The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 437: Commotion, [ Race To The Top ]

Chapter 437: Commotion, [ Race To The Top ]

It was very tense in this [ Race To The Peak ] event lobby. Two minutes have passed since Athan sat at the same table as Linci.

After the three-minute mark, Linci started to take occasional glances at Athan every two seconds to see his situation.

\' None of the people at Orderic Catastrophe stage lasted two minutes near me while he...just passed the three-minute mark, which is comparable to those Zen order elite\'s time of staying near me. Does he really have some unique power that negates my power? No, Impossible. Even my father can only stay fifteen minutes within two meters. \'

Obviously oblivious to Linci\'s thoughts, Athan didn\'t feel anything strange. He could feel the potency of those wisp getting stronger, but that didn\'t matter to his veil of abyssal darkness.

Whether a potency level 1 dark blue wisps attacked him or level 10, his veil of abyssal darkness devoured them all the same. It\'s not like he started consuming more abyssal darkness if Linci\'s strange power got stronger.

It was a battle of Quality vs. Quality, and the quality of Abyssal Darkness was far superior to anything in Chaosverse. So it didn\'t matter how strong the dark blue wisps became; abyssal darkness could devour them all the same.

Although Athan used abyssal darkness constantly, he was still full because his recovery speed of abyssal darkness was higher than his consumption.

Naturally, If the quantity increased exponentially such that Athan\'s recovery speed of abyssal darkness couldn\'t keep up with the consumption speed, then he would eventually run out of abyssal darkness.

All of that is considering that he didn\'t do anything and let someone just attack him while he doesn\'t fight back. But in reality, why would he do something like that when he can fight back and use his power, Abyssal void of fabrication in techniques or in various other ways.


Linci occasionally glanced at Athan while other people in the event lobby were also shocked and surprised as they whispered.

" Hey...I think It\'s been over three minutes since he sat at her table. It\'s strange that nothing is really happening to him. "

" Indeed. Some peak orderic catastrophe people also couldn\'t stay near her for two minutes whole. But why can he stay there for long? "

" I don\'t know, but...considering that he is here and a newbie, He should be in orderic catastrophe. Maybe he has something unique which prevents Linci\'s strange power from affecting him? "

\' Three minutes and thirty-six seconds...\' Thought Linci as she glanced at Athan. But suddenly, she felt something and took out her crystal card.

\' It looks like my turn has come up.? \' Linci was just going to stand up, but suddenly a commotion arose.

Several people suddenly entered the event lobby. Seeing them, Newbies turned rowdy.

" Senior, I have applied to become a member of Sunfire Hill faction. My rank in Newbie leaderboard has reached 27, and I worked hard for it. Please consider accepting me. "

" Me too, senior. I..."

" Silence! " Rezy spoke coldly.

On the other hand, Rukia smiled as she swept her glance across the lobby and found Athan, " Hehehe, There he is. "

" Hellllooooooo, Athan. How about you come out for a minute? " Rukia spoke as she walked towards Athan. The seductress\'s actions were in full mode as her bouncy chest slightly heaved up and down with her every step and displayed the gloriousness of her supple meat buns.

Seeing that, the men in the lobby gulped while the ladies rolled their eyes.

Athan opened his eyes and looked at Rukia and other envoys with some other people. All of them had different badges on their clothes.

Rukia suddenly paused as she noticed Linci. She stopped moving towards the table and asked Athan once again with a smile, " Hi, Athan. We meet again. Anyway, would you come out for a while? We have some important matters to discuss with you. "

\' Important matter? \' Thought Athan, but right there, he suddenly felt something and stood up.

Seeing him standing up, Rukia and all those people from different Hill factions smiled.

But the next thing he said caused their smile to stiffen.

" Wait for a while. I\'ll go and finish the event first. " Athan stated plainly before moving towards one of the gothic doors and entered.


It was pin-drop silence as all envoys were tongue-tied with a stiff smile while the newbies sweated for Athan. What the hell was his deal? They are damn representatives from various hill factions!

" Pffff...." Linci chuckled with a smile as she stood up and moved towards one of the gothic doors before entering.

The representatives turned glum hearing the laugh, but they were helpless against Linci. If anyone else in the lobby laughed, They could teach them a lesson but, unfortunately, can\'t do anything, Linci.

Naturally, After a second, Many of the representative\'s faces turned awful.

But Rukia also started laughing as she shook her head, " His antics haven\'t changed even after arriving here and seeing a vaster world. Hehehe, I like it. "

But one of the representatives snorted; he had blond hair and a dark brown tail. With slight anger on his face, he stated, " Despite Rukia saying to him that we have important matters to discuss, he went to take the event test first. Humph, That kid looks unruly and trouble to me. It doesn\'t look like he would follow the rules and regulations of the House of Scion Hill faction and would likely do as he pleases without respecting others. "

After saying that, He turned around and started moving towards the exit while speaking, " Even though he has achieved impressive feats and is talented, House of Scion doesn\'t want someone like him. Ladies and gentlemen, you can go ahead and recruit him. "

He then left the event lobby with a faint mutter, " Waste of time. "

Naturally, everyone could hear that mutter.


On the other hand, the red Genie finished explained the event to Athan in this cloudly place that was similar to the first two events.

There was a chain of mountain ranges that became higher and higher with each mountain in this place.

" The event will start once you walk past that gate. Reach the end of this path filled with trouble in five hours. You will get no score if you can\'t rush to the [ Finish ] gate on the very top and at the end of this mountain range chain in five hours. "

Athan nodded as he walked towards the [ Start ] gate.

" By the way, the current all-time high score is 87,450 by Micott Elzid. He finished at two hours. "

" Got it. " Athan revealed a thumbs up before entering the gate.

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