The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 268: Challenge-1

Chapter 268: Challenge-1




The man who was floating on the fighting ground hurridly strengthened the barrier seeing that cracks appeared on it, and thought with a shock, \' This barrier is enough to handle the attack of Peak-Ascenders...Just what the hell did that kid do? \'

The smock and dust subsided, and everyone saw that on the fighting ground, Only Athan was standing, and as for the three beasts? They were nowhere to be seen. The fighting ground was also in a mess with cracks and pits.

Reikent laughed out loud, and his loud laughter snapped everyone out of the daze, including that announcer floating in the sky and the man behind the booth who just slumped to the ground, \' Damnn it...I will be fired with a penalty of paying chaos-stones...\'

His work also included arranging the fights such that the arena wouldn\'t lose much money and keep profiting, but this time, he screwed up.

Athan was given a pouch containing two thousand low-grade chaos-stones, and Reikent also earned three thousand low-grade chaos-stones from his two bets.


" Hahaha. They hit the axe on their own leg. "

Reikent and Athan left the Arena. Athan wanted to fight more, but he was flatly refused and was told that there were no opponents of his level anymore.

Athan smiled wryly and shook his head, " I wanted to fight more but guess that\'s it. Anyway, What do I do with these chaos-stones? Even you gave me fifteen hundred chaos-stones, but I don\'t know what to do with them as I can\'t use them for training myself for now. "

Reikent insisted on giving Athan fifteen hundred chaos-stones which was half of the amount he won based on the reason that he won because of Athan.

" Since you can\'t use them for training, You can use them to buy things. You don\'t have any weapon or armor, right? "

Athan shook his head, " I have no equipment on me. Though I had an excellent weapon and...Well, I lost it. "

He lost primal chakram when the darkness of nothingness destroyed his body. Along with his body and all other things, The Primal Chakram also turned into nothingness.

" Then let\'s go and buy you armor and a weapon. A suitable weapon can increase your overall strength, and a good armor can save your life in dire situations. "

Athan nodded because he knew that the importance of weapons and armor here was higher than in the universe because of the powers of a Crafter.

" By the way, How much did your sword cost? "

Hearing the question, Reikent smiled, " It cost me forty thousand low-grade chaos-stones to hire the 3-star weapon crafter, and the material I provided to craft my sword is even more expensive. Of course, I didn\'t pay for the material because I luckily found it in a Chaos Phenom Dimension I went to two months ago. "

Athan was surprised that it cost so much to craft a 3-star weapon, not including the cost of naming the weapon, which varies from crafters to crafters.

" Anyway, You can\'t use even 1-star weapon and armor right now. But it would be best if you bought them since you will be using them after breaking through from Peak-Ascender. "

Athan nodded as Reikent led the way, and after walking for a few minutes, They arrived at an extensive two-story round building with open ground in the middle.

Pixilotte Treasure Shop.

Athan and Reikent went inside the shop, and a girl with two fluffy tails and ears wearing the uniform of the shop staff approached them with a sweet smile, " Welcome to our shop, Dear customers. What would you like to buy? I can provide a guide according to your preferred choices. "

Reikent waved his right hand and smiled, " No need. We\'ll take a look at the items ourselves. "

" Alright, Dear customers. If you need anything or want to ask about any item, you can ask any staff around you, and they\'ll be glad to tell more details about the items.? "

Afterward, Reikent took Athan to the showcases where all types of 1-star armors were located, " Choose your pick. For now, You can only buy one 1-star item with your three thousand five hundred low-grade chaos stones, so instead of buying a weapon that you won\'t be able to use right now, You should buy a good armor that can protect you even if you can\'t use it at its full power. "

Athan nodded and looked at the showcases on the wall that displayed various types of armor for both men and women.

After looking for a while, He decided on a water blue-colored armor with a deep blue design and pointed at it, " That one...It seems a great armor to me. " He liked the design of the armor and felt that it would look good on him on top of protecting him.

Another staff that was near heard it and arrived towards Athan before speaking with a while, " Good eyes, sir. That\'s one of the best 1-star armor that a peak 1-star armor crafter created. "

The man put down the armor and showed it to Athan closely, " Its name is Aquafest. Its base material is a 1-star Aquvira stone known for its particular higher resistance against shockwaves on top of base defense against everything. "

Hearing that, Reikent smiled wryly and thought, \' Looks like three thousand five hundred low-grade chaos-stones won\'t cut it to buy this armor. \'

On the other hand, Athan nodded at the staff and asked, " What is the price of this armor? " He didn\'t see the price tag in any items, so he had to ask.

" The price is four thousand two hundred low-grade chaos stones. "

" Uh..." Athan shook his head and smiled wryly, " Looks like I\'ll have to choose another armor. I\'m short of six hundred low-grade chaos stones to buy this. "

Hearing that, The staff suddenly spoke, " Are you an Ascender? If you are, Then you can participate in our regular challenge about Ascenders. This challenge has been running since the day this shop was built here. It\'s is about doing a test where an Ascender\'s physical and mental endurance is tested. If you can pass the challenge, you can earn one thousand to two thousand low-grade chaos stones. However, This is only a one-time challenge which means that you won\'t be able to participate a second time whether you pass or fail. "

Athan felt that this was a good chance and nodded, " Let\'s go then. I\'ll participate in it right now. "

" Alright. Please show me your primal essence and the entry fee is five hundred low-grade chaos stones. If you pass the challenge, These five hundred stones will be returned to you along with the prize but if you fail then you lose it."

Athan nodded and produced a spec of a primal essence, and seeing this, The staff nodded and led Athan and Reikent towards a door that leads to the middle ground in this round building shop.

They arrived in an open ground where two small transparent glass rooms were situated on the east side of the ground.

The staff took Athan there before he pointed at the glass rooms one by one, " If you can stay in that glass room for ten minutes, You can win one thousand low-grade chaos stones, and if you can stay in the other glass room for five minutes, You can win two thousand low-grade chaos stones. You can only pick one, and that will be your first and last chance at this event. Know that the intensity of the second glass room is higher and you will have to endure more to win the two thousand low-grade chaos stone. Also, The most important requirement is that you must not use your primal essence or any energy. This challenge is to purely test the physical body and mind of Ascenders. "

Athan didn\'t think before he pointed at the glass room that could win him two thousand low-grade chaos stones, " I\'ll go in that one. " After saying this, Athan took out five hundred low-grade chaos stones from his pouch and gave them to the staff.

He knew that this was another way to earn money for this shop but he was confident that he can endure and complete this challenge.

Reikent smiled with curiosity and watched as Athan entered the second glass container.

At this time, Some people from the shop and on the ground were gathered and watched curiously.

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