Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 491 - Beelzebub’s Raid!

Beelzebub was the residual consciousness extracted from the captured Necromancer split soul, the being that survived from the fight against Ervas and Veronica by hiding through its special abilities and the incredibly dim presence it possessed.

His split soul fragments and residual consciousness were packed up in a special "Loot Box" made by the System master, which was then teleported near Fernando, one of the Reincarnated Souls who had chosen to change his Race to a Vampire, becoming a Progenitor Vampire alongside possessing the Penetrator Ability, giving him the power to ignore Defense and Resistance.

The Loot Box was foolishly opened, and the spectral darkness that the residual consciousness and soul fragment looked like possessed Fernando\'s soul and ate it, fusing with him!

The System Master renamed the new entity that came from this as… Beelzebub.

Through this time, he built up an army of super-powered Pure-Blooded Vampires which he modified with monster parts and magic technology acquired from the System Master\'s "gifts", which Beelzebub had decided to send and test Ervas and Veronica once and for all, while he sat down on his throne and watched as things unfolded with a cup of wine at his side.

The handsome pale-white man drank some of the crimson-red wine, which was in fact fresh blood from a young girl.

He expectantly waited for his army to reach Ervas and Veronica\'s manor, and completely destroy it!

"Haha… I can\'t wait any longer, hurry up! I want to see all they had built up to be destroyed! I won\'t let them go after they ate me back then!" he roared, as he continued to imagine what face would they make after they were to fight his "invisible" army!

"Hmph… Soon… soon enough… Though, I wonder why as the System Master has not spoken with me yet- Eh?"


Before Beelzebub could continue his inner monologue and the thoughts he loved to talk about out loud, a sudden distortion in space and time emerged, as a dark twisting cloud appeared, spiraling around, and opening a wormhole!


Beelzebub panicked! What could this being\'s identity be?

The strangest part was that… this strange distortion in space was not spatial attribute mana but…

"Wait… Death Attribute Mana?!"

Beelzebub\'s entire aura exuded crimson-red and dark energy as he prepared for battle!

The immense amount of dread he felt was tremendous!

It felt so overwhelming he was about to suddenly vomit blood out of horror!

"W-What… what… what… WHAT?!"


However! Instead of the two figures, he expected from emerging… what emerged was an enormous cannon of pure chaos and void mana twisting around each other, distorting space and generating constant shockwaves all around!



Beelzebub was impacted with something, not even him expected, Ervas and Veronica didn\'t even said: "knock, knock!"! They shamelessly threw an enormous cannon charged with Soul Devour!

The gigantic impact of chaotic and void energies fusing and merging together threw the powerful Vampire through the air!

The enormous energy was as if a giant had punched him right into his chest, his entire body was being pushed away, as he felt the twisting energies of chaos and void devouring his entire being!

His flesh, soul, and everything were being disintegrated!

"IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEE…!" cried Beelzebub, as the powerful cannon destroyed the entire underground area where he was, throwing him upwards, penetrating the manor in the surface, and destroying anything on its path!


Countless houses began to fall all around the territory due to the tremendous tremors, as Beelzebub was thrown into the air.

His entire body was completely malformed, the chaos and void he took his head on made his entire body twist and break apart, most of his entire body was splattered everywhere, his head was missing half of its right side, and he resembled a small piece of the torso!

Beelzebub was still trying to completely cope with the situation! Out of nowhere, something so outside of his plans had completely shaken him!

His entire body was disintegrating as the particles of chaos and void consumed him, and his soul was already fragmented into pieces, barely maintaining itself afloat by its own strange nature!

From within his calm and scheming mind, there was only one thing that surged inside of his mind!



He disregarded any kind of complex thoughts, as Beelzebub screamed in anger and frustration!



Suddenly, several dark lights flashed all over his lump of a body, as enormous black bones began to grow, forming a gigantic skeleton all around his lump of a body!

His vampiric regeneration kicked in as he infused mana into his lasting flesh, extending and regenerating around the skeleton formed in midair!

Suddenly, countless razor-sharp fangs emerged all around his monstrous fleshy body which entangled the bones, opening jaws all around!

Enormous, purple-colored tongues surged, moving viciously like tentacles!

And Beelzebub\'s brain began to expand monstrously, being covered in bones and his flesh tendrils, growing into a gigantic and monstrous mass of brains over and inside his gigantic humanoid body!

Enormous bone claws emerged, coating themselves in crimson-red energy and darkness!


And then, a metallic giant suddenly flashed in front of him, as its crimson mechanical eyes flashed with cold malice, impacting Beelzebub greatly!

"AH! GGRAAAAAGGGHH…! DIEEEEEEE!" he roared, as he moved his enormous body, giant bones grew like spikes all around his body, firing themselves towards the gigantic mech being!


"Hah! We really surprised you, didn\'t we, a pile of bones?" roared Veronica\'s voice bravely, as a gigantic, blue-colored blade with an Infinity sign on it emerged from a distortion in the void, as she wielded it and unleashed several techniques using her Demon Blade Technique!


Each powerful cut sliced through space, slicing all the bones cleanly!

"W-WHAT?!" roared Beelzebub, as he saw his entire body being sliced into chunks!


Beelzebub\'s flesh pieces released slimy flesh tentacles as they entangled, and stuck together again, and then, a second after, a gigantic jaw emerged in the middle of his torso, releasing a cannon of pure Death Mana!


"Death? This should do… Light… Life… LIGHT-LIFE CANNON!" roared Ervas voice, as Veronica\'s mechanical giant body opened on its chest, an enormous mechanical cannon emerging as an enormous beam of bright yellow light encompassing life and light clashed against Beelzebub\'s Death Cannon!


The power of light combined with life was able to overcome Death, dissipating the darkness within the beam that Beelzebub released, as the power of such an attack broke through everything the man had thrown!


Beelzebub tried all he could, unleashing more cannons of death, his bones, even blades of blood, but everything got disintegrated!

"And another one!" roared Veronica, as she opened five smaller cannons around her body, releasing beams of chaos, void, life, and light!


Beelzebub tried to escape but he suddenly felt like there was some kind of space distortion stopping him from running away any longer! All the cannon beams hit him, as his entire body couldn\'t contain the constant regeneration, he wasn\'t even able to unleash his Penetration Skill, and he was being defeated!

"We are done with your shit!" roared Veronica, as Beelzebub gave a last cry of agony, and exploded, his entire soul and body were devoured by Ervas and Veronica\'s fused soul, and he was done!

Hekaton within his Divine Realm was paralyzed!



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