Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 818 The Power Of A Star

Chapter 818 The Power Of A Star


"Don\'t you dare underestimate me!"


Aurora unleashed all the power of her Daos and her ability to manipulate space and time around her, as she suddenly fractured the fabric of space and time in the middle of the millions if not billions of Hivemind drones attacking her barrier, the enormous fracture generated a strong pulling force, dragging all the Hivemind inside and crushing them to death, being completely disintegrated to a subatomic level!

Aurora suddenly continued to gain enormous quantities of EXP even after ascending into the level of a World Devourer-Rank, which made her level up constantly, her power was increasing and her World Source Energy, the fuel of her powerful attacks and also the barrier was recovered slightly with each level, although even these bonuses won\'t be enough to last much longer…

The Matriarch saw the complete catastrophe as Aurora continued to conjure and control this dimensional fracture, moving the fracture across space and devouring countless of hivemind drones coming out of her almost endlessly! If anything, one of the Hiveminds weaknesses was their slow movement due to being so gigantic, because of that, the Matriarch was incapable of moving in time, and was suddenly hit by this attack!


The enormous spatial fracture hit her, attempting to absorb her entire flesh! Aurora was going all out so she could destroy the leader of this group, which she guessed would also destroy the wormhole behind her which she had created to come here, making it so no more Hiveminds would leak into this area of the universe so easily.


The Matriarch\'s entire body slowly began to be absorbed by the gigantic black hole that was within the dimensional fracture, capable of crushing anything! Her flesh started to tear itself apart by the force of the fracture, as it was being devoured! Aurora continued to concentrate her powers into it, as she was trying her best to kill her, but the enormous center of gravity she had was just ridiculously heavy, even the black hole itself was having a hard time pulling her completely inside and was only managing to slowly tear apart the flesh in the surface of her spherical body.

"Your attempt… is futile."

The voice of the Matriarch resonated across the mind of Aurora, as she watched something utterly ridiculous! The Hivemind Matriarch suddenly expanded her body into a giant mantle of flesh, opening endless jaws and then… devouring the entire dimensional fracture!


Aurora, who was a fragment of Kireina that gained independence and a personality of her own, becoming a different being altogether could know very well that this method of devouring was very similar to her creator, Kireina! She was able to also devour even spaces with her powers as she had developed them into incredible transcendental levels… But how could this monster compare to Kireina when Kireina was a powerful Goddess of incredible power, that even made her entire and gigantic world tremble in fear by her mere presence and fury?


The enormous Matriarch devoured the spatial fracture and applied the power of manipulating space she had used to create a wormhole to comprehend the structure of this enormous fracture in the dimensional veils, as she managed to suddenly close it through forcefully biting the two ends of the fracture with her jaws…!


And then, it was gone! As if she had devoured space and time, the monstrous Hivemind Matriarch seemed to be endlessly powerful! But how…? How could she have acquired such an ability, when the other Hivemind in Eden was incapable of doing such a feat? This was a mystery. Aurora was not able to even know what was going on, the Hivemind Matriarch had a power way beyond what Aurora and the split souls believed she should have, even as the leader of the Hiveminds…

"Curious about how I was able to do such a thing? Is fear consuming your heart?" Asked the voice of the Matriarch through Aurora\'s mind, as Aurora suddenly felt tired, her exhaustion had reached its limits once more, and the barrier behind her even began to tremble and weaken…!

"Ugh… What… just what are you?!" Asked Aurora in disbelief.

"I am the Matriarch. I must protect the Hivemind. And I must lead them to victory."


And then Aurora finally saw it… Within the interior of the Matriarch, something incredibly brightly resonated with such an immense amount of heat that it could completely destroy planets with ease. The Matriarch might not even be a goddess yet, but the power she had was literally the same as a star!

"T-That can\'t be… You… How?!" Asked Aurora, seeing within the interior of the gigantic mass of flesh that the Matriarch was that there was a small yellow star floating in there, this was… the star from her original Star System that she had wrapped herself around after attaining enough power, she slowly evolved the ability to resist the radiation of the plasma, and used the star\'s incredible amounts of energy to fuel her strength!

"Unless you have the ability to destroy stars, you cannot defeat me." Said the Matriarch coldly, as she unleashed an enormous amount of plasma from within her body, unleashing a gigantic shockwave across the entirety of the battlefield!


The enormous shockwave of plasma attacked all foes while all her allies, the Hiveminds, were not even affected by it, she had also shared her resistances to them, and they only received very few wounds that were easily and automatically regenerated…


Aurora groaned in agony, she tried to hide within a dimension, but the enormous heat of this plasma was infused with magic, cracking space itself and hitting her directly!

She was thrown across space as the heating plasma continued its death march, hitting her barrier and shattering instantly into pieces!

Crack… crack… CRAAASH!

"N-No…! Nooooo!" Cried Aurora in despair, as the entire barrier was shattered into pieces, and she was thrown into the planet\'s surface, clashing over it!



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