Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 744 - Beaked Shield-Bearer Dolphbeast

There was a certain resemblance with this underground jungle from the ones in the surface which surround the entire giant tree. In this place people would encounter even more wild animals, and perhaps even deadlier monsters.

The party decided to move forward across the beautiful jungle, unaware of the dangers ahead… well, there were not many dangers for someone like them.


As they had been walking for twenty minutes, something intercepted them at long last. It emanated a strange sound, similar to the sound that dolphins do, but it was made so loud it was rather bizarre.

When everyone looked to the distance, there was a four-meter-big three-legged creature, a mammal of sorts, a descendant of the first land-dwelling dolphins which had adapted to use their tail as a third limb and later on it ended evolving into a great leg.

This one beast had a sharp beak resembling a spear, which covered part of its face as if it formed a colorful shield… much like the eyes of dolphins, this creature\'s eyes were small but it instincts were high, and it seemed to be a fierce creature.

"Spear-Headed Three-Limbed Beast… Is this a Dolphin descendant? Its cute." Said Veronica.



The spear-headed beast, however, had no time to listen for praises, it was angered for some reason, perhaps because of being a territorial creature.

Suddenly, everyone noticed its beak began to unleash a bright light and then…!


A massive beam of light came out of it!


However Veronica waved her hand, and the beam was redirected above the skies, the creature was left surprised.


Ervas then showed up at its side.

"You\'re a strong guy. And a monster at that, I never expected it… Well I could tell right after seeing you but still." Ervas petted the beast and then the creature felt a tremendous… fear!

Th beaked beast glared in silence at Ervas, feeling its entire body frozen.

"I think I tamed it." he said.

"You think so, peko?! I think you just scared it to the point it froze." Sighed Pekorina.

"Anyone wanna ride it?" asked Ervas.

"Me! Me!" Violet said, as Aura rushed at her side as well, the girls jumped over the beast and began to ride it around. The creature was indeed instantly tamed by Ervas, and interesting enough it was added into the System right after that.

The monster\'s race was named Beaked Shield-Bearer Dolphbeast, apparently named like that due to its shield-like beak formed over its entire face as a method of defense. The creature ended acting friendly to the girls after its initial attack, and the two girls ride it.

Kuro and the other half blood-human kids also wanted to join, but they were too big and the Dolphbeast\'s didn\'t had such a wide back.

"Apparently this being is a Rank 6 Monster, its pretty strong for a second floor in this Labyrinth, how can that weak people above the surface even kill these things?" wondered Veronica.

"Well, they use a lot of magic and magical accessories to enhance themselves." Said Yggdrasil.

"But that can\'t possibly be it, right?" asked Ervas.

"Well if you analyze their composition, they\'re like high-level monsters themselves, these people had grown and evolved over time and are overly strong." said Yggdrasil.

"So strong?" asked Ervas.

"Yeah when they\'re just born not so much, over time they can grow very strong, and the more magic they develop, the stronger they naturally grow too, I cannot really calculate but most Adventurers that come here to floor 2 usually are as strong as Rank 6 monsters with magic included… though they had not been able to go that down, they had yet to reach the Second Stratum." Said Yggdrasil.

"I see, so they\'re real slackers… Or well, it is still hard even with their strength, this place is very dangerous, if it were in Kritias, it would be popular but also just as dangerous anyways." Said Veronica.

"Yeah, I can imagine the entire continent where it would had landed being popular over it… Well, cultures are still different." Said Ervas.

"Hehehe! Come faster, Beaky!" said Violet.


Violet had already named her giant beast pet as Beaky, and Ervas had gifted him to her without any problems.

"Look, a group of green-skinned little guys!" said Aura.

Suddenly the party came into contact with more Goblins, this time they were a large army that were foraging the entire jungle in search for hunt and were caught off guard by their sudden emergence.




The Goblins were surprised, but they were around 40, and quickly decided to raise their weapons and point them out at their enemy, the green-skinned little critters, with long and sharp noses, ears, and bald heads, were alarmed, but ready to fight for their lives like any other living being in this world.

Of course, they were vicious by nature, and ready to take down lives without remorse. As intelligent as they could grow, goblins in dungeons were usually not so far from wild monsters, as they lacked the development of emotions.

"Beaky, charge!"


Beaky rushed forward, using his sharp spear-like beak, he pierced the goblin\'s army frontlines in an instant, impale three goblins and leaving them skewered over his spear-like beak!

Beaky was suddenly attacked by the other goblins, as javelins, rocks, and all sorts of throwing items began to fall over him, but his body was resilient, and his legs had scale-like keratin growth, working as natural defense, similar to the "shells" of armadillos.


Although they were pretty strong, the attacks were evaded by Beaky, as he was big but slim and slender, he moved around swiftly.

"Look at them go; they\'re having their own fun." Said Veronica.

"Indeed… Huh? Don\'t you feel something?" Wondered Ervas.


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