The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 2: Trash or Genius ?

Chapter 2: Trash or Genius ?

[ (A/N): The Story is in 3rd POV after chapter 3. ]


Where is this place? I can\'t see anything.

Oh, I remembered, I was killed those bastards...Cruel, They were so cruel.



So this is the place people go after death? Why is it so dark?

Wait...I seem to hear something.



" Athan, Hey dude, what are you doing, man? Why are you sleeping at such an important event? "

" Dude, WAKE UP, it\'s going to be your turn soon; damn, what\'s wrong with you? "


\' I am feeling pain? Wake up ? \' amidst the confusing thoughts, my eyes opened.

" Damn, bro, you finally woke up; pay attention, will you? Your turn will come soon. "

I turned in the direction of the voice which came from my right side. A boy hair was waving his hand in front of me.

" Hey bro, are you okay? you look sick. " The blue-haired boy spoke, " Look, Your turn will come right after that guy, so pay attention and don\'t be nervous. "

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Many boys and girls were surrounding the platform in the middle of the hall, and in the middle of the platform, There was a small pond; inside the pond, colorful fishes were swimming, Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, etc. Many colorful fishes were swimming.

A middle-aged man stood beside the pond who wore a weird gown with weird inscribed patterns; taking a look at the paper in his hand, he spoke in a loud voice, " Ellias Meth. "

Not even a second later, A boy around 16-year-old came out from a side and walked to the platform excitedly.

The Middle-aged man gestures to Ellias to stand in the middle of the pond. The pond\'s water level barely reaching the knees of the boy.

After a minute of standing in the middle of the pond, Two fishes, One red and one green, started to swim around the boy.

Gradually the red fish started to glow while the green fish stayed the same; after 10 seconds, The red fish stopped glowing, which prompted the middle-aged man to speak once again in a loud voice, "Ellias Meth, Middle-Grade Fire affinity and Low-Grade Wood affinity. "

The surrounding people started to whisper, hearing the result, But that did not affect the middle-aged man as he gestured Ellias to leave the pond.

What happened in front of me was so unbelievable that I thought I was dreaming, but it was not a dream.

It looks like I was transmigrated into this body, But that means that the previous owner of this body died.

I suddenly felt afraid, I got one more chance to be alive, but it seems that someone is after me in this world too.

Hearing the middle-aged man\'s words and those shining fishes, This world is definitely not earth that I knew.

It looks like people can control elements in this world, judging by what the middle-aged man said.

If...I can become very powerful someday and return to Earth, and I will...have my revenge. I also have to investigate who is after me in this world.

" Athan "

Hearing my name being called out by the middle-aged man, I snapped out of my thoughts and walked up to the platform, a bit nervous, but I know that I have to maintain my shit together.

After arriving at the platform, I walked to the middle of the pond and closed my eyes while thinking, \' If a being was responsible for my transmigration, then I might also get some advantage or gold finger like those people described in fantasy novels. Still, if it was just a twist of fate.... never mind, I just hope I am not too miserable here; if there is one thing I can do, then it\'s to work hard. I don\'t want peerless talent, and even if I\'m average, I will make it up with hard work, and.....there should be shortcuts here too. Even if I have to endure unimaginable pain, I will endure it to become powerful and have my revenge...\'

" Athan, No affinity."

As those cruel words cut off my thoughts, I opened my eyes and looked down.

Zero...There was not a single fish swimming around me, and instead, the fishes seemed to even distance themselves from me. WTF.

I blankly returned to my place, and the blue-haired boy spoke in a sad voice, " Sigh, Looks like we both have to walk on the hard path of Elemental Warrior. No chance of becoming an Elemental sorcerer, it seems. "

Hearing those words, I felt like returning from the abyss; it looks like there was still a chance, But one thing was confusing. Generally, I should have inherited the memories from this body\'s brain, but I can\'t remember anything new besides my previous life memories. Anyway, I must ask about this so-called Elemental Warrior to this blue-haired guy first.

