The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 466: Peace

Chapter 466: Peace

" Athan! "

Athan turned around while sitting on his cloud of chaos and saw Tiana flying towards him with tears in her eyes and a happy smile on her face.

Seeing that, He felt as if a giant boulder lifted from his chest.

He dashed forward and spread his hands as he hugged her tightly.

With his voice cracking, He spoke, " I waited for this moment for a long time. "

Tiana felt as if the whole world was in her grasp, and she felt intense happiness and jubilation. Electricity passed through her body with the tight hug of Athan, and she felt an extreme familiarity with the sensation she was feeling.

She caressed Athan\'s back and head, and her tears won\'t stop falling. The moment when Athan hugged her, A feeling overwhelmed her.

That feeling was...longing.

It was as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time without even realizing it.

This longing overwhelmed her, and she cried even more, " Athan...Athan... what is this...This will not separate from me, right? "

She hugged even more tightly instinctively as if she was not going to let him go.

Athan laughed loudly and spoke with domination, " No one can separate us now. If anyone dares to do that, I will put them in hell for eternity. "

" Oh really? Then I am going to separate you. Humph, You lovebirds...First, focus on the white stone marble for 16 hours, and then you can do whatever you want. "

Athan looked at Ferinia and laughed out loud as he was happy, excited, and thrilled right now.

Athan and Tiana stayed stuck in a hug for thirty minutes straight. Tiana fully soaked herself in Athan\'s presence and felt serene, peaceful, and happy in his hug.

Tiana and Athan broke away from the hug and? kissed.

A simple, short kiss.

After kissing, Tiana grinned at Athan said, " So when are you going get Avelia? Her soul also should be longing for you without herself realizing it, just like me. "

" Soon. Actually, we can go right now because that\'s why I betted with Ferinia. " Athan answered with a grin.

" First, let\'s focus here since Avelia is also learning order occupation from a Master Mystic Chef. " Tiana spoke as she grabbed Athan\'s hand and went inside the palace.

Lina and Hera saw Athan and Tiana coming together while holding hands and looked at each other with a smile, " It seems like they are together now. "

" Yep. "

Ferinia snorted and spoke, " Alright now, focus on study. "

Four of them started focusing on the white stone marble, but something strange started to happen after an hour.

They started to consume their soul energy automatically.

Even Athan\'s soul energy started to consume as he kept his focus on the white stone marble.

Naturally, He could stop this, but he didn\'t because the more soul energy he consumed, the more focused he became.

At this time, Ferinia spoke with a chuckle, " Neighhh....haha, you should have noticed by now, right? Well, That\'s because of the power of the Runic Art drawn on the white stone marble. It\'s known as Sense Enhancing Runic Art. Master carved this runic art along with the profundities of the order of being a Runic Artist for your aid. "

A prideful expression on Ferinia, " Only those who have become a 10-star Runic Artist can do something like that and help others walk on the path of Runic Artist. Even 9-star can\'t directly carve profundities of the order of being a Runic Artist. "

Ferinia then once again lazily laid down before speaking, " Anyway, By the end of your 16-hour session, you will feel exhausted and will have to rest. So until then, keep focusing. "


In the blink of an eye, the 16-hour session finished as everyone except Athan felt exhausted.

Ferinia looked doubtfully at Athan and asked, " Hey, why are you not exhausted? "

Athan raised his eyes and grinned, " Why should I be exhausted? You already know that...I am a bit different. "

" Yeah, right. You are on my interesting person list. Hahaha. " Ferinia chortled before looking at others, " Alright, now follow me, I will show you your resting rooms. "

After saying that, Ferinia started walking towards the left corridor of the palace while others followed her.

After walking for a bit, Ferinia pointed at the door, " This is your room, Lina. "

Lina nodded with an exhausted face as she went inside. The room was not visible from the door because the door looked like a portal.

After that, Ferinia pointed at another door in the corridor and told Hera that it was her room.

After that, Ferinia walked a bit more and said to Athan while pointing at another door, " This is your room, Athan. "

Athan nodded and went inside while Tiana, who held Athan\'s hand, went inside with Athan in the most natural way.

" And that door is for you, Tia-" Ferinia had turned around and pointed at another door, but when she looked back, she saw that Tiana also went inside Athan\'s room.

" Yeah, right. My bad. " muttering this, Ferinia left the corridor.


After entering the room, They saw that it was not a closed room but an open world.

They appeared in the night sky with gentle breezes flowing in the atmosphere and sparkling starry sky.

A giant tree right in front of them gave off peaceful waves that calmed their minds and under the tree was a fluffy bed.

It was bigger than a single bed but not as big as a double bed.

Tiana was quite exhausted, unlike Athan. She dragged Athan towards the bed and laid on it with him before hugging him and closing her eyes, " Cuddle me, Athan, and don\'t let me go. "

Athan smiled as he caressed her head. He scanned the bed with his soul sense and created another one right beside it using his voidpulse so that Tiana could sleep more comfortably.

He then also hugged her gently and closed his eyes, \' Guess I should also sleep after a long time. \'


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