Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 210

"Stop! Stop!"

"I can\'t eat more." Thud!

There were dozens of items served at the dining table, and Mike devoured each one of them. He didn\'t stop until he had finished the last one. However, the food didn\'t stop coming. Ladies continued to prepare more for him.

He finally had no choice but to give up. He was perplexed as to how they had brought so much food into the house. He went to Jenny and asked, "Did you bring the monster flesh from the dungeon?"

"Yeah, we assumed typical food wouldn\'t be able to satisfy your hunger, especially since you discovered that your new mode makes your stomach look like a black hole. But it appears that even a black hole can be satisfied." Jenny nods and orders the other females to cease cooking.


Jenny appears to have taught them how to cook effectively throughout these days. Though the dish wasn\'t as delicious as hers, it was nonetheless edible. Not to mention that Mike was so hungry that he didn\'t notice.

"Mike!" Suddenly, he was startled by the sound of a voice. As he shifted his head to the right, his body stiffened. He had chills all over his body when he saw a woman standing next to him with her hands at her waist and thought, \'I\'m so dead.\'

"Would you mind explaining why you lost an arm in a single day?" Elizabeth grumped in front of him, causing him to shiver once more. He was aware that his mother would be concerned. After all, he\'d just lost his arm.

"Uhh!" He tried to explain, but the word didn\'t come out of his mouth. He started to talk again but couldn\'t explain himself, so he ended by saying, "I\'m sorry!"

He couldn\'t think of anything else to say to his mother. Especially when he knows his mother is his biological mother. He couldn\'t figure out why she pretended to be his aunt. But he didn\'t miss anything that a typical child wouldn\'t have missed.

In reality, he had a better idea. He didn\'t have to bother about schoolwork. He would have despised studying if it hadn\'t been for his former life\'s desire. He doesn\'t want to be illiterate, but he also doesn\'t want his grades to determine his future.

This is also one of the main reasons he thanks God of Sex for bringing him into this planet. He can genuinely fulfill his dream here, rather than in his previous trick. Because of his charming talent and gigantic dick, he can aggressively attract girls.

He wouldn\'t describe himself as attractive, although he did notice certain changes during the bloodline awakening.

"I understand that I can\'t stop you from doing things that appear unsafe, but please be more respectful of your family. Mike, you are not alone. You\'re capable of being irresponsible. You can be a jerk. You have the ability to be a moron. We don\'t mind since we know that\'s just who you are."

"However, you must keep in mind that you have a family. And your family will always be your home, no matter where you go." Elizabeth sighed and tried to persuade him that she was concerned. She was, indeed. Even though she was spying on him, she couldn\'t immediately assist him.

There were two factors that prevented her from doing so. First, she was proud of her strength. Second, there was the truth.

She may easily restrain Atharos as Lord of Curses, but she is lord. Even though she is cursed and unable to utilize her power without suffering, she is nonetheless powerful. It\'s akin to begging Mad Beast Emperor to assassinate Blood Demon King.

Even if the Blood Demon King is extremely dangerous to the earth, the Mad Beast Emperor is unable to kill him. He is a Saint-Half. That is his source of pride. He is unable to attack a Commander.

In terms of truth, she understood Michel\'s remarks were true. Although she does not quite agree with him, she understands that he must confront the battle on his own. That is why she is powerless to intervene.

More crucially, she knew Mike\'s left arm would expand as he progressed toward King Realm.

"Don\'t worry, Mom; I\'ll look after myself." Mike exhaled a sigh of relief. He expected his mother to be upset with him. But, as it turns out, she was also on his side.

But there was one thing that made his eyes twitch. He couldn\'t figure out why they kept calling him an idiot. He\'s a moron, but not a moron. He thinks he\'s a battle genius, but that\'s not anything to brag about.

When, no matter how brilliant he is, he can only win because Atharos is weakened. During the previous hit, Atharos Destruction Law was unable to inflict as much harm on him as it should have. He could only speculate since he was weakening.

