Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 228 - [A Mountain Of War And Death] 13/?: Veronica’s Insane Job Changes!


"Hmm~ I wonder if I will get Jobs related with my Electrify and Graveyard straight away? Ah, it feels nice to get new and cool Skills…" thought Veronica, she was certainly even more cheerful than often due to her new two Skills, which also meant that she was slowly becoming an even stronger being, she needed to raise and train those powers. Each Skill she acquired helped her reach her and Ervas\' goal, that of protecting everyone.

"Even with this little strength… as long as I continue having this explosive growth, I might even reach the possibility of saving my people in the original Kritias… No, I am getting way too hasty, just as we said before… I have to do things step by step, slowly but steady…" thought Veronica, calming herself as she glanced at the System window in front of her sight.

[Jobs Available]

[Armored Thrower], [Cursed Armor Brawler], [Phantasmal Armored Shield User], [Armored Artillery User], [Metallic Thread User], [Armored Tamer Mistress], [Hollow Witch], [Tartarus Executioner], [Abyssal Soul Demon Armor], [Acheron Ferrier], [Demon Beast Queen], [Undead Metallic Arachnid Matriarch], [Demonic Shadow Phantasmal Soul Queen], [Abyssal Phantasmal Soul Warrior], [Living Demonic Fortress], [Gods Nemesis], [Abyssal Living Armory], [Great Self-Body Blacksmith], [Kelsus\' Fragment User] (New!), [Thunderous Armored Tyrant Empress] (New!), [Invoker of Accursed Graveyards] (New!)

In front of Veronica\'s sight, there were three new Jobs, and in fact, two of them were related to her new Skills, just as she had thought.

"This System is incredibly quickly at picking up my new Skills and making Jobs around them… Impressive, Samsara System-san!" thought Veronica, as she decided to appraise the three new Jobs to get some info from them.

The first new Job, \'Kelsus\' Fragment User\' was a Job specialized around the use of Kelsus, and to a lower extent to Anir\'s Fragments. It seemed to strengthen her power over them while increasing the levels of the Skills related to these accursed fragments.

Veronica and Ervas seemed to be completely immune to their parasitism or mental encroachment capabilities, using them as their weapons without any drawbacks, something never seen on any \'mortal\'.

Kelsus and Anir Fragments were the residual pieces of the body and soul of the Demon God-King, as he could not be killed but ended fragmented into pieces. Each piece held a piece of the true power of this being that once killed many Gods and tormented the world, bringing even more chaos in the middle of the Ragnar?k.

Other Gods such as Oggoth were able to wield their powers without being consumed completely by them, although if they were to abuse this, they would end up with a lot of damage dealt into their souls.

However, mortals were a different story, unlike Gods, mortals did not possess a Divinity nor Divine Power to back them up, and even less a sizable amount of Mana.

Mortals that were affected by the fragments would be transformed into rampant beasts that would only seek destruction and reunite with more fragments.

But Veronica and Ervas were different and unique, for some uncanny reason, the fragments obeyed them.

Could it be their Souls who had become similar to Gods? But even then, not even Gods were able to force the fragments into submission so easily without using a Seal.

"Isn\'t this Job amazing? I should pick it up… but I have to contain myself,"

Veronica could not help but feel the necessity to grab this Job, but it would most likely take a long time to level up, and there might be more useful Jobs for the moment.

The second new Job was the Thunderous Armored Tyrant Empress, a Job seemingly related to Veronica\'s new Skill \'Electrify\'. This Job\'s description was very simple, and it brought upon her a few strengthening and corrections in the power of her lightning, while also hinting something related to producing lightning from within her soul if she trained it enough.

"This one is great as well. But what about lightning from my soul? Does it mean that I could generate black lightning from within the Abyssal Soul? That would be certainly neat, but I have no idea how different it would be compared to the one produced through my metallic body…"

And last but not least, the third new available Job option, the Invoker of Accursed Graveyards Job seemed to be closely related with her new Cursed Graveyard of the Dead Creation Skill, a Skill that she felt as if she stole from the Necromancer after having assimilated all those graves and purple dirt.

