared…" apologized Ozgeth.

"At least it wasn\'t Legion… when it appears, it always causes everyone to jump out in surprise, peko!" said Pekorina.

"Pekorina, don\'t talk ill of Legion, it is a very nice person, but it has troubles when it tries to have a low profile due to its large appearance," said Pekoran.

"Well, it is a very nice ghost, but it does confuse me a bit when it speaks multiple times with many voices at the same time…" said Pekorina.

"I agree… it is confusing at times," said Anna.

"We are the only two ghosts as of now… but perhaps having more of our companions could make the people get used quicker to our presence?" asked Ozgeth.

"More ghosts? Wouldn\'t Jason die out of fear?" asked Anna.

Jason had an inherent fear of ghosts, even after interacting many times with Legion and Ozgeth, it was always terrified by their phantasmal presence.

"That\'s why we should bring more of my kind, so we do a shock therapy on that man," said Ozgeth with a devilish smile, he had become a bit of a prankster.

"I-I don\'t think Ervas would appreciate his father getting scared all the time…" said Pekorina.

"I think that more ghosts and undead means more friends, and I like to have friends, gubo!" said Aqua nonchalantly.

"I was thinking of experimenting in creating skeleton-type undead… A skeleton knight, perhaps a lich could be cool… and well, skeleton animals, or a giant combination of many bones like the Legendary Knochen!" said Veronica.

"The Legendary Knochen? Who might that be, Lady Veronica?" asked Ozgeth.

"Ah… well, it was… in my first life, it was a giant monster made of millions of bones, that was almost indestructible and feared even by gods," said Veronica.

"That sounds terrifying! A monster made out of millions of bones?!" asked Pekorina.

"That would probably be capable of destroying a whole city," said Anna.

"Indeed, it had that potential… I never managed to see the ending of that novel, so I don\'t know how strong it ended… but achieving such a companion similar to it would be like a dream come true" said Veronica, her crimson and phantasmal eyes shining brightly in anticipation for the future ahead of her… and the wonderful undead that she will soon rise.

"Made of millions of bones… that has given me a sudden inspiration! What if I can become a monster made of millions of armor and weapons? So I could protect everyone!" said Pekoran.

"I think that would be terrifying as well…" said Shade.

"Good idea, papa! That would be way too awesome!" said Pekorina.

"That\'s… I am not sure if you could accomplish something like that, but I will be cheering for you as you evolve furthermore, Pekoran" said Veronica with a smile.

"Ah! Lady Veronica! I will! You shall see! I shall become a battalion of millions of armored warriors in one man!" said Pekoran.

Pekoran had become a unique race of Living Armor who also included on its body its weapons and shield, Veronica thought that in the future, it could be possible for him to slowly attach more and more pieces of armor, weapons, and metallic materials as it evolved.


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