Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 378 - Full Time Evil Merchant (25)

Chapter 378: Full Time Evil Merchant (25)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ming Shu went to take a shower. She seemed to hear someone knocking on the door vaguely, but when she turned off the shower and tried to listen carefully, the sound was gone.

She came out of the bath and wanted to go back to her room to sleep, but then she turned and walked to the door.

There was a bag containing breakfast and a card signed Shu Lin on the floor in front of the door.

Don’t think I’ll let you off by bribing me like this!


Ming Shu didn’t promise Liu Yan, but Yan Ru Meng consciously thought that Ming Shu had agreed, and she was ready to gather Chang’an Alliance’s people to kill Ming Shu.

But before she started, Ming Shu had integrated a team and begun to kill on the map.

Before she didn’t take action because she didn’t have enough men, but now she had many people under her. Even if some players were not online, those who were online were still enough.

Then it was so easy to carry out a massacre on the map.

[World] Clown: The big brother is crazy!

[World] One more time: So cool ahhahahaha, this is called a hot-blooded game.

[World] Your green hat looks good: I don’t dare even get close to the big brother’s map right now, so fierce and cruel. As long as you approach, it’ll reduce the life bar, but you don’t even know who is fighting who.

[World] Chang’an Alliance • Xiao Lu: Retreat!

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: Everyone, don’t let them run, kill them and eat meat!

At this point the battle line was on a level 40 map where the dragon bone was. Liu Yan and God of nine suns rises had gathered quite a lot people, but now they were all retreating.

[Team] Chasing the wind for a thousand miles: Did these lunatics take stimulants?

[Team] Minor Snow: I heard they were brainwashed by Lan Zhi at the Purple Gold Mountain.

[Team] God of nine suns rises: Ru Meng, what should we do now?

[Team] Yan Ru Meng: Retreat first, I’ll contact some people from other factions.

Liu Yan’s side was incessantly calling for retreat, while Ming Shu still worked hard to gain hatred from the world. Some players who couldn’t participate were affected so they joined Liu Yan’s team without any hesitation.

The two sides fought back and forth and the official even opened a live broadcast. Other servers enjoyed a great show.

What the hell was this playing method? Why didn’t they meet with it before?

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: Gang fight, guys, if anyone wants to join please buy Lan Zhi brand props in advance to avoid being accidentally injured. Zero percent discount during the activity.

F**k! What’s the difference between zero percent discount and no discount?

Oh right, she offered negative discounts at ordinary times.

[Nearby] You’ll die in your boots: Lan Zhi you obscene ugly man, I’ll fight you!

[Nearby] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: Young man, do you want a rebirth potion? It’ll keep you alive to fight me. It won’t cost 98 but only 998.

[Nearby] You’ll die in your boots: Profiteer! Who wants to buy it! No!

It only costs 98 yet you sell it for 998, is your rebirth potion inlaid with gold!

Ming Shu pitifully walked over his body and led the main team to continue killing. For each player that was killed, she would ask if he needed a rebirth potion.

The rebirth potion was made from the mushrooms and had amazing effects. It also wouldn’t reduce the player’s experience.

Of course the price was not that high, but was a lot more expensive than usual. Rich big brothers would buy it in order not to drop experience, while most players just cursed her as the profiteer that raised prices willfully.

[Team] Chuan Bei: How do I feel about Lan Zhi, our big brother, making a fortune in starting this war?

[Team] Skull: So this is the real purpose for big brother to start a war?

[Team] Ran Ran: Troubled times make a profiteer, that’s true.

[Team] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: The future secrets are secret, you should be careful of not being struck by lightning.

[Team] Flower Protector: ...

[Team] Li Ge: Oh, the missing person, your little disciple has been abducted, so it seems you’re doomed to be Skull’s lover.

[Team] Skull: Flower, you’re back from a business trip?

[Team] Flower Protector: What’s going on here?

Skull and Flower Protector had a private chat and Skull told him everything that happened recently. Flower Protector used three dots to express his feeling after hearing the whole story.

[Team] Ran Ran: Check the world chat, a great show is ongoing.

The world was originally occupied by two sides that were cursing each other and commanding fights, but now it changed to the scene of Chang’an Alliance and Xiao Jinghan confronting each other.

Xiao Jinghan hadn’t been seen much lately, but he was seen frequently with Little Rabbit Gu. Their time together was short, and usually when others arrived Xiao Jinghan would have already gone offline. But this had aroused the dissatisfaction of Chang’an Alliance.

Especially God of nine suns rises, who originally liked Liu Yan, yet everyone knew that Liu Yan liked Xiao Jinghan.

At this time Chang’an Alliance was asking Xiao Jinghan to quit as the leader of Chang’an Alliance since he didn’t even care about the alliance much under such conditions.

[Team] Flower Protector: Something happened in Xiao Jinghan’s family recently, which involved many people. I was also dealing with this matter, perhaps you should have heard something.

Flower Protector directly called Xiao Jinghan’s name and this surprised Ming Shu a little. She thought these people didn’t know each other, but it turned out they did ...

No one picked up the topic, probably because Ming Shu was an outsider here.

Rich people’s world is hard to understand. Ming Shu decided to go watch the game world.

But there was nothing new in the world. There were only some unfamiliar players from Chang’an Alliance yelling around, but Xiao Jinghan and Yan Ru Meng, as well as God of nine suns rises and the others, didn’t appear.

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: So what’s going on? Is anybody on the air?

[World] Downloading you: Big brother, aren’t you massacring throughout the map? How do you have time for gossip?

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: Halftime.

[World] Jihadists: Psycho, you made it so we can’t play the game in normal ways. Are you finished?

[World] Philip’s cat: Lan Zhi you idiot%#¥%@...

Many players in the world suddenly pointed to Ming Shu.

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: It’s not my fault. I was chosen by god. You should go protest to the designers in the game company.

[World] One more time: Big brother, you’re totally right, but... are you sure that the designers intended to let you play like this?

[World] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: I’m not a designer, how would I know? Isn’t it good to be so lively?


She calls this lively?

This is hellish chaos, okay?

They just wanted to end this quickly and go back to the normal game mode.

Ming Shu learned from the gossipers that Xiao Jinghan left Chang’an Alliance, and then the whole world bubbled up. Chang’an Alliance really kicked Xiao Jinghan out.

How bold!

Liu Yan assembled a team and killed Ming Shu’s people whenever she met them. She seemed to have taken the wrong medicine.

A melee was started.

And now they were only 72 hours away from that one-month deadline the system had laid down.

Success or failure would be decided in these 72 hours.

[Team] Skull: Big brother, how should we fight? I heard Yan Ru Meng was calling on other gangs.

[Team] Chuan Bei: They have more people than we do. If we go for a straight fight, we may not be their match.

[Team] Devil king • Snacks Are Justice: How about we cheat?

[Team] Skull: ...

[Team] Ran Ran: ...

[Team] Li Ge: ...

[Team] Chuan Bei: ...

[Team] Flower Protector: ...

But it was impossible for them to cheat. The biggest problem was the huge difference in numbers.

So she decided to—throw down the gauntlet.

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