Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 237 - [A Mountain Of War And Death] 22/?: An Overwhelming Battle



A powerful gust of wind in the form of bird claws crushed dozens of Undead while managing to destroy one of the gigantic skeleton chimeras that carried many arrows and bows.




However, although Desephise\'s tall and muscular body alongside her powerful magic and her amazing techniques blew away many, more Undead would quickly appear from within the sides, the purple dirt kept expanding the armies as they came one after another.

"RAAAAAHH! Kicking Burst!"

"Roaring Thunder Attack!"

"Claws of Windstorm Breeze!"

The harpy warriors that remained with Desephise fought bravely as they defended their people and the caves where they ran away, just a few minutes ago Desephise had decided this course of action, knowing that she was now waiting for her impending doom.

However, much like those like Ragdaz, there was nothing better for her to fight to the death for the safety of her people, and those that accompanied her in the task thought the same.

The Harpy Warriors at her side were all old men, those that had already lived their lives fully and were willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. For the safety of their children and grandchildren, admirable people.

"For our duty… we have to fight!"

"For our people…!"

"For my children!"

"For my grandchildren!"

The Harpy Warriors roared as they cheered themselves up, obliterating the Undead on their path as their bodies bulged with great muscles, their claws grew in size and their techniques blew away the skeletons and undead towards the sky, where other warriors would tear them apart.

However, unlike the war against the Bear-kin, there was purple dirt but no graves, and due to this, the group of undead never stopped spawning, the graves that seemed to be the spawn points were simply nowhere to be seen.

"These monsters keep appearing one after another, my Mana is slowly falling, and although I can recover it quite quickly, the pressure into my body is… quite too much… No! Feroya… I have to fight for you… I cannot… go with you yet…" muttered Desephise, thinking about her beloved daughter as she drew an unforeseen strength from within her body breaking through the limits of her body and soul and enveloping herself into an aura of flowing winds.

"I am… not giving up yet…! Not yet…! Wait for me, Feroya… Your mother… will join you soon enough…!" roared Desephise, as she flew towards the Undead, raising her winds and flapping them as gigantic tornadoes emerged from within, using their slicing winds to obliterate the accursed Undead in front of her like pieces of debris.


Desephise roared, releasing the sound of what would seem like an eagle, her monstrous strength began to skyrocket as her muscles bulged even further, her cry was charged with her powerful Skill \'Scream\', that when used in combat, would increase the power of the screams of its wielders, giving them a damage value and also a mind-weakening one.

The Undead who were often unfazed by anything suddenly began to tremble as their very souls felt intense fear. Desephise\'s eyes flashed with an eerie red light, as she roared constantly while obliterating the armies of Undead one after another, the screams and shoutings only affected her enemies while enhancing the morale and even the strength of her allies!



A soundwave was released from her cry as the Undead that was directly hit by it fell in pieces into the ground, while those that heard it from a distance became alarmed and even slightly insane, their souls inside of their hollow bodies could not resist the pressure within.




The Harpy Warriors gathered in a squadron, fighting near Desephise with their claws and winds. The admirable battlefield of those that fought for the safety of their people against a tireless army of the dead unfolded, and amidst such chaos, within the backlines of the Undead, a group of small harpies and bear-kin kid gnashed their teeth.

"That damned chief!"

"How dare she fight this much after all?!"

"Don\'t worry, our lord had modified our Cursed Graveyard, so it no longer has the weakness of the graves being a spawn point! As they are now underground, they cannot be easily detected, nor destroyed! Without them being able to put pressure in us, we will be able to sooner or later weaken them and destroy them!" laughed a young harpy boy whose wings seemed to have been damaged. He was one of the many children that had escaped the harpy tribe due to several motives, such as the strict rules, their annoying religious beliefs, and many other things that ended up tiring the young and immature children, making theme escape the tribe, which allowed the Necromancer to encroach their minds and recruit them as disposable pawns.

"That\'s right…!"

