The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 8: A Meeting of two friends

Chapter 8: A Meeting of two friends

Athan then turns to the next page, which had information about Elemental Warriors.

Stages of Elemental Warriors ( From Stage 1 to Stage 8 )

Elemental Warrior Stage 1:

- When one can resist the Ability power of Elemental Apprentice with their body and not die after 2 attacks are considered to be on Elemental Warrior Stage 1.

Elemental Warrior Stage 2:

- When one can completely ignore the Ability Power of Elemental Apprentice with their body and hit back the Elemental Apprentice are considered to be on Elemental Warrior Stage 2.

Elemental Warrior Stage 3:

- When one can resist the Ability power of Elemental Journeyman with their body and not die after 2 attacks are considered to be on the Elemental Warrior Stage 3.

Elemental Warrior Stage 4

- When one can completely ignore the Ability Power of Elemental Journeyman with their body and hit back the Elemental Journeyman are considered to be on Elemental Warrior Stage 4.


The list goes on like this until it stops at Elemental Warrior Stage 8.

Elemental Warrior Stage 8:

- To reach Elemental Warrior Stage 8, One needs to unlock the Psychic Realm and produce Psychic Energy, By using this psychic Energy in combination with their Powerful Refined Bodies, They can fight back against Elemental Mages.

There was some other information in the next few pages regarding rules and regulations of Inner Thunder-Fire Valley.

After reading everything, Athan laid on his bed while thinking, \' So Elemental warriors also need to unlock the Psychic Realm if they want to continue their path...\'

Soon he fell asleep while thinking about things, completely forgetting to wash clothes and arrange things.

After all the ordeals the participants went through today, it\'s reasonable that they would be exhausted even tho it\'s just 4 PM.



After who knows how long, Athan opened his eyes.

" Shit, I fell asleep accidentally..." Swearing, Athan dashed out of his room and looked at the clock in the hall.

heaving a sigh of relief Athan thought, \' so it\'s just 3 AM, now that I woke, its time to do exercise and arrange things. \'



At 6 AM, Athan finished doing exercise.

AT 7 AM, Athan arranged things, Washed his clothes, and took a bath.

and AT 7:45 He was already standing outside, waiting for the supervisor to arrive.

Other people came out of their house one by one and everyone was standing outside when before 8 AM.

Soon, we saw 2 people arriving in our direction, Both were in their forties, but they had this powerful Aura around them, and looked robust.

After arriving, They started sizing up Athan and others, they did this for 1 minute before one of them spoke, " You kid, Stay here, Others follow me."

Everyone left except Athan and another man in his forties, He smiled at Athan and spoke, " My name is Ginzo Tarfa, You can call me Uncle Tarfa, You will not be going with them because your workplace is different than theirs, Follow me I\'ll show you the place. "

Both of them then started walking, Athan just followed the man as he didn\'t know any paths here.

They walked a fairly long distance, took many paths, and even descended the mountain at a point before finally arriving at a gloomy place, gloomy because there were dark clouds in the sky.

After arriving here, They entered a Cave door that led to another mountain, After walking inside the darkness for a few minutes, Athan started to hear some sounds.




An area with gleam crystals appeared which illuminated the surroundings, where people were mining black colored crystals.

Arriving here, Ginzo Tarfa said to Athan, " These Black Crystals have very mystical uses, If People stay near them for a long time, Their Muscles and organs will be strengthened gradually. Another use of them is that these Crystals can be used to increase the durability of equipments. "

He then picked up a Pickaxe which had a black crystal embedded on it.

" This Pickaxe is more effective when used to mine the crystals here, " Saying this, he handed over the Pickaxe to Athan and said, " Go and start mining, You have mine daily for 7 hours, From 8 AM to 3 PM, Afterward You can train at training zones of Elemental Warriors. "

Athan nodded and started to mine at a relatively distant spot where the number of Black Crystals was more.

Seeing this, Tarfa nodded and went back.



Athan returned to his home after working for 7 hours and after taking a good bath, he directly went to the main desk in the mountain palace with the wooden plate that was given to him by Lafurge.

Arriving at the desk, where a woman in her forties was sitting, he handed over the wooden plate.

Looking at the wooden plate and then looking at me she took out a paper with patterns inscribe on it and after a second, it started to burn and turned into ash.

" Wait for a few minutes, Lafurge will arrive here soon. " The woman said to Athan.

Athan simply nodded and stood aside waiting for Lafurge.

After 10 minutes, Lafurge could be seen walking towards Ash from the Entrance of the Mountain Palace.

Lafurge looked like he was just walking, But his every step crossed more than 2 meters of distances and he arrived in front of Athan in just a few seconds.

" Yo kiddo, Come on, Let\'s meet go meet your friend Mike. " Saying this, He directly grabbed Athan\'s shoulder and sped up as both of them flew outside of the Palace.

