Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 381 - Original Kritias: Hekaton’s Concerns And Plans


Bestellen had done many foolish things, and the world\'s end was near.

However, although he seemed to find this event \'as a pity\', Hekaton did not felt any obligation on helping Bestellen, especially because there was another Mirror Kritias which was still perfectly fine…

Well, not so much.

"It is quite a pity that I will not be able to draw more power from the Transmigration Cycle inside of Kritias… But there is also Mirror Kritias for me. Although, there is a small issue there… Or well, a big one… Oh my, what have I done now?" wondered Hekaton, touching his forehead as he began to assess what was actually happening to Mirror Kritias while he was pretending to not know and waiting for things to somehow and magically resolve themselves.

Various issues had been undergone.

Although he knew that Ervas and Veronica had survived being slashed in two split souls, inheriting the Samsara System, at the time when he checked things, they had not made too much ruckus yet.

But now… oh well, they had indeed made too many insane things.

They summoned a being from another world named Kireina, who began to mess up everything with her unique powers which were greater than any of the aliens Ervas had ever summoned, bringing \'alien\' attributes that should not exist in Kritias such as Chaos, Void, Dream, Illusion, and more, which ended altering how the world functioned from its very roots, and as he taught it to Ervas and Veronica, they changed the world structure even more.

Forcefully introducing attributes into a world such as Kritias was dangerous.

Especially because each attribute needed to be maintained by a God, or various Gods.

But now that they introduced new and more attributes, the entire world\'s laws had to bend to them and slowly add them into their laws.

And without Gods to properly maintain these strange attributes, the world would be left with \'empty frames\' within, which would end up affecting all other elements.

All elements needed to be in harmony after all and be properly maintained by the Gods, their pillars.

This was as if Kireina had come to a building that was barely standing and added several new weights over it, the building was near crumbling, and it needed more pillars to maintain itself.

And now, Kritias of the future was… even worse than that, it was as if the entire building was now falling into pieces one by one, slowly but steadily being destroyed, instead of several pillars to maintain everything, there was only one, large, and very unstable pillar that was already showing clear cracks maintaining everything…

And not only the issue with Kireina was concerning and was threatening his energy gathering from the Transmigration Cycle, but Veronica had recently awakened Death Magic and was raising Undead left and right, in fact, she was raising so many Undead that the transmigration cycle was going nuts, failing all the time as souls that should have entered it was getting extracted out of the line, making errors after errors.

Although other Death Mages had existed before in Kritias, they were very few across large generations, and none of them ever had the power to guide and manipulate literal thousands of souls as Veronica could.

Even worst, Ervas and Veronica had somehow made their own Transmigration Cycle, and were drawing any soul that they found or guided into theirs, slowly emptying Hekaton\'s Transmigration Cycle!

And even worse, they were also reviving souls into strange new beings, and messing around everywhere!

And now, they were guiding literal hundreds of people, as they had entered some kind of large city, and were infiltrating into their society!

And as if it were not enough, Hekaton discovered that they killed a Familiar Spirit created by Bestellen himself!

In fact… they had already eaten a sealed God, and then ate a Demon God Kin Remnant Soul Piece as well!

And actually, the damn soul piece survived, and it was somehow messing around even more than before when it secluded itself inside a dungeon and only did necromancy stuff in the mountain!

"So Bestellen was trying to get rid of them already… Hmm, we might have some similar interests then… I have left other Death Mages alone before, but none had ever been as chaotic as Veronica is. Especially because of her strange way of how she acquired such Death Attribute… which I fear was my own doing… The Samsara system, what have they done with it?"

Hekaton began to inspect more and more information gathered from the Mirror Kritias Origin Core, and then on his own registry of Samsara System users.

Ervas and Veronica appeared there, but they seemed to be impossible to be manipulated by Hekaton!

Someone had meddled with their souls and made perfect copies of his System while bonding it to his main system!

And now, it seemed as if Ervas and Veronica had made of his System their own power, fusing it with the very core of their soul!

This was unheard of!

Hekaton was a God who had lived within his Divine Realm for many years and often did not interacted with fellow Transmigration Gods for a lot of time lapses, but he always served his master, Samsara.

Due to his aloof personality and cold heart, he was often never irritated, frustrated, or angered.

But now, he was mildly annoyed.

"This is… unheard of. They had taken and stolen my own System and its components, making it their power… Samsara-sama would feel disappointed in my research if he were to know that the System I am fabricating for him had gotten such annoying pests meddling with it. I really must… put some time into exterminating them then? Or at least, find some way for them to die so I can snatch out their souls and seal them…" thought Hekaton.

Hekaton began to think that perhaps what he was doing to beta test the System was not too much of a good idea, especially because it led to this very annoying error in Ervas and Veronica, which were slowly eroding the world he was extracting a large amount of power from to sustain himself.

But the worst part was not here yet.

"No… I should not worry so much about this, they are mere errors, and it is not like I am not attending many worlds aside from Kritias. If things had come to this, the best option is to separate me from these two worlds… as long as the other Heroes die, I will bring the Samsara System back to me from their souls and reincarnate them with their memories cleansed. I am done beta-testing this… these errors shall be… left to handle for Bestellen. I am sure that he will… find a way or not, I do not care."

Hekaton quickly began to manipulate his System and then the Divinity, quickly trying to close his soul bond with Mirror Kritias so he could not have anything else to do with the Demon God-King, Ervas, and Veronica, Bestellen, or anyone capable of manipulating souls or eating them.

"Well, this is goodbye. It will take some time to recover the power but, it is better to do this right away- Nngh…! Nnfggaaaaah?! NNNGGGYYYYAAAAAAHHHH…!"


Hekaton had… screamed in agony right before falling unconscious!

Just what… has just happened?!

Hekaton\'s hands began to tremble, after a few hours of resting, he slowly woke up.

He had never experienced falling unconscious before due to the pain inflicted on his very soul.

This was an experience that had left a big impact on his aloof mind.

He seemed a bit confused at first, but quickly after checking his System, he realized the problem.

"…I am… bind to Kritias? But I can simply unbind myself… No… I can\'t… This effect is… what happens when a God begins to be recognized by a large number of mortals… I have been recognized as a God from the world of Kritias itself, and thereby… the… Origin Core has registered me as one and binds me to it… The only way to escape this is by killing all those that believe in me! What? But how! Who… Wait… a minute…" muttered Hekaton, realizing a horrible fact.

Ervas and Veronica did not keep shut about Hekaton after they revealed their Samsara System and other stuff.

It first was to the Squirrel-kin tribe, they all got to know about an asshole Transmigration God.

Afterward came the other tribes, and then more and more… until the entire Kingdom of Igni, with a population nearing 10.000 all knew about Hekaton being a God of Transmigration who was an asshole and an idiot.

Everyone hated him because he used innocent people to beta-test his stupid System, and who ended up messing up Veronica\'s life and made her live a life of hardships that got her killed horribly.

Everyone harbored hate for him, he was not seen as some kind of Satan figure, but he was indeed hated.

And these people were enough to make him recognized as a God of Kritias, and to be bound to this world by these people\'s belief of him.

"This is… quite the problem. I cannot escape… There is only the option of confronting them and find a way to kill them, and possibly all of their people too… Hmm… I will not be able to do this myself but… just in time, there are many of them coming today… Thankfully, my Samsara System\'s true purpose is to let them keep their powers even after going to other Worlds… They had cultivated their strength well enough…" thought Hekaton, as he glanced at several Souls being suddenly sent inside of his Divine Realm.


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