"Yeah, without that weakness, they can roar and fight all they want, but they will end up dying anyway!"


"There is nothing to worry about then!"

"Let\'s keep pouring our Mana and see as the chief despairs and dies!"

"Now she\'ll pay for what she did to Feroya! That damn bitch! I can\'t wait to see her die horribly!" said one of the harpy kids, who seemed to have been Feroya\'s boyfriend.

After having known about her death, he could not help but hate the chief and the entire tribe, running away from it and not so much after having been recruited and encroached by the Necromancer. Due to the Necromancer\'s curse, his hate was amplified, clouding his mind and giving him a wicked nature.

Desephise, unaware of such things, kept fighting for her life while shielding the cave sections from the Undead to not get nearby.

She used her powerful blows and magic in conjunction with her ability to break through her limits to descend into the ground like a herculean eagle warrioress.


Having almost run out of Mana, Desephise kept fighting with her bare hands and feet, without even having enough mana to unleash any more techniques but by using her bare strength and her undying rage, her body was reaching the limits of their already broken limits, her bones were about to burst and her muscles about to be torn apart.

"Continue fighting…! Haaahhhh…! RAAAH!"

This was a battle of attrition where the harpies were at a clear disadvantage, the Undead kept coming incessantly, and the Harpies were left with no alternatives to make their spawn slower as there were not any graves to destroy, to begin with, as all the graves were settled underground instead than in the surface.

Unlike the more resilient Bear-kin, the Harpies did not possess enormous physical capabilities and gigantic amounts of stamina, even less the Digestion Skill that could help them devour the bones to regain Mana, they didn\'t even possess strong enough teeth to bit through bones, to begin with.

Due to this, they had an even harder time resisting as the bear-kin did, and some of the old Harpy men were already on their last breath, as the Undead overwhelmed them and began to tear them apart into a bloody mess.




Desephise glanced at this with a mournful expression, her warriors, her companions, were slowly dying at her side.

Although they had promised to do so and had to come with her just for that whole purpose, it was still painful to see the several old men that had been living and helping the tribe thrive for many years die so horribly.

Desephise\'s mind was already breaking apart as her sanity was simply turning into complete insanity, the dread feelings of her brethren dying in front of her reminded her of the death of her beloved daughter, bringing tears into her eyes as she slashed and fought for everything she had against the Undead.

"Feroya…. Feroya… I have to… I have to do a bit more… Just wait… Wait a bit more, my daughter…! Please… wait a bit more…!" she muttered in a mournful tone, as her body ached everywhere, making her tremble intensively.

"HAHHH… HAAAAAHHH…! GRAAAAAAHHHH!" roared Desephise, her cry releasing the last bit of Mana within her into a powerful scream that was heard across the entire mountain, the Undead suddenly stopped moving as their souls began to ache and tremble.

"Ungh…! N-No… not… yet… Feroya… there is much… more before meeting you… I cannot… simply…! I cannot simply! I… AAGGH…!"

Desephise\'s bones suddenly began to crack, as her muscles torn apart, the enormous pain rushed through her entire spine towards her head, her eyes flashed as they began to cry tears of blood.

Her mouth vomited blood as she glanced at the last harpy men dying near her, and the Undead that was trembling quickly bring themselves back to normal and walking towards her while raising their weapons.

"Feroya… I will… see you soon… My daughter…"

"Let me tell you, death is not the best option," said the voice of a cheerful young woman.


Desephise suddenly realized that the Undead near her never ravaged her into pieces… and many seconds had passed since she dropped into the ground.

"You\'re Feroya\'s mother, right? I guessed so, as you were screaming her name everywhere. She is right there… looks!" said the voice, as Desephise\'s eyes glanced at the sky, as an enormous eagle made entirely out of emerald-colored phantom covered in countless gusts of wind flew through the sky, releasing countless arrows made out of wind one after another.

"Mother! I AM HERE!"

"That voice… Am I… hallucinating…?!"


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