\' But I don\'t know his name....I\'ll just go with Bro since he also called me that way, \' Collecting my thoughts, I asked, " Hey bro, can you tell me more about elemental warriors? "

The blue-haired boy looked weirdly at me before putting his hand on my forehead and said, " Do you have a fever or something? We already learned that in our class. "

I awkwardly laughed before saying, " Sorry, I kinda forgot. "

The Blue-haired boy rolled his eyes before speaking, " Elemental Warriors are those who refine their body using elemental energy and become stronger, They can\'t use Elemental Spells or Arts which needs Elemental Energy because they don\'t have an affinity with them and so they can\'t control them, But they can use they refined bodies to clash against the power of Elemental Sorcerer, But the path of becoming a powerful elemental warrior is a harsh one. They have to cultivate Elemental Tactics to strengthen their bodies which is really painful and hard. "

I nodded, hearing it, and said, " Let\'s go then. Tell me where can I refine my body using elemental energies. "

" Dude, hold your horses. We can go after our town\'s beauty checks her affinity; we definitely can\'t miss it. Even though everyone knows she is a genius and is already recruited by Cloud Fantasy Palace, Her Father Still told her to Check her affinity here, humph. Even tho it definitely for show-off, we still can\'t miss it. "

The middle-aged man read the next name, " Tiera Kim."

Hearing the name, uproar started among the people as a beautiful girl with long blond hair gracefully walked towards the platform.

And just as the girl stepped into the pond, Turmoil started.

Blue fish, Gold fish, and Cyan fish hurriedly swam towards the girl and started glowing. They glowed for 1 whole minute before stopping.

As shocked as the middle-aged man was, he still spoke with some composure to hold his face, " Tiera Kim, High-Grade Water affinity, High-Grade Light Affinity, and High-Grade Air Affinity. "

The uproar among the crowd increased after hearing such mind-boggling results.

Although I don\'t know the power difference between an Elemental Sorcerer and an Elemental Warrior, It shouldn\'t be that big, right?

" Damn, bro, she\'s got such a perfect figure on top of her monstrous talent...But she\'s way out of our league. Let\'s go; We first have to return to the orphanage before deciding on which place to join for our future training on the path of Elemental Warrior. " The blue-haired boy spoke as he pulled me towards the exit of the hall.

It seems to be afternoon currently.

The town didn\'t look that advanced, I didn\'t even see any cars or bike, so it means this world didn\'t develop much on science, huh who needs cars and bikes when you can literally fly in the sky, Though I did see horses and some weird animals pulling carriages.

We arrived at the orphanage after walking for 15 minutes, And as soon as we arrived, the other kids who were around 9-10 years old came running towards us and started asking.

" Hey Mike, how was the result? "

" Athan, did you have an affinity with any element? "



Mike, The blue-haired boy, spoke rather helplessly, " Stop, stop everyone; we both didn\'t have an affinity with any elements; we are going to discuss with Mrs. Ralph which place to join for Elemental Warrior Training. "

How does it feel to be consoled by 9-10-years old kids? Today I found out.

The kids consoled us for a few minutes and gave us some sweets before they dispersed.

Athan and Mike then headed inside the office of Mrs. Ralph.

In the Office.

Mrs. Ralph, who was in her fifties, spoke in a gentle voice, " So you both failed? Sigh, such is fate. Have you decided on which place to register to start training as Elemental Warrior ?"

Mike spoke, " No, Mrs. Ralph, we were hoping to discuss this with you since you know more about such things than us. "

I thought that Cloud Fantasy Palace seems good considering how people of the town talked about them, so I asked, " Can\'t we join Cloud Fantasy Palace? "

Hearing my words, Both Mrs. Ralph and Mike looked at me weirdly, \' looks like I screwed up once again, maybe I should not talk carelessly lest the cat gets out of the bag. \'

Mike spoke with helplessness, " Seriously, bro, what\'s wrong with you? Your brain seems to have a problem after you woke up. It\'s common sense that Cloud Fantasy Palace only recruits Elemental Sorcerers. "

I awkwardly smiled and said, " Sorry, it\'s just I\'m not feeling well, and I keep forgetting about a few things. Anyway, don\'t mind the small details and tell me, is there any place on par with Cloud Fantasy Palace that also recruits and train Elemental Warriors? "

Mrs. Ralph spoke in all seriousness, " There are several factions that can be comparable to Cloud Fantasy Palace that recruits both elemental warriors and elemental sorcerers. Though they are a distance away."

