The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 156: Second Soul, Primal Energy

Chapter 156: Second Soul, Primal Energy

After refining their domain cores to the limit, everyone could take on opponents without using their genome power. Still, They used their genome power at the right time to kill their opponents. They became less dependent on it and started using it more wisely as they successfully killed their opponents.

After they received the rewards twice, Athan recalled everyone to the special space.

" Now that everyone\'s soul body has become 20 meters big, We can use our soul quirk, [ Soul Birth ]. ", Mike spoke in an excited voice.

Athan and others smiled as after their new soul is birthed; They could continue their progress in the genome tree.

Everyone sat down and used [ Soul Birth ].

This was a quirk, so they don\'t need to do anything in this. It is like an innate thing. They have to activate this, and it will do its work.


Inside Athan\'s soul realm.

Like others, His soul was also shrinking rapidly as the pure soul power condensed and turned into a round shape.

His twenty-two-meter soul body shrank to just seven meters after the process was done, and there was another soul body that was one meter tall.

Soul quirk, [ Soul Birth ] reduced everyone\'s soul body by fifteen meters, and it only birthed a one-meter soul body, but this is how it works because this was a birth of a new soul that could grow alongside their first soul.

After Athan was finished, He commended his second soul to fill up the genome tree by practicing. He then asked others, " Is everyone finished? Did anyone encounter any problem?"

Avelia said with a grin, " Yep, I just finished, and I have already commanded my second soul to fill up the genome tree. "

Others also did the same, and nobody encountered any problem.

Previously, They had to practice their genome technique through their genesis avatar or main soul; both of them required their full attention. But now, with the second soul, They could command it to practice it while they try to sense the primal barrier and break it.

Thus, They didn\'t waste any time and started training.

Athan also closed his eyes as he tried to sense the primal barrier.


" Cough, It\'s been a month, and I am unable to sense the barrier. Is it just I, or are you also not able to? " Mike opened his eyes and asked.

Others also opened their eyes as they nodded with wry expressions.

Avelia thought for a moment and said, " I think we need to fight more. To sense the barrier, We need to use our profound domain more. The primal barrier will bring us a whole new level of energy, and it can only be sensed after we have our domain core. Do you know why? "

Qerin nodded and said, " Primal energy is the source of all energies, and after we have accessed the primal energy, All of our other elemental energies will be no more, and instead, We will only have one type of energy which is Primal energy. Since it is the source energy of all elemental energies, The barrier that blocks us from getting it can only be sensed after reaching the closest to the primal energy.

And the closest to that is the energy contained in our core domain which we created after mixing all kinds of energies. So as long as we continue using our profound domain, We will eventually sense the Primal barrier. "

Hearing what Qerin said, Athan, Tiana, and Mike nodded as they had not much knowledge about it.

Mike thought of something and spoke with astonishment, " But I think that the energy of our genome power is unique from the so-called primal energy. It\'s like it\'s from an entirely different world. "

Qerin nodded and said with a smile and spoke in awe, " Indeed. There are unique dimensions and a new world connected to all Legendary sectors from what I know. These places have unique energies with mysterious properties that do not come under primal energy. "

Hearing this, Mike looked at her as if he was in doubt but didn\'t say anything.

On the other hand, Avelia smiled and said, " Yep. After our human race can open the hidden passage on our legendary sector, We can also venture outside filled with fortunes. The greater five races have access to this new world, and that\'s why they are the most powerful among other races. "

At this time, Athan said with a thoughtful expression, " So...After we get access to primal energy. The various elemental energies will disappear, but I guess that we can still use the elemental energies because of the elemental intents we have comprehended, right? "

Avelia nodded and said with a smile, " Yep. After we get primal energy, You have to rely on your master intents. For instance, You take a small amount of primal energy, and as long as you will, You can turn that into Fire energy since you have comprehended fire intent to master level. All our powers like domain and spells will work as usual since we have comprehended elemental intents at the master level. The only difference being that they will become even more powerful since Primal energy is stronger than origin energy. "

After talking for a while, Everyone went out as they decided to fight two more rounds in the trial before trying to sense the Primal barrier once again.


After fighting two rounds which consist of twenty minutes and two enemies, Athan once again recalled everyone back.

Actually, Avelia was slight injured in her fight, but she was healed soon because of the white gold energy.

" Let\'s try to sense the primal barrier once again. "

Tiana and others nodded as they sat down and once again started training.

Their second soul was continuously practicing the genome technique and filling up the branch. But they also found out that the practicing speed of the second soul was slightly slower than when they practice it themselves, which filled up the branch slowly.

Not that they mind since they could do two things simultaneously, and the speed might increase when the second soul gets strong.

The reward they received was once again the fruits that increased their soul strength.

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