Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 252 - [A Mountain Of War And Death] 37/?: A Talk


"Yeah… We just healed their wounds and they immediately began rooting for us. I wonder why?" wondered Ervas.

A new day had already come in the mountains, as the sun began to slowly emerge from the horizon. Ervas and Veronica, alongside the rest of the harpy tribe, the bear-kin that participated in the battle, and the rest of the two split souls allies gathered in the kitchen area for breakfast. Gaius, alongside many Harpy women and old Harpy men, alongside Ervas Phantom Clones and Veronica\'s Clones gathered to cook for the rest of the people with high spirits.

Veronica and Ervas gathered with the rest of their friends and family, as they were discussing what had unfolded last night through their dreams.

"Wait for a second, I knew you were able to heal souls…! But… you healed the souls of Gods?!" asked Ismene in bewilderment.

"They really just did that, did they?!" asked Desephise in a similar tone.

"Unbelievable…" muttered Anna.

"Is that much of a big deal?" asked Ervas.

"We just healed them because we thought we could. After all, from what we have heard from them and from what we have learned, most Gods are ethereal beings made entirely out of their souls, which had ascended into a higher quality of existence… or something like that. Although there are exceptions of course. I think the Bright and Dark Gods and all of those converted in gods by them are all like this though. But I believe amongst Demon Gods certain exceptions are unique on their own accords…" sad Veronica, as she enlightened the people, but this only made her feat even more incredible.

"That\'s exactly why, Veronica! If those Gods had wounds inflicted to their very souls which they had not been able to heal for so long, didn\'t it mean that such wounds were incredibly powerful though?!" asked Shade.

"Oh, yeah…" said Veronica and Ervas at the same time, as if they had perfectly synchronized.

"Now that we remember, the wounds were inflicted by other gods. Ah, Hasaen, the Bear-kin Heroic God was wounded by several swords and arrows, which seemed to disappear when we grabbed and ate them," said Veronica.

"Yeah, they were bitter and tasted quite bad, but I imagine they were part of some kind of power or authority of the gods he fought," said Ervas.

"I wonder why do Gods even fight if they\'re immortal! Shouldn\'t they remain in peace and harmony?" asked Amelia.

"If they\'re all immortal, doesn\'t it meant that they got eternity to get well together, peko?" asked Pekorina.

"Oh, this question again… I believe we already answered it before, but it is an obvious answer…" said Ervas.

"Because of the difference in thoughts, beliefs, and many other things. Although Gods might be immortal and cannot be \'killed\' by conventional means, they can still be attacked and damaged until their souls are so weakened that they fall into slumber, seemingly in a coma state for thousands of years… But aside from that, they cannot die… Although there are ways for Gods to absorb others or fuse with them," said Veronica.

"Indeed, it is the beliefs and the mortals that they desire to protect what separated the Gods in the first place… and well, when the Demon God King appeared, one of the rare beings capable of killing Gods for real, is when things became even more chaotic, and many Gods died while others were heavily weakened and sealed… Some were even split apart and so on…" said Ervas.

"Anyways, I understand how you girls might feel… And I kind of agree it is rather stupid to have eternal life and spend it fighting each other, even after knowing that you cannot virtually kill each other but only send each other to sleep for a small eternity… But that\'s how it is… That is… how this world is…" said Veronica.

"They should all get along and be nice! Wouldn\'t all the problems solve that way?" asked Acathea.

Acathea said something very obvious, yet also very unrealistic. Nothing would always be so easy, Gods in specific were beings ruled by their divinities, their natures, beliefs, and personalities were always ruled by their divinities, in such cases, no matter how much you asked a God to change, such as telling Bestellen to become more tolerant to Demons and Beastmen, due to his divinity and nature that favors humans, elves, and dwarves, and how he sees this as the \'righteous order of the world\', it is impossible to convince him otherwise…

Even if all the gods in the entire Kritias ganged on him, trapped him, and forced him to change his mind… he would never do so, he would rather die than change his mind, and so were most Gods.

"I wish things were as easy, little Acathea-chan…" said Veronica as she petted Acathea\'s head… Acathea could be considered a girl that was soon to reach her maturity and teenage years, but still had some very childish thoughts and opinions, much like Pekorina and Amelia.

"Gods are just stupid!" said Acathea.

