The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 333: Training-6, Chaos and Order

Chapter 333: Training-6, Chaos and Order

After twenty days, He comprehended the initial stage order of The Harmony of Giant and started to form its body core.

As usual, He formed the order symbol of the Harmoney of Giant after grasping and comprehending its order and poured some of his heart blood on it.

Both started shined and combined as the process of body core creation started.

After five minutes, A cricket-ball-sized body core of Harmoney of Giant order ken formed inside his void.

The core was light brown and peach-colored with red vein-like patterns over it.

He had chosen this body method because, just like how Jadeite Skelendrom\'s specialty gave him an Exo-frame armor after he mastered it, This Harmony of Giant would also grant him something special, and it was the expansion of his body. He could either turn one part of his body bigger or all parts and become a giant, increasing his physical strength tremendously.

Though this method was even more painful than Jadeite Skelendrom as it was written as the head-line of the scroll, He didn\'t mind the pain that would come with it and readily chose this.

After the body core was finished forming, Athan started consuming Meta-Aerodite power that went inside his body core and started its process.

At that instant, Athan\'s body trembled due to physical reasons as an overwhelming power started to spread through his body\'s every single cell.

His cells started to expand after being refined and infused by the Harmony of Giant chaotic power.

The meta-aerodite power provided enough power to his body core such that he reached the early stage of the Harmony of Giant chaotic power.

After ten minutes, Ten percent of the Meta-aerodite power was consumed, and Athan finally reached the early stage of the Harmony of Giant.

His clothes were ripped apart, and he was completely naked after reaching the early stage because as his cells started to refine and expand, His body also got bigger.

His current size was four meters tall, with explosive muscles and a perfect body. He was like a four-meter tall giant in every way—his hair, head, etc., everything bigger.

His skin color had changed from pale white to light red and peach-colored.


Suddenly, His left hand was blasted into pieces as blood burst out like a fountain.

Athan hurriedly closed his eyes as he started to consolidate his body. Due to rapidly reaching the early stage, his cells were still very active and not used to this explosive power.

Even in other body methods, He would have to consolidate his body, but this Harmony of Giant was more intense in training, so his cells could not bear the power.

After closing his eyes, Athan started to punch and kick hard while moving his whole body as steam started to release from his body constantly.

After intense body exercise of three days, His body finally stabilized. But the consolidation was not over.

It took him seven more days to properly consolidate his body as he strengthened his cells by exercising more such that they can hold this power without self-injuries. This was the second body consolidation process.

There were two consolidation processes of body training.

The first consolidation of the body was to get used to the newfound increased physical strength by exercising, which comes with all body methods. The second consolidation process depended on the training of one\'s body method.

After Athan was done consolidating his body, He shrank his body to his normal size.

" Continue training...I will also pour the remaining eight percent meta-aerodite power into the body core. "

Without taking any rest, He once again started training. Of course, After wearing a new set of clothes that were inside his second storage pouch.

The next goal was to comprehend the next level of Harmony of Giant.

The set of order force in the Harmoney of Giant felt slightly more complicated to him as he took more time to comprehend and grasp its order.

In the term where normal people can understand, Comprehending and grasping the Order of these chaotic powers was like wandering in a very terrifying and chaotic place where blizzard, rain, Bloody atmosphere, a hell of bones, thunderstorm, desert storm, etc. chaotic disasters were present, and you have to find,? sense, understand and grasp the links or more like dots in this place that would control these many chaotic disasters.

Once you have comprehended and grasped those links/dots and understood their set of patterns which is actually the order of these chaotic powers, You can control them. ( them being chaotic powers. )

When using soul sense to comprehend and grasp the order of these chaotic powers, one would exactly feel that. But it was not damaging to them. That\'s why the scroll where the order of these chaotic powers was inscribed became an orthodox way to train.

In an unorthodox way,? The beings had to glimpse at the real chaotic powers and phenomenons and even experience them physically and soulfully to grasp their order which was very dangerous since it could cost their life while comprehending and grasping the order from the scrolls was safe.

[ A/N: Although in reality, It is a very different and terrifying experience to comprehend the actual order in Chaosverse ( I would not recommend doing that, You are good on Earth. No need to go to Chaosverse ^^ )? I went there, and honestly, It was a very bad experience, I instantly died. :P Gotta train and become the master universe first before going to Chaosverse, but it will also be impossible so let\'s just read the novels, lol. ]



After twenty-five days, Athan finally comprehended the next level order of the Harmony of Giant and poured the remaining eight percent meta-aerodite power into the body core as his body started to get stronger.

After five minutes, the process was over, and he started to consolidate his body.

But this time, He only took two days to finish the consolidation as his progress was not that high.

Afterward, Athan stood up and took a deep breath.

He had finally spent up his meta-aerodite power, so his rapid boost of progress was over.

But he didn\'t intend to take any rest as he closed his eyes and entered into deep meditation while standing.

Inside his void region, He started to pour chaos force inside his body core to continue training.

Since he could constantly produce chaos force, unlike others, He could similarly also train constantly without a break.

His body started to once again fill up with the chaotic power of the Harmony of Giant as it started to strengthen his body and refined his cells before expanding them.

While doing this, Athan slowly opened his eyes and separated his primary consciousness while keeping his subconsciousness to continue train in his body core.

" Good. "

Athan nodded to himself as he stretched his hand forward and took out a scroll.

It was finally time to practice an order technique.

The essence order technique, Spirling cave of no entry. This was the best defensive order technique for him....No, More like The most suitable defensive order technique for him.

Unfurling the scroll, Athan read its description and how it works.

[ Spiraling Cave of no Entry ]

>An order technique whose set of order effects can diffuse the incoming attack.

>One would use a defensive chaos power\'s nature to create spiraling holes around them.

>The spiraling holes had a special set of order forces where they would gently lead the incoming attacks towards them and weaken their power.

>This technique would not block the attacks completely and still lead them towards the user, albeit by continuously weakening their power.

> One can create multiple spiraling holes and put them one behind another to continuously weaken the incoming attack until it is completely diffused, Thus the name, Spirling Cave of no Entry.

After reading everything, Athan started to comprehend and grasp its order by using his soul sense through the main consciousness while letting his subconsciousness do the body core training.

He didn\'t plan to completely diffuse the incoming attacks with this technique but just weaken them enough to let him not get disabled.

After all, If he is only inflicted with superficial and minor injuries, His body\'s natural healing factor and his new essence chaotic power can be used to heal himself.

This way, He can fully focus on the offensive while not worrying much about the incoming attacks and while also not spending much order force on defense since he didn\'t plan to diffuse the attacks completely in the first place.



At this time, The competition where Tiana and others were training also started, and in this competition, They would catch the eyes of some big shots of the Great Bridgade Palace.

But...would it be good for them or bad for them if such things happened? Well, Only time will tell that.

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