Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 399 - As Easy As Crushing Ants


She had already assumed that someday people like this would once show up and attack her, her own mommy had told her to be wary of street thugs, and that it was fine to kill them as long as she did it in a place where she was not seen by the public, and hopefully without leaving evidence.

However, due to basic decency, she decided to ask the thugs to back down.

And just like her mother had taught her, she spoke with a polite tone.

"Please step aside, we are not interested in street fights," said Kuro.

However, the thugs completely ignored the little Kuro, and roared angrily, while being half-drunk.

"Step aside my ass, get them boys!" laughed the man, he seemed seemingly drunk.

It seemed that their answer was as clear as water.

They had chosen death.

Kuro simply smiled gently at them, as she slowly began to activate her skills…

"Don\'t come regretting your decision as ghosts later, alright?" asked Kuro as her eyes gleamed in crimson red.

"I\'m gonna take down that one guy, I hate his stupid face!" said Fei, as the cat-kin thug that had tried to extort her before rushed towards her with a knife.

"You ugly little bitch, I am going to slash your little stomach! There\'s not your mommy to protect you anymore!" roared the man, activating a Knife Technique and enhancing his knife with a new power surging through it, as he pointed it towards Fei!

"Level 2 Knife Technique…? Really? Scale Armor!" said Fei, activating an Armor Technique that used her very golden scales as armor, strengthening their defenses as she used her very hand to block the knife!


The knife simply hit her hand and then began to crack, the sharpness of it which was enhanced by the Knife Technique seemed to be absolutely nothing to little Fei!

Her golden scales were as hard as armor, the knife\'s blade simply caressed her scales and moved away, making the cat-kin man lose his balance as he was about to fall over Fei!

However, Fei smiled cheekily.

"Strong Fist!" she said, using her free hand and enhancing it with an Unarmed Fighting Technique named "Strong Fist" which simply enhanced her fist a tiny bit with mana.


A jab right into his chin, an uppercut that threw the man\'s chin to the skies fell over the unfortunate thug, as Fei\'s fist almost broke his jaw apart!



His fat body fell to the ground instantly, as the man felt his entire body dizzy and drowsy, the drunkenness he had was now enhanced by the pain he was feeling on his chin!

It was as if the jawbones had cracked a little bit, and it had also dislocated a bit!

The horrible sensation of having his own jaw about to fall off his skull was horrible, making the man experience something that he had never thought he would go through!

"AAGGHHH…! AAaaaahh! It… huursshht!" he cried, as Fei slowly walked towards him.

"Hm, should forgive your life? Will you be a nice person?" asked Fei, she was not completely ruthless, after all, she was only a six-month-old girl, and she still held an honest heart within her. She was simply taught to defend herself when people tried to attack her, which was what she did.

"G-Get away from me! You are a monstershh! I havesh… never sheen a racesh like yoursh!" cried the old cat-kin beast-man, as he slowly began to drag his body around the street.

Giving Fei his butt, she raised her talon as she kicked the man with an incredibly strong Unarmed Fighting Technique using her talons, just like her auntie Pekorina taught her!

"I guess if you can survive this you are worthy of living another day, now scram off my sight!" roared Fei, ruthlessly kicking the man\'s butt with a powerful kick, her claws and scales were all covered in magic, intensifying the enormous pain!



Feeling Fei\'s talon hit his butt, the man felt as if the talon broke through the grease and flesh on his cheeks and directly impacted his bones beneath, even his spine felt an enormous pain, and even his crotch was affected by the shockwave of pain!

With a single kick into his arsehole, the man was literally thrown into the air, flying into the sky, over five meters above the floor, he literally crossed two whole buildings and hit the paved floor faraway, leaving most of the other thugs in shock…

"Oof, nice one!" laughed Berth.

"She literally threw him to the other street! Amazing, Fei-chan!" said Acaracia.

"S-She\'s strong…" said Mitiliph, making sure to never mess around with Fei-chan ever again if she did not want to get her butt kicked like this unfortunate man.

Kuro was punching with her bare phantasmal fist another man\'s face, leaving him completely covered in blood as he was barely resting with his feeble arms.

