The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 393: Hell and Maw

Chapter 393: Hell and Maw



A twelve-meter-tall hill was blasted from the ground into the air before exploding.

The explosion produced two light purple shockwaves in thirty meters radius from air to ground as all pieces of the hill turned into dust.

That was the third stance of destruction, Assault of Hell.

If Assault of Heaven strikes from sky to the ground, then Assault of Hell strikes from the ground to the sky.

\' Three seconds...I\'ll practice one more time and nail it in two seconds. \'

Athan took the stance of Assult of Hell as he stood with his leg positioned wide and hands near his chest. His hands had distance between them while the palms faced the sky.

He hurriedly circulated the order force and conjured the sets of order force in two seconds before he changed; he turned his palm upside down as now they faced the ground before pushing his hands downward.

\' This time...I\'ll aim at hundred meters north and blast that giant tree. \'

Thinking of that, Athan made that giant tree his target. The distance between him and that tree appeared a hundred meters.

A light purple orb with a slight khaki border around it released beneath his hands and bore into the ground. Naturally, He didn\'t infuse any chaotic power and just purely used order force to execute it.

After two seconds, The tree a hundred meters away from him was blasted from the ground as it flew into the sky before an explosion occurred in a thirty-meter radius.

Assault of Hell was a long-range broad area attack. Unlike Assault of Heaven which appears on top of him at first, The Assault of Hell can be long-range from the start, and it\'s hits faster than Assault of Heaven.

At this time, Sen opened her eyes and spoke with a tired face, " So many blasts. Can you take a break, Athan? "

Athan wryly smiled before nodding, " I was going to take a break since I am out of order force. "

It takes four hours to recover all of his spent order force, which is pretty long. But he can shorten this by absorbing some chaos stones or turning voidpulse into order force.

But he didn\'t do anything like that since he wanted to start learning the fourth stance of destruction while his order force naturally recovers inside his order base.

The fourth and final stance of destruction, Maw of Destruction. Taking out the scroll, He started grasping and understanding the sets of order force in it.

After three hours, He decided to start practicing since he had recovered more than half of his order force.

He took the stance as he bent down from his waist while leaning forward with his right leg at the front and left leg back to support this leaning stance.

He positioned his hands at his heart in a ball-catching shape by joining them together with their palms open with his fingers were separated with equal distance, unlike connected when trying to catch a cricket ball.

He started circulating the chaos force, and it took him seven seconds of preparation before he was finally ready to execute Maw of Destruction.

His body was covered in a dark purple aura with a red hue. A bright concentration of this aura was in his hands that were near his chest.

While his body was still leaning forward, Athan stretched his hands forward with speed as if pushing something.

At this moment, All of the purple aurae gathered into a maw of a beast right in front of his hands.

After this, Athan stood correctly with the terrifying Maw still in front of him. The Maw had sharp purple teeth, but more importantly, a vortex of destruction inside the mouth would grind to dust anything that goes into this Maw of Destruction.

The Maw was 2 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide.


After observing the Maw, Athan finally released the beastly mouth as it shot forward with a legit roar coming out from it.

He shot it towards a small boulder as the Maw devoured it and turned it into dust before continuing forward.

This stance has the highest pure destructive force among the four stances of destruction. Its size and range are small, but its offensive power is remarkable. Its speed is also fast, and upon Athan\'s thought or hitting a resistance that it can\'t destroy, The Maw will turn into many smaller maws that would stick to target or defense before exploding with condensing destructive force.

\' I need to shorten the process of executing it. It takes less energy than Assault of Heaven and Assault of Hell, but it\'s a bit more complicated to conjure its set of order force. \'

Athan started practicing this stance to make it easier to execute in the future.

After half a day, He was finally done.

Now he had mastered all four stances of destruction. As for how to improve them further, That depends on his skills and comprehension ability.

[ The Four Stances of Destruction order technique ]

- First Stance of Destruction: Assault of Heaven.

- Second Stance of Destruction: Spear of Silent Death

- Third Stance of Destruction: Assault of Hell.

- Fourth Stance of Destruction: Maw of Destruction.

This 5-star body order technique of pure offensiveness will slowly change its shape and become more powerful in the hands of Athan in the future.


Time passed as Athan and others continued to train.

In the blink of an eye, Only a year was left before the deadline set by Chaos Monolith Hills neared.

After Athan mastered the Four stances of destruction, He also mastered his second 5-star order technique-Point Zero Bombardment.

This Point Zero Bombardment is an essence order technique, so it doesn\'t require his physical strength.

Athan didn\'t take long to master this essence order technique which was absolutely mystical and powerful. It didn\'t lose out to Four stances of destruction.

But since he still had time in the past one and a half year, He asked for some order techniques from Sen, Tealery, and Arcued and even contacted Ayurin for some scrolls.

In the past one and a half years, He mastered many order techniques, ranging from 3-star to 5-star. But stars didn\'t matter once they learned it because they can make it more powerful if they are able. More importantly, The stars in order techniques only described its complicatedness and its consumption to execute the techniques.

But even if a technique has a low-star labeled to it, It still has its uses.

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