Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 171 - [War Against A God] 10/?: Victory


[You acquired 25.000.000 Mana!]

[You acquired [Kelsus\' Dark Scales]!]

[You acquired the [Mind Attack: Level 1], [Grotesque Mind: Level 1], [Surpass Limits: Soul: Level 1], [Soul Fusion: Level 1], [God Slayer: Level 1], and [Kelsus & Anir Fusion: Level 1] Skills!]

[The Levels of the [Superhuman Strength; Level 5], [Abyssal Soul; Level 5], [Phantom Form; level 6], [Mana Enlargement; Level 5], [Magic Enlargement; Level 5], [Strengthened Physical Power; Level 5], [Physical Damage Resistance; Level 4], [Armor Rearrangement; Level 5], [Chant Revocation; Level 4], [Strengthen Followers; Level 5], [Commanding; Level 5], [Coordination; Level 5], [Self-Enhancement; Following (Ervas); Level 5], [Slime Binding Technique; Level 4], [Parallel Thought Processing; Level 5], [Fast Speed Thought Processing; Level 5], [Surpass Limits; Clones; Level 3], [Automatic Mana Recovery; Level 4], [Increased Mana Recovery Rate; Level 4], [Strengthened Attribute Values; Legion; Level 3], [Death Attribute Charm; Level 3], [Golem Transmutation; Level 3], [Grotesque Mind: Level 1], [Charge; Level 6], [Unarmed Fighting Technique; Level 7], [Javelin Technique; Level 5], [Axe Technique; Level 2], [Shield Technique; Level 5], [Armor Technique; Level 5], [Artillery Technique; Level 5], [No-Attribute Magic; Level 4], [Mana Control; Level 5], [Spirit Magic; Level 5], [Body Size Alteration; Level 4], [Magic Fighting Technique; Level 2], [Space Expansion; Level 1], [Self-Enhancement: Murder: Level 2], [Murder Healing: Level 2], [Armory; Level 4], [Soul Break; Level 5], [Legion; Level 2], [Surpass Limits: Soul: Level 1], [Soul Fusion: Level 1], [God Slayer: Level 1], and [Kelsus & Anir Fusion: Level 1] Skills have increased!]


[You acquired 25.000.000 Mana!]

[You acquired [Anir\'s Bone Marrow]!]

[You acquired the [Mind Attack: Level 1], [Grotesque Mind: Level 1], [Surpass Limits: Soul: Level 1], [Soul Fusion: Level 1], [God Slayer: Level 1], and [Kelsus & Anir Fusion: Level 1] Skills!]

[The Levels of the [Soul Void; Level 5], [Phantom Form; Level 5], [Phantom Form Transformation; Level 5], [Mana Enlargement; Level 6], [Magic Enlargement; Level 5], [Automatic Mana Recovery; Level 5], [Demon Metabolism; Level 5], [Night Vision; Level 4], [Commanding; Level 5], [Strengthen Followers; Level 4], [Increased Mana Recovery Rate; Level 5], [Coordination; Level 4], [Self-Enhancement; Following (Veronica); Level 5], [Death Attribute Charm; Level 4], [Superhuman Strength; Level 3], [Inner Skeleton Form Manipulation; Level 2],[Out-of-Body-Experience; Level 1], [Grotesque Mind: Level 1], [Shield Technique; Level 3], [Armor Technique; Level 3], [Magic Fighting Technique; Level 2], [Mind Encroachment; Level 5], [Soul Break; Level 2], [Healing Touch; Level 1], [Surpass Limits: Soul: Level 1], [Soul Fusion: Level 1], [God Slayer: Level 1], and [Kelsus & Anir Fusion: Level 1] Skills have increased!]

The death of Oggoth came with a strong tremor across the dungeon, alongside a sudden calmness.

The calmness was somewhat soothing and serene, it even made the people and even the Gazers feel at ease…

It was as if a greater evil had been finally suppressed, and they were finally able to breathe in peace for once.

It was a mystical sentiment shared by everyone present, even Krakenusa felt even freer than before… and as she did, she used her enhanced senses to inspect the Gazers, finding that they had become suddenly at ease, they were calm, and most even fell asleep.

"It seems that father… has really died…" she muttered, surprisingly falling asleep as well, she seemed incredibly exhausted after having her body overused so much by Oggoth\'s authority.

"Ah! Krakenusa?! Are you okay?" asked Jason who was near the enormous High Gazer Empress, worried about Ervas new friend had just suddenly died.

"Don\'t worry, she\'s just taking a nap, it has been quite tiring for her," said Ervas, emerging from downstairs alongside Veronica, everyone presents, which were currently resting on the bloody floor stood up to greet the heroes.

"Ah, Ervas, Veronica!" said Jerson, running towards his son and hugging him.

"You\'re squeezing me too hard…" muttered Ervas.

"All done. We just ate Oggoth by the way, it was crazy. I never thought I would ever taste a god before, it was quite bitter, to be honest" said Veronica, crossing her arms.

"Don\'t talk about it so casually, Veronica, we almost didn\'t make it…" muttered Shade.