"There, there, there! Just like mommy taught me, a nice punch makes any man more serviceable!" laughed Kuro, as he left the man on the floor, he was trembling and completely dizzy, asking for mercy.

"Pleaseee… Nngh… Do not… kill me… I am sorry… Please… forgive me…" he groaned, barely gasping for air.

"Meh, you are not even worth killing and making a friend of, keep living, you are probably worse like that," sighed Kuro, someone incredibly close to death who knew how happy Dead Spirits always were at her side, imagining having such a pathetic person as a dead spirit companion made her almost puke in disgust, so she simply decided to leave him almost dying.

Kuro could not help but pity him, as she sighed, releasing her metallic threads, and entangling the man with them, throwing him into the corner of the alleyway near the trash, where he belonged.

"Good work, see? It wasn\'t necessary to kill them, Kuro-chan," said Berth.

"I guess so, they are so pathetic that I guess they are not even worth killing," sighed Kuro while shrugging.

The rest of the thugs were all crushed similarly and just as easily, showing how strong the children were despite being so incredibly young…

Vina had punched another to almost death, leaving his legs broken and his face completely covered in blood, the punches of a Half-Orc were strong enough to break stone with ease, so she had actually made sure to contain herself a bit, but nonetheless she "accidentally" broke his legs…

Tina slashed the man\'s chest and left him bleeding intensively, if he did not receive any help he would die out of blood loss, but that was not her problem.

Lime used his dog claws as a Half-Kobold and his fangs to bite and slash another thug, leaving him with big bite and slashing wounds all around his body, but he was still, alive, somehow.

And lastly, Asure used his swiftness and nimble hands to ridicule one of the men, stealing everything he had around and then breaking his ankles with a strong punch, leaving him worthless for the rest of his life.

Kuro nodded happily after seeing her friends doing what was the correct thing to do, as she used her Limited Death Attribute Magic, Delay Death, to delay the death of any of all the thugs, so maybe if they were lucky they could be rescued by a kind-hearted priest and then change their way of life while living as crippled people.

Delay Death was a special Spell that could delay the death of someone. It did not save them from dying nor healed their wounds, and simply extended the period of suffering that the body underwent before they died, it did not increase the regeneration rate either, and after some time, they would die anyway if they did not receive proper treatment, as the delay of death did not heal or made the wounds become better.

Wrapping them all in metallic threads, Kuro and her group left the thugs near the trash, walking away contently towards the outskirts of the city.

"Hmmm… I am hungry… Maybe we should have killed them, human meat is nice sometimes," said Vina while licking her lips, imagining devouring the tender flesh of the weak thugs.

"Eeeh? Why would you even eat those disgusting guys\' meat, Vina? You would probably catch some kind of nasty disease, you have to take care of yourself! If you want human meat we can go hunt some better-looking humans around here, there is plenty," said Asure.

"Well mommy already brought me one last night, it seems that Ervas and Veronica didn\'t like them to hunt humans so much to get fresh blood, but after growing strong enough we need it…" said Vina.

"…Then you are just being a spoiled girl, wait until we get to the Orcs at least!" said Asura.

"Okaaaay…" sighed Vina.

"Is Human meat that good?" asked Berth with a bit of concern about these kids minds… he knew that they were rather different than them, and also already knew that Ervas and Veronica let their subordinates catch some thugs around as food for them from time to time, especially the many bandit groups that roamed around Seashore… but it was still impactful to hear them talk about the meat as if it were a delicious thing.

"Yeah, it\'s nice! Especially the legs and butt cheeks meat… It\'s so tender and soft, and you do, nam, nam, nam! And you can take the delicious meat out of the bone right away! I like to roast it…! Hm~ Hahh… I got hungry again!" said Vina adorably.

"You are so gluttonous, you ate like fifty Anir burgers this morning!" said Asure, reprimanding Vina.

"Sooorry…" she sighed.

"(Indeed… they are rather bizarre… very… But… I guess it is fine)" thought Berth.

Meanwhile, as Kuro\'s party walked towards the Dungeon, a figure covered in black clothes walked near the wrapped thugs, his eyes gleaming eerily in crimson red light.

"Hmm… You may be fitting materials…" it said.


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