Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 372 - The Lovely Drakna


"Dead Sea Dunes? I think we saw a part of it when we were coming to Seashore too, it was a large piece of land within the continent! I didn\'t know there were tribes of people living there, as it seemed so arid…" said Veronica.

"There must be a very unique culture there… Perhaps we should take a visit there one day," said Ervas.

"Oh my, Doragon, they are even interested in going to our home! We should really make friends of them," said Drakna, glancing at Ervas and Veronica with interest. Something within them was making her like them, aside from their Guidance which had already begun to affect her and her husband.

"I-Indeed, we would be glad to welcome you to our places of birth… I personally did not like the desert that much, but yeah, it was indeed a mesmerizing place with a lot of different cultures. Our race is the Earth Dragon-kin, and we lived around a large Oasis, in one of the biggest cities of the Dead Sea Dunes," said Doragon.

"Sounds interesting," said Ervas.

"I wonder if Doragon was always a beast tamer?" asked Veronica.

"Oh indeed he was, he used his beasts to protect his caravan from monsters and bandits, and this is how he often had very good profits even when moving from large distances between the cities of the Dunes… Oh well, there is also his Skill Item Inspection, which he can use to inspect items quality, power, and more! Like that, he made himself very famous, and I am sure that he still is even when we left the Dunes years ago," said Drakna.

"The Dunes were a dangerous place, many bandits roam everywhere, and even deadlier monsters lurk in the sands… My tamed monsters helped me get through all of that. Although I was a merchant myself, I was often paid a lot just to escort other caravans," said Doragon.

"Damn, he must really be quite strong," said Veronica.

"He\'s a good tamer and merchant it seems," said Ervas.

"Haha! It is nothing compared to you two, do not flatter me like that… You two managed to get your Tamed Monsters from Rank 1 to Rank 4 in less than a week! How can that be called not talented? (And without taking into consideration how strong you are too! I am sure that they must be very strong to defeat Rank 6 monsters so carefreely like they had been doing lately…)" asked Doragon.

"I guess it was just some luck," said Veronica.

"Yeah, we just happened to have them near when we killed some monsters," said Ervas.

"I-Is that so? I see… (Just casually around while killing Rank 6 and above monsters?! If that was a joke it is not really funny… But well, it would be for the best to ally these two, and Drakna seems to genuinely like them, so I might as well make her happy…)" said Doragon.

"My husband is a bit shy sometimes, but I would like to invite you two to our house, could it be possible to arrange something within this week?" asked Drakna with a friendly smile.

"Oh, sure thing," said Ervas.

"Of course!" said Veronica.

"I can\'t wait! I will make sure to cook some of our tribe\'s dishes! And then you can also talk about your tribes and your variety of friends," said Drakna, she was genuinely interested in Ervas and Veronica\'s group as friends.

"Oh, native food? We are always up for that," said Veronica.

"Yeah, count us on," said Ervas.

"Oh right… but Ervas birthday is tomorrow…" said Veronica.

"We can invite her maybe?" asked Ervas.

"Oh my, his birthday? How long is he?" asked Drakna.

"Three- Thirteen…" said Veronica, almost saying that Ervas age was actually 3, despite him looking way older… although thirteen was too much for his body size and appearance, as he looked like someone around 6-7 years of age.

"Yes, I am… becoming thirteen…" said Ervas.

"T-Thirteen? But you look way smaller…" said Drakna.

"Yeah, I am growing slowly, it is because I am a Dhampir and we live thousands of years," said Ervas.

"I see… well you will have such a long life… Anyways, make sure to invite us to your birthday party! We\'ll make sure to bring some nice food and gifts!" said Drakna.

"I-I guess we are going to your manor tomorrow…" sad Doragon with a mildly bitter smile, he did not think he would get to visit the cursed manor of Seashore on his entire life… but now, he would be able to finally see how these people exactly live in such an accursed place.

"Yeah, we\'ll welcome you!" said Veronica.

"Yes… You will also be able to meet more of our friends," said Ervas.

"We got a ton of friends… I hope you don\'t act surprised when you met them, we are expecting your open-mindedness… alright? No discrimination!" said Veronica.

