Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 764 - Massacring The Hivemind’s Spawns! 3


While Juliette used her giant Heavenly Sheep of Life Transformation, as she called it, Anastacia quickly covered herself in darkness, shadows, phantom, and blood, as she suddenly took a new form as well!


Two enormous black wings emerged, spreading with red membranes, and sharp red claws at each end of the wings, her face was hideous looking, resembling a very angered beast with enormously sharp fangs, its entire body seemed to be made mostly of pure darkness and blood energy, but there was even some chaos spiraling within her chest, emerging like an empty hole that absorbed energy to strengthen her transformation!

She had turned into a gigantic bat! And this bat was certainly not afraid of showing its fangs to her enemies, as she rushed forward, flapping her wings strongly as enormous invisible waves of wind sent hundreds of hivemind spawns across the air, while she swung her claws and wings once more, unleashing phantasmal slashes that slashed their souls into pieces, killing them all on the spot alongside tearing their bodies apart.

The hivemind spawns received the deadly attacks of the two twins, alongside everyone else participating in this battle, the enormous self-duplicating army continued to self-duplicate in the lower floors, where their attacks couldn\'t reach them, as they continued to move upwards, even if the entire floor was suddenly emptied after their barrage of attacks, the aberrations would once more move upstairs and attempt to take over the entire battle!

"We cannot let them step any further, if we let these damn monsters reach the surface, we won\'t know what\'ll be of the people in there!" said Anastacia.

"We have to keep pushing them down! Exterminate them quickly!!!" said Juliette.

Juliette\'s holden horns suddenly unleashed two enormous beams of consuming light completely decimating and vaporizing a hundred hivemind spawns at once, while Anastacia\'s claws in her feet slashed another hundreds of them, destroying their souls and withering their bodies.

They were unable to gain levels, but their power was almost on par with Veronica and Ervas from the get-go, if not even slightly stronger, this was one of the reasons they couldn\'t get a Status to begin with!

However, veronica and Ervas were also leveling up constantly, until their Rank finally reached Level 100!

They reached Supreme God-Realm of Rank 8 out 9!

A sudden automatic evolution happened to the two, as they felt their entire bodies strengthen, their souls grew several times as bigger, and their divine power was overflowing from their bodies as well!

Even the grand divine core within their divine realm grew immensely big, fueling their bodies with divine power.

Their Daos resonated around their bodies as the energies of Yin and Yang began to boost their transformations alongside their level ups and Rank Ups.

The two began to massacre even more beasts as they moved forward, suddenly coming into contact with stairs.

"Agh, too small for us, and the aberrations are coming from below quickly!" said Anastacia.

"Then we have to just open the way! Sorry, Yggdrasil!" said Aurora.


Aurora waved her hands as she suddenly began to consume the entire floor around the stairs! An enormous hole emerged before them, while she also destroyed all the stairs going down, inhibiting the hivemind spawns from easily reaching upwards!

"Now go!" said Aurora.

Everyone nodded as they flew down into the hole, entering into an even deeper and dark abyss, a literal sea of red flesh suddenly greeted them! The entire place was overflowing with the hivemind spawns at every damn corner of the place! There was no area where they were not there, and it was literally a sea of them sticking together and moving towards them, while releasing hideous and high-pitched groans.

The ocean of hivemind spawns received their prey happily as their jaws opened, ready to punch them down!

"Let\'s make a space to breathe!"

However, they didn\'t fell over the sea but flew above it, Aurora quickly decided to clean up a space for everyone, as she concentrated her power and gathered it around everyone!


Space and time distorted to her orders as he power of gravity and spatial consumption merged together, thousands of hivemind spawns all around them suddenly were flattened by her powers and were completely deleted out of existence, disappearing out of thin air, and only leaving pools of blood behind!


Suddenly, the sea of flesh wasn\'t as much of a sea anymore, as the monstrous aberrations found themselves pressured! They were forced to fight more aggressively now that Aurora had suddenly destroyed almost half of them!

"Hahhh… Ungh…"

Aurora groaned in pain, she had done a lot of work there tiring herself beyond belief and groaning in exhaustion.

She looked down at the sea, although she gained a lot of EXP, she had yet to hit max level again and felt tired, quickly flying inside a small spatial dimension to rest. She took out a large jug of elixir potion and drank it. Her divine energy quickly began to regenerate after that, feeling relieved.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group was battling desperately! They were all pushing forward, killing the souls of the hiveminds while withering them down into ashes, draining their life and turning them into mummies, and more!

Their endless charge allowed them to slowly reach farther and farther into the floor, this was already the ninth floor, if they could reach the stairs, they would be able to finally find the Hivemind\'s core!

"Unngh…! T-Those damn bastards! They\'re already above here?! Those in the surface, hurry up and finish the damn ritual! Kill that annoying girl! Don\'t let her intervene!!!" roared the Hivemind.


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