The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 396: Breakthrough-2

Chapter 396: Breakthrough-2

After the vortex destroyed his chaos grinder and absorbed it, Athan waited for it to turn into the Duality Codex.

The vortex constantly spun without doing anything for an hour before finally, something happened.

The vortex started to produce golden particles that surrounded itself. After five minutes, the whole vortex was covered into a spinning sphere of golden particles.

The golden sphere was slowly spinning, but the spin gradually slowed down before coming to a standstill.

Athan silently observed the shining golden sphere as after it stopped spinning, sparks of light blue and black started to appear on its surface.

After that, A single line appeared at the very center of this sphere. It was as if someone slashed the sphere in the middle with a sharp sword.

The sphere started to separate from the middle where the single line appeared and turned into two bowls. Naturally, The two bowls were still glued to each other side by side. So, they didn\'t separate completely.

The left side bowl had a golden whirlpool filled with sparks of light blue and faint black.

On the other hand, The right side bowl was completely different as it was almost empty except for a tiny pure white oval-shaped bean in the center. This bowl started to produce order force.

But this order force was more powerful than his previous order force. It was also more condensed such that he could finally see its color that appeared extremely light blue with whiteness.

\' Hmmm...According to information, The bowl with a white bean in it should be called Orderic Codex. As for the bowl with a whirlpool, It should be called Catastrophe Codex. \'

After remembering their names, Athan just waited because, according to information, more things should come after the Duality Codex is formed.

Suddenly, He felt a familiar life-threatening pressure and instantly opened his eyes.

Out of nowhere, A deadly chaotic force appeared around him.

\' This is similar to when I broke through to Tier-2 order base. Hmmm...Is it here to finish the remaining work? Should I let it go inside my body? \'

Previously, This thing already went inside his body without his permission and did something to his chaos grinder. When that happened, He felt a sense of acknowledgment from something extraordinary. But this time, It couldn\'t go in because he now had better power, control, and understanding of his Abyssal Void of Fabrication, and his body has upgraded.

After thinking for a while, He finally decided to let this strange force of chaos enter inside him.

\' It\'s better to let it do its thing here. If somehow I made a half-assed breakthrough due to not allowing it to enter, I would need to waste my time finding other solutions. \'

He then saw a strange force surrounding both bowls that are collectively called Duality Codex.

This strange force turned into three portions.

The first one went into the Orderic Codex and merged with it before disappearing. This caused the bean to shine a white glow.

The second portion went inside the Catastrophe Codex, which suddenly caused a palpitating sensation. The whirlpool turned chaotic from a calm state.

As for the third portion, It just gathered near the two bowls before slowly turning into something. Slowly but surely, A square box-like structure formed from the cloudly dark gray chaotic power.

The box was open from top and bottom. But inside the box, There was a membrane or like a screen of a sort in the middle.

\' Phew...It looks like I don\'t need to make this Chaotic Curtain myself now, just like I created the Chaos Grinder. \'

Chaotic Curtain works similar to his chaos grinder. However, it should work better than his chaos grinder.

But unlike other people, He can modify and add things into it by using voidpulse. Naturally, He needs to study its structure first.

\' My first catastrophe should be coming soon since the first one appears after their breakthrough is finished.

Athan waited for a while before finally, his first catastrophe arrived.

The chaotic whirlpool of his catastrophe codex started spinning at a faster speed before something started to come out from it.

\' Here it comes. \'

Several thick streaks of red lightning shot out from the Catastrophe Codex before attacking the bean in the other bowl.

\' Oh...It\'s an inner essence catastrophe.? \'

Athan knew that he needs to block this attack, and as such, He used a bit of order force to conjure a 4- star defensive order technique that he mastered during the time skip.

\' 4-star order technique, Tri-Plate Coverage with Aegis Starwood nature.? \'

Instantly, Four emerald green triangles with a light blue hue of the order force appeared and completely blocked the path of red lightning as the four triangle plates combined to become a solid wall with a barrier around it. The barrier expanded and also covered others near him.

But the streaks of red lightning didn\'t give up and continued to hit his defense to break it.

\' I have to subdue these four deadly and chaotic red lightning streaks. Hmmm...Should I try using voidpulse to contain and subdue it? Guess I\'ll do just that. \'

Athan thought as he shot out a wave of Voidpulse. He expanded the voidpulses before turning them into a transparent but small cover.

Finding a perfect chance, Athan trapped the red lightning streaks with his voidpulse.

\' Good! It looks like I can indeed do it. \'

If someone saw how easily Athan did it, Their jaws would drop to the ground. unfortunately, They can\'t have something like voidpulse and will have to slowly and carefully contain the chaotic catastrophe.

Thinking of that, He brought that trapped red lightning streaks towards the Chaotic Curtain.

After moving it on top of the box, Athan put the red lightning streaks into the box as those lightning streaks hit a faint membrane/screen in the middle of the box.

The red lightning streaks passed through the screen, but they didn\'t come out from the other side. Instead, A strange red force was produced below the screen.

This red force traveled as it exited from the box\'s open bottom part before entering the Orderic Codex and infused into the small white bean.

The shining bean turned silent for a moment before it cracked, and a very small thing emerged from it. It looks like a vine of some sort, but it looked faint without any vividness. The only thing was that it appeared silent and peaceful light blue.

Right at this moment, Athan noticed the speed of order force production getting faster, \' It should be because the red force infused into the bean. This is just the start. I\'ll have to deal with catastrophes that would come into any shape or type. \'

This time, it was his first catastrophe, so it wasn\'t strong at all. It was also an inner catastrophe.

He had finally entered the orderic catastrophe phase, and from now on, He will have to deal with many catastrophes releasing from catastrophe Codex in the future to advance.

Currently, He was in the first phase, Essence order Catastrophe.

The Catastrophe Codex acts as a catastrophe bringer. Sometimes, It will release catastrophe from it directly, while many times, he will be attacked internally and externally.

He will have to subdue these catastrophes that appear out of nowhere and advance.

Suddenly, Athan felt something and took out the contact card of Ayurin.

" We will leave when only three months are left before the deadline. Until then, Practice as hard you all can. Good luck. "

[A/N: There are more things to do while in Orderic Catastrophe. They are fun and interesting. :) ]

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