The adults in the gathering all released a slight chuckle at Acathea\'s words, as she held a lot of truth in her words…

"Yeah, right? They\'re a bunch of idiots, to be honest!" said Veronica.

"Hm, I agree to that," said Ervas.


"That\'s right…"


"Anyways, now we know that you two can heal Gods! This could mean huge things to the Gods at the Demon Continents, especially to the ones wounded after many battles… Because we are clearly of their faction, if we manage to heal them all through your abilities… would not that mean that the Dark Gods Faction would be on full strength compared to the Bright God Faction who are still recovering? …If that were the case, wouldn\'t that mean that our faction could have a chance to seize the Bright Gods through their strength and possibly win this old war once and for all?" asked Anna.

"That\'s… That\'s a bit of a stretch, Anna-chan…" said Veronica.

"Hm, you\'re looking way ahead, there is too much to do before even reaching such a point," said Ervas.

"Ah, I guess so… I thinking I was being too overly excited over the possibilities, I suppose…" said Anna with an apologetic smile.

"Well, that\'s the same idea that Ocypete and Hasaen had when they saw us healing them, the moment they saw our abilities, they immediately attributed it to the increase in strength of their troops and in the possibility of seizing the Continent of Anir\'s Hand through brute force…" said Ervas.

"We are not people that shy away from danger, but it would be better for things to not even be rushed so much, a lot of planning and gathering and strengthening of our people is also needed… And there is also the whole ordeal of securing the safety of our Kingdom too, there are many responsibilities before even fathom to begin a war against Bestellen\'s forces… But I do understand your point. And to be honest, I wish we could do that as fast as possible to finally have a world where we could live at peace… But even then… the Kritias where we came from would still be there, and… we still need to go there as well and… Ugh, my mind is about to burst…" muttered Veronica.

"S-Sorry, I didn\'t mean to bring you so much stress… I know that you and Ervas have many tasks that you need to fulfill… I should have kept my mouth shut…" said Anna.

"Don\'t worry about that," said Ervas.

"It is fine… For now, I asked Ocypete and Hasaen to not reveal our ability to heal souls to any other God, as we were sure that many would constantly come to visit our dreams and asks us to heal them all the time… They would try to hasten their recovery to immediately launch some kind of attack against Bestellen, and we honestly don\'t want to hasten war," said Veronica.

"Those Gods don\'t know how much mortal\'s blood will be shred in such wars, they had seen it before, but their grudges blind their minds from the reality, they want to finish things out as fast as possible so they can live peacefully with their people, but through doing that, the sacrifices might be way too many," said Ervas.

"And it is not like the humans within this Continent have any fault over what the Gods want to do. Humans, Elves, nor Dwarves should carry the sins of their Gods," said Veronica.

"Hm, another war would not only kill many in the demon continent but also in here…" said Ervas.

"My father, Jason, is a human after all, right? And none of you had seen him strange or different than you, right? He is a person just like any of you. And Humans, Elves, and Dwarves don\'t deserve this treatment…" said Ervas.

"Ervas…" said Jason with an emotive voice, he was perhaps the only human within the entire Igni Kingdom, as Lilith and her sisters had now become \'Blood Humans\' and were not considered as actual Humans by the people anymore, but something like Demons.

"Indeed, although Humans had persecuted us, and even had tried to kill us… Not all Humans are the same, there are many innocent people," said Ismene.

"If a war were to break out… so many lives would die for God\'s selfishness…" said Jason.

"We must strive forward and do anything we can to stop that from happening, I am sure that there are other ways!" said Veronica.

"Indeed," said Shade.

"But for now, let\'s concentrate on our current next course of actions…" said Ervas.

"By the way, have any of you received Divine Protections by any chance?" asked Veronica.

"Ah… Me!" said Gaius.

"And me!" said Ragdaz.

"Me as well, it is a bit surprising…" said Azra.

"And me," said Desephise.

"Me and Sevapheso!" said Feroya.

"Yeah… It startled me a bit. I couldn\'t believe that Ocypete-sama would bless us now, even after becoming Undead," said Sevapheso.

"I also got something… Is this Hasaen the bear-kin god, right? Well, I am more of a squirrel myself! But it is appreciated!" said Acathea.

"Good, it seems that they complied with their promise," said Ervas.

"Indeed, we hope this little Divine Protection help you all grow stronger with us," said Veronica.

"Don\'t worry, we\'ll put it at good use!" said Ragdaz.


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