Her face then looked troubled as she continued, "But, alas! We only have money to send one of you..."

I was delighted hearing the first part, but what Mrs. Ralph said later invoked a reaction in me.

I felt like I should give this chance to mike, But that\'s not me, It seems to be the remnant thoughts of this body\'s previous owner, Either they are real blood brothers or Best of the best friends.

Before I could request Mike and Mrs. Ralph to give me this chance, Mike spoke with determination, " Mrs. Ralph, Please give this chance to Athan. He works harder than me in anything, and he also has a higher goal than me, so He should be given this chance. I will just join a faction which is near our town." Pausing here, mike smiled and said, " If I join somewhere near, I can also visit the orphanage more often. "

Damn, This mike is such a good guy. Thanks, Bro. Although I don\'t know what higher goal this body\'s previous owner had, My Goal is not small; I have to become a powerhouse and return to earth for revenge.

But I can\'t leave just yet; there is an enemy of mine here, considering how the previous owner of this body died; there was a 100% chance that he was poisoned before we arrived at the affinity testing hall town.

We talked a bit more with Mrs. Ralph before we returned to our room.

After entering the room, I asked Mike, " Hey bro, did we go anywhere before arriving at The Affinity Testing Hall? I can\'t seem to remember some things. "

Mike sighed and said, " Looks like there\'s some problem with your memories. Do you want to see the witch doctor in our town? But it\'s going to cost some money. "

" No, no bro, I don\'t need to see any witch doctor. Who knows, I might get good after some sleep anyway. Can you first tell me what did we do before arriving at Affinity Testing hall? "

" After leaving our orphanage, we went to the Ryan\'s Inn near the orphanage for breakfast because we were saving our money to eat there today, hahaha, You were the one who proposed this plan to eat good things as that might help in the test, haha, looks like your stupid idea didn\'t work. " Mike laughed out loud after saying that.

Even I was embarrassed hearing this thing, but laughing matter aside, it Looks like there was a high chance that The previous owner of this body was poisoned at the Inn while eating there.

I once again asked a crucial question, " Mike, was there anyone in town whom I had enmity with? like was there any enemy who might want to kill me? "

Mike stopped laughing for a second before...He laughed even harder and spoke, " Bro. Everyone nearby knows your personality; you don\'t like trouble, Stays low-key, and silently works hard; I\'ve never seen you fight with someone before, so I doubt anyone wants your life; what are you getting worked up for tho? "

I smiled at the mike and replied, " Nothings, It\'s just I had a nightmare, and I also can\'t remember much, that\'s why, but no need to worry, I\'ll be okay. Anyway, you\'re going to take an afternoon nap, right? I\'m gonna go out for a bit; I\'ll be back in half an hour. "

I was prepared to go to the inn incognito to check things out because...

\' The previous owner had no enemies, and he didn\'t fight with anyone too...hmm, how did he die then? Don\'t tell me he died because of some stupid shit? A girl visits me, and I was dead the next day. Just remembering what happened to me is making me want to swear at god if there was one. did he die then? If his death were also as stupid and infuriating as mine, it would be a truly unfortunate and disgusting coincidence. \'



I went out after asking for a gown and a hood from Mrs. Ralph, The inn was not that far, so I arrived there in 5 minutes.

Ryan\'s Inn.

Hmm, not that big, but there were a lot of customers going in and out. I went inside and was looking at the menu to find the cheapest things to order.

But after 2 minutes, before I could order something cheap, The waiter came to me and told me, " Can you please come with me to see the boss? We just want to clear some things. And Our boss promised that you would leave satisfied at the end. "

Are you kidding me? How was I even recognized when I didn\'t even show my face all this time? Damnnit.

\' Sigh, it Looks like I have no choice but to head towards this deep shit. But the way the waiter spoke seemed weird. Normally he should be threatening me, but he spoke in a gentle and almost pleading way. I more and more feel that something is wrong with the way the previous owner died. \' Internally sighing, I stood up and started following the waiter. According to what I observed seeing this waiter, there should be a chance that the situation is somewhat different. If this is a chance present to me and I have to grasp it.