"I\'ve never used my magic to such an extent, it even leveled up!" said Legion.

"It was a hard fight, but we did everything we could to assist our lords," said Ozgeth.

"I\'m glad you\'re okay, Veronica… but you just ate Oggoth…? A-Are you not joking, right?" asked Anna in confusion.

"We did eat him, both of us. Oggoth had the last trump card below his sleeve, possessing the fragments of Anir and Kelsus, which he used for the last struggle… Nonetheless, with our teamwork, we overpowered him and then entered inside his soul, where we destroyed him into pieces and accidentally ate him. It did indeed feel quite weird" said Ervas.

"It was weird but almost natural for some strange reason… Ah, we even got the fragments!" said Veronica, suddenly producing dark scales over her arm, which were of a different material than her armor itself.

"Are those scales not part of your armor, Veronica?!" asked Anna in disbelief.

"Wait, Ervas… You ate the God, that thing?! You ate it?! Are you feeling okay? You don\'t have any parasites or something? Any indigestion?" asked Jason.

"No, please stop shaking my body, father. I am fine…" said Ervas, extending his arm as red flesh emerged from within the inside of his skin, spooking Jason even more.

"Ervas! Someone heals my son!" shouted Jason.

"Father, between everyone here I am the best healer… and I am fine. This red flesh is named Anir\'s Bone Marrow, it is simply… the red flesh inside the bone. I think I should be capable of using it to strengthen my bone density and not make them all hollow when I force them to grow out of proportions…" said Ervas, considering new ways of using what he got.

"That\'s… Well… Rather unusual… What are these fragments anyways?" asked Ismene, unaware of the origin of such fragments.

"We can explain later… but they\'re pretty much the vestiges of the Gods that created Kritias!" said Veronica.

"Wait, what?!" asked Anna.

Ervas and Veronica\'s souls then emerged from within their bodies and touched each other. Ervas soul, which was white covered in a yellow hue, and Veronica\'s soul, which was completely dark to the point of creating the illusion of an endless abyss turned slightly gray.

"We can also use this, we unlocked it after killing Oggoth," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"It named Soul Fusion, it let us pretty much use some of the skills and spells of each other… and we can also exchange the fragments between the two," said Veronica, as she raised her arm and from within the hollow crevices of her armor body, vivid red flesh began to emerge like meaty tentacles, growing and filling her hollow body, as if she had muscles now. Meanwhile, Ervas generated dark scales across his body, resembling a young Dragonoid child.

"Veronica, you have flesh now!?!" asked Anna in bewilderment.

"Its flesh… but not exactly what I could call a real body… it is more like a monstrous flesh that doesn\'t even resemble anything other than strong, muscle-like bone marrow… But I can use it as support inside my body, though I can also fill it with my materialized phantom or soul. Though I can still see the benefits" said Veronica.

"My son, now you have scales?!" asked Jason.

"They\'re handy, I feel more protected now… And I think that I can use them with Shield and Armor Technique" said Ervas.

Ervas and Veronica discovered that they were able to \'fuse\' their souls as long both of them maintained contact with each other. This contact seemed to have an exceedingly long-range, and because they could simply create invisible soul threads and entangle each other souls through them, they could have their souls fused for very prolonged amounts of time, and be separated by many kilometers even… However, they also felt that by doing this, their Mana was being constantly consumed, so it was not a good idea to use it all day.

"Impressive, Lord Ervas and Lady Veronica had just ascended into beings of even greater power! Haah~ I cannot stop but think about their potential in the future! Even gods will have to kneel or be devoured! Yes! Yes! And I shall stay at their side, fufu~!" laughed Lilith whimsically.

"I\'m glad you\'re hyped up, Lilith," said Ervas with a smile.

"Pekooo! Ervas, why do you have scales now?! Did you evolve into a half-dragon now?! And- UWAH! W-Why do Veronica has slimy and twisting red flesh inside of her body…? Is that Nyar?" asked Pekorina.

"Objbjbj…" said Nyarlathotep, emerging from within the crowds and entangling Ervas.

"Wait, it\'s not?!" shouted Pekorina.

"My daughter, please stop screaming…" muttered Pekoran.

"Well, I can\'t help but be impressed too. Although I will not scream like Pekorina…" muttered Acathea.

"It\'s feeling weird staying in here, let\'s go back to the Kingdom, for now, let\'s have a well-deserved rest… and maybe a Kingdom-wide feast to celebrate," said Ervas.

"We can use the Bone Marrow as meat to feed everyone with it, right? Gazer meat is not really that tasty, it\'s just eye juice" said Veronica.

"Objbjb!" said Nyarlathotep.

"And Nyar\'s meat too," said Ervas, with a smile.

Everyone else seemed rather disgusted by the thought though…

"I don\'t mind Nyarlathotep meat… But please, let\'s just use the food we have stored inside the castle instead…" muttered Ismene.

"Hm, oh right, I guess…" said Ervas.

"I will still try out the Bone Marrow~," said Veronica.


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