Due to this Skill, she even felt as if she were a certain Goblin from a Light Novel with the ability to learn Skills from what it ate, but instead of that, she learned them from what she assimilated into her body.

This Job was quite straightforward and just increased the power and most likely level of the Skill in specific, with the probability of other related Skills to be strengthened too.

"This one is nice too, and it will be most likely necessary if I want to expand my capabilities through this Skill… But for now, I have another Job in mind…" thought Veronica.


[You changed Jobs to [Armored Thrower]!]

[You acquired the [Precision Enhancement: Level 1], and [Archery: Level 1] Skills!]

[The Levels of the [Artillery Technique; Level 7], [Precision Enhancement: Level 1], and [Archery: Level 1] Skills have increased!]

"Interesting, I did indeed train my proficiency in Archery before, but didn\'t manage to get the Skill to get, it seems that changing into this Job gave me enough proficiency to acquire the Skill once and for all, nice… Now!"

Veronica then stood up as Ervas glanced at her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Veronica began to generate a spark of lightning from within her arm as she shaped it into an immense metallic bow, with a metallic string attached to it.

"Practicing archery! Thunder Arrow!" she said, as an enormous arrow of sparking golden lightning was fired towards the sky, exploding into a bright iridescent show of lights, illuminating the starry night for a few seconds.

"Well, that was amazing…" said Ervas.

"That\'s nothing, now look at this!" said Veronica, as she began to throw dozens of arrows towards the sky, hitting several large bird-type monsters that were passing by, who fell to the ground completely roasted.

"Oh, are you hunting? Also, nice fireworks," said Ervas.

"Thanks! But this was to increase the Experience of this old Job I never took up until this point. Ah, there it is!" chuckled Veronica.


[Experience Points have reached the required level!]

[User\'s Job has reached Level 100!]

"Fuehehe! Now I have done it!" laughed Veronica maniacally, as she quickly changed Jobs again, asking for Ervas help this time.


[You changed Jobs to [Phantasmal Armored Shield User]!]

[The Levels of the [Shield Technique; Level 7] and [Physical Damage Resistance; Level 6] Skills have increased!]

"Help? In what?" asked Ervas.

"Hit me as hard as you can!" said Veronica, summoning her shield from her Armory and standing firmly in the ground. Both of them had walked out of the tribe, so it was quite safe.

"…Is it to level up a Job?" asked Ervas.

"That\'s right!" said Veronica.

"…Okay then, physical damage?" asked Ervas.

"Yes!" said Veronica.

"Okay then…" said Ervas, as he suddenly began to produce enormous quantities of bones from within his right fist, concentrating it all into an enormous arm that he was able to lift not through his strength but through Telekinesis.

Suddenly, over the giant bone fist, dark scales began to grow as well, resembling the fist of a demonic and armored giant.

"This… I haven\'t practiced it enough, but it should be good enough, although I still cannot compare to your strength," said Ervas, enhancing the fist with Telekinesis and then launching it towards Veronica like a giant rocket punch!

"Nice! Greater Shield Tower!" roared Veronica, as she cast a Shield Technique of high Level, taking Ervas hit her shield.


The enormous force produced by the giant rocket punch made the entire surroundings tremble, as a giant shockwave expanded across their surroundings, even scaring the people celebrating.

Veronica managed to resist the thunderous hit, as she glanced at her Job increase in level!


[Experience Points have reached the required level!]

[User\'s Job has reached Level 100!]

"Yes!" said Veronica.

"…You\'re leveling up Jobs, are you not? Damn, I should have done the same instead of picking the one I needed straight away…" said Ervas.

"Don\'t worry, you will be able to do it, later on, ~" said Veronica.

"Are those oldie Jobs?" asked Ervas.

"Yep, they\'re all pretty old, this is why I wanted to get rid of them already," said Veronica, choosing her next Job.


[You changed Jobs to [Metallic Thread User]!]

[You acquired the [Tailorship: Level 1] Skill!]

[The Levels of [Thread Reeling Technique; Level 4] and [Tailorship: Level 1] Skills have increased!]

"Now, with the threads!" said Veronica, as she began to transform her whole metallic body… into threads!


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