Walking shortly, we arrived at the office of the boss. The waiter opened the door and gestured with his hand for me to go inside.

I stepped into the office, which was not too big, One table, A chair behind the table on which the inn\'s boss sat, and two chairs on the other side of the table for guests.

The boss of the inn stood up and bowed, seeing me, " First, I would like to say I am extremely sorry. We totally didn\'t intend to poison you, But the dishes were swapped, and the poisoned food was delivered to you instead since our target also ordered the same food as you. Since you could dispel that deadly poison, it means you have someone behind your back. We don\'t want to offend such a person, We have just started this work recently and caused such a mishap, but you can state the price to suppress this matter since you are alright. I will try my best to satisfy your conditions. "

Wait; what? WHAT THE HECK IS THIS PLOT TWIST? FUCK...I hope the previous owner can also transmigrate to a good world and live a good life. Sigh, how miserable souls we are. But right now, I have to grasp this chance presented to me.

My Brain\'s gears started, and I immediately thought of a good plan, So after collecting my thoughts, I spoke in a confident voice and sneered, " Trash, When my Master dispelled the poison, he said it was just a low-level poison, But since you dared to poison me, My Master told me they would not live to see the sun next day. "

Sweats started to fall off from the boss\'s body as he spoke, trembling, "Please, It was a rookie mistake on our part. Can you please tell your master to forgive us? I am willing to pay any price except for my life. "

" I doubt you have anything that can help my Master, let\'s see...." I adopted a thoughtful expression for a few seconds before speaking, " Why don\'t you show me your most valuable possessions? I\'ll see if they can spark interest in my master. "

Hearing this, The boss stood up before rushing towards the left wall; he did some knocks here and there before a part of the wall slid off, revealing a Safe. Afterward, He removed a ring on his finger and put it on the hole that was on the safe.

The Safe opened, Revealing 2 scrolls and a pouch.

He put both of them on the table and spoke, " Please sit and check these things. They are my most valuable possession. One is a Middle-Grade Elemental Art Aqua Serpent, and another is a High-Grade Elemental Tactics Magma Fists. The pouch contains 2 Mid-Grade and 10 Low-Grade Water Crystals. "

My heart was racing, but I maintained my composure and spoke, " useless things, They probably won\'t catch my master\'s attention, but I\'ll try my best to convince my master, And how many Gold Taels you currently have? Give me half of them right now for ruining my day. "

" Yes, Yes. Please wait a moment " The boss hurriedly opened the drawer of the table, took out two pouches, and said, " This is half of my wealth; I just hope you convince your master to spare us, I beg you. "

" Okay, okay, stop begging now. My Master dotes on me very much, so he will most likely spare you. " Saying this, I took everything on the table and hide them under my gown.

" Now, bring me some good dishes; I\'m starving right now. " Saying this, I left the office.





Walking on the way to the Orphanage, I could not stop grinning under the hood, But...Sigh, I can\'t believe the previous owner of this body died because of a mistake, really sad; I hope you find peace and a good next life.

Soon, I arrived at the orphanage and directly went to Mrs. Ralph\'s Office.

I sat on the chair and took out one of the pouches, " Mrs. Ralph, Please use this money for the orphanage and, You can ask Mike if he wants to go with me to train at Thunder-Fire Valley. I will send him here in a minute. " saying my piece I left the office before Mrs. Ralph could say anything.

Arriving in my room, I woke up Mike, " Hey Mike, Wake up. Mrs. Ralph is calling you. "

Mike groggily woke up before saying, " What\'s up, man? I was having such a nice nap. "

I grinned and said, " Just go to Mrs. Ralph\'s office; there\'s a nice surprise for you there. " Saying this, I Yanked mike off his bed and said, " Hurry up and go. "

Mike left the room confusedly.

I then laid on my bed, Took off my gown and wrapped the scrolls and both pouch in the gown, and put it beside my pillow while thinking, \' Now what should I do with this sudden windfall? \'

\' Let\'s first take a good nap. \' Thinking about napping is really making me sleepy.

Pulling over my Blanket and covering everything, including my loots, I fell asleep.

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