A voice laced with anger spread outside, " LAFURGEEEE, FLYING IS NOT ALLOWED IN MOUNTAIN PALACE...."

Lafurge just chuckled as he said to Athan who was looking at him, " Don\'t look at me like that, I\'ll pay the penalty later, But we have to hurry right now. "

Both of them flew deeper into the Canyon and Arrived at the Region where there were a lot of Thunder Clouds and Volcanos in which Lava was flowing down freely.

Looking at Athan\'s amazed expression, Lafurge spoke, " These Volcanos and Clouds are not naturally made but arranged by Elemental Archmages. "

Athan\'s expression turned even more amazed as confident words without basis in it flowed out of his mouth involuntarily, " I will definitely be able to do things like this in the future, It\'s just a matter of time. "

Lafurge laughed out hearing this and said, " didn\'t know you had this much confidence in yourself. "

Athan\'s face turned embarrassed he didn\'t mean to speak his thoughts out loud like this.

Soon, They passed the thunder clouds and volcano area and arrived at a completely different place.

\' What the...\' Athan\'s world view completely shattered looking at the sight in front of him.

A humongous Mountain Palace was suspended in the Air, It was so big that Athan actually could not see its peak as clouds were blocking the view.

" This is the Headquarters of the Thunder-Fire Valley, and also a place where core members of our faction stay. " Pausing a bit here Lafurge said, " Your friend mike is going to live here from now on, his status is even higher than me now. "

" What!! really? "

Lafurge looked at Athan\'s face which only showed pure happiness for his friend and was surprised but then he sighed, " This pair of friends...sigh, unfortunately, fate has stored something different for them. "

Indeed, Fate has stored VASTLY different things for them.

" Yep, his status is higher than most of the core members, Now let\'s go, He is also waiting for you. "

Both of them flew upwards and entered the Humongous Floating Mountain which had not one but three big palaces and other big buildings.

After entering the floating mass of wonder, They directly went towards the middle Palace which was also the biggest.

As soon as we entered an old man in his forties approached us and said in a reprimanding tone, " Where are you going lafurge? We still have a lot of work to do for today\'s ceremony, many big figures will start arriving in an hour. " Pausing a bit he looked at Athan and asked, " Who is this kid? "

Lafurge smiled coldly and spoke, " Elder Onuk, I am just following orders of Valley Master, now if you please excuses us, oh and instead of wasting time chatting with us, you should start working because...We still have a lot of work to do for today\'s ceremony. " Saying this, he went past Elder Onuk and went into one of the pathways leading deeper into the Palace.

Looking at their receding figures Elder Onuk snorted coldly and muttered under his breath, " I will definitely take revenge for my disciple, just you wait. "


Athan and Lafurge arrived in front of a very big gate.

Stopping in front of the gate Lafurge said to Athan, " Your friend is inside and you only have an hour to talk. " after that he just walked back to the path they came from.

Athan stood in front of the gate and before he could push it, The Gate opened itself, seeing this he went inside.

The room was very luxurious with lots of decorative things, But the most eye-catching thing was a boy walking to and fro with nervousness on his face. He wore the most luxurious clothes that Athan had never seen before.

" Hey bro, Nice get-up. You look like a Royal Prince hahaha. " Athan laughed seeing Mike who came running towards Athan.

" Y-yo bro, I didn\'t know something like this would happen, it seems like I became a Holy Son of Thunder-Fire valley. " Said Mike while smiling awkwardly.

" Woah, That\'s such a cool thing man, looks like I have to hurry up and awaken an affinity otherwise I will be left behind hahaha. By the way, What is your affinity? I\'ve been dying to know about it. "

" It\'s Space Element, apparently it\'s a very rare affinity to have. " Mike then looked down as he said, " Athan, I asked the master to give me an Affinity Pill for you but he said that, The sources are weakened right now, and they need 500 years to recover before they can be used to make more Affinity Pill. Although 300 years have passed, they still need 200 years more to make pills again...I\'m sorry bro, "

Athan shook his and said with a confident smile, " What the hell are you saying, bro? I don\'t need an affinity pill or whatever, Just focus on your training and cultivation, and don\'t look down on me hahaha, Because if you don\'t work hard, I\'ll soon catch up to you and even surpass you. "

Afterward, Both of them talked to each other for an hour before a loud voice came inside along with the sound of the door opening.

"Holy Son Mike, It\'s time to meet Valley Master and some of his esteemed friends. "

Athan looked towards the door as a familiar figure came inside with a flattering smile.

That person was none other than Elder Onuk.





IMPORTANT: This chapter and the previous chapter were completely in 3rd person POV writing, BUT chapter 1 to 6 were in POV of Athan and occasionally 3rd person POV. SO here is the QUESTION. Which one do you prefer? Should I stick to a completely 3rd Person POV or a mixture of Athan\'s POV and 3rd person POV? please let me know in the comment section.

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