"Sure thing, in the Dead Sea Dunes we always lived with many different people, it is always fascinating to meet new races and get to know better about them and their customs and cultures," said Drakna.

"Thanks for being so nice with us, it means a lot," said Ervas.

"O-Oh… sure thing, fufu," said Drakna with a warm smile, petting Ervas head rather gently.

"(Open-minded? Well that is obvious! Why are they even asking that? I do not understand… What friends do they exactly have? Undead or something?)" thought Doragon without realizing that his guess might have been… rather correct.

As the party continued and Ervas and Veronica chatted with all the aristocrats that got near them, a certain old man glared at the two with a bit of suspiciousness…

Allan Westearth, the aristocrat that manages the bank of Seashore has been glaring at the pair for some time, perhaps with even more resentment and hate than Vairvec, who simply felt concerned about their power and not exactly angry at them compared to Allan.

However, Allan already had a bit of history with them, even though he had never interacted with Ervas and Veronica personally…

After all, he sent spies towards them and they easily apprehended them and drained all of the info they had of their brains, now Ervas and Veronica knew about his schemes and how easily they ruined them, and also knew that now Vampires were on the move, spying them from afar shapeshifted as bats at night, although they were always high in sky glancing above the manor, so they never really cared as much.

"Hmm… Who do they think they are? They have only spent around a week in here and they\'re already getting so famous around aristocrats… Just because they sold some illegally acquired ores… I will find how they got them and then sent them to jail!" murmured Allan, as Sylph Emeraldwind, the elf assistant at his side, glanced at him rather concerned.

"Sir, are you not getting too obsessed with them? Didn\'t the Vampires say they were going to do something about them? You should relax, they always get their job done…" said Sylph.

"What are you talking about? They had been taken over four days and nothing at all! They keep saying that there is some strange presence that they cannot fathom to get through into the manor… Cowards! I thought they were Vampires or something?" said Allan in low voice, although he was so angered that he was speaking a bit loudly, thankfully, the entire hall was filled with the voices of many people, so no one noticed his speech.

"Well, didn\'t they said that they would bring stronger Vampires?" asked Sylph.

"Yes… but when and how? And what does guarantee me that they will be able to get through whatever thing they felt? T-Those two are not really normal people… I am sure that… they are some kind of monster or something! Every time I see them… I can\'t help but- GYH!" Allan suddenly was startled as Ervas glared at him back!

His crimson eyes gleaming, as Ervas expressionless face startled the living shit out of Allan as if his soul were about to leave his body, he almost fell unconscious, as Sylph grabbed him.

"A-Allan-sama! Hang on!" said Sylph, as people began to gather around them, bringing a healer to slowly heal Allan, although there was no damage on him, he had just been scared into falling unconscious.

"What did you do?" asked Veronica to Ervas telepathically.

"He was staring at us a lot, so I gave him a scare… I just used the Demon God-King Evil Eyes by fusing Kelsus Blight Lends with Anir\'s Iridescent Retinas," said Ervas telepathically.

"Oh so when we combine them we can use some kind of Evil Eye effect, right, I had almost forgotten about that little plus," said Veronica telepathically.

"It can only scare people if used without the intent to kill, but that is enough to take him out of here for the night," answered Ervas telepathically.

"Maybe you should do the same with Vairvec?" asked Veronica half-jokingly through telepathy.

"No, it\'s just Allan who holds hostility, and Vairvec is too strong, he would probably notice us and do something… Also, he is already afraid of us anyway," answered Ervas telepathically.

"Oh right! Damn, look at him, he\'s trembling…" said Veronica telepathically.

"I believe he somehow sensed my eyes… He has very sharp senses…" said Ervas telepathically.

"Yeah, those are the senses of a Night Elf who has reached S-Rank power, nothing to scoff at, honestly. The guy is pretty strong, maybe we should try to get him into our side, how about we invite him to your birthday?" asked Veronica telepathically.

"Sounds like a plan," said Ervas with a mild smile telepathically.

For some reason, Vairvec now felt an imminent catastrophe about to befall him…


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