It was logical given that he was using two of his best laws to face Mike, Jenny, and Chris, the raid\'s most powerful trio.


"Oh! You have awoken." As Lucas walks out, the door on the side suddenly opens. He speaks with astonishment as he stares at Mike, who is sitting on the dining chair.

"How did it go?" Lauren dashed in front of Lucas and inquired, her voice anxious.

"Unsuccessful!" Lucas shook his head and approached Mike. Unlike Lauren, he was unconcerned about his inability to awaken his lineage.


As they moved closer, they both banged their fists and cuddled. Mike, on the other hand, spotted Lauren\'s long-expression and said, "What happened?  Is there a problem?"

Lauren raised her head and stared at Mike, puzzled as to why Mike\'s spell was not working. Elizabeth sighed as she placed a little palm on this. She had put a limit on his spell.

His spell will no longer work till he recovers his lifespan. Jenny turned her head to Mike and said, "Lucas was unable to activate his bloodline. During the combat, he revealed Slaughter Spirit and activated Slaughter Will."

"Because Lauren and Lucas are from the Angel Race, slaughter is the polar opposite of them. This is why bloodline awakening isn\'t working: the ancestor\'s will in the bloodline isn\'t allowing it to combine with Lucas."

"Hmm! But then why isn\'t Anti-Mind Control Spell working? Could it have something to do with my lifespan?" Mike mumbled while putting his hand on his chin.

"Wait? What\'s the deal with this lifespan thing? You stated that there are no adverse effects." Jenny grabbed his collar and roared in his face as soon as she heard his comments.

"Slow down! We\'ll figure something out. I\'m sure there\'s anything that can help me live longer, right? It\'s not like I only have a few days to live." Mike was taken aback by her words, but he tried to relax by patting her shoulder.

But then he felt a hand on his shoulder. As he turned his head, he noticed Alena standing behind him, her hand folded as she spoke. "Would you mind going into greater detail?"


Five Minutes Later,

"So, that spell costs you your life if the enemy\'s strength is several times greater than yours? Given the Angel Race\'s ancestry, the lady who possessed me, and the snake venom that tried to destroy Alena\'s mind, it\'s understandable."

"After all, Ancestor was supposed to be the Higher Divinity, whereas the woman who possessed me was likely to be stronger than the Void Immortal. She appears to be on an entirely different level, despite the fact that she was only in soul form."

"As for the snake poison, while it wasn\'t particularly potent, it was lethal. Given these circumstances, it\'s no surprise that you outlived your lifespan." Jenny sighed and murmured as she sat on a couch.

"Since it is no longer functioning, we may anticipate that it will require a certain amount of lifespan to work against the strong creature. This is good news for us. But first, we need to figure out how to extend your life. Not to add, if you use those modes to their full ability, they deplete your lifespan."

"And, given the strength of your next adversaries, I believe you will end up employing them. As a result, we must extend your life." Alena spoke as she stood behind Mike. Only Jenny and Mike were sitting at this time, while everyone else was standing. Elizabeth, on the other hand, had already departed with Lucas.

They didn\'t sit because there wasn\'t enough room on the couch for all of them. And it would appear to be incongruous for some to sit while others must stand. Jenny, on the other hand, was seated because none of them cared, especially when Lauren urged her to.

Lauren\'s admiration for Jenny was clear from her statements. Mike didn\'t argue about it because he had already delegated all authority to Jenny. And it was good to know Lauren was rooting for Jenny.

"Sure, but how?" Mike rests his hand on his chin, trying to think of a solution. He couldn\'t rely on the system all of the time; he had to figure it out on his own.

"Holy Tree of Mother Elf, Fountain of Life, a single drop is enough to provide a hundred years of life. It is located in Elf Land." Ava spoke with a solemn expression on her face. She couldn\'t stop staring at Jenny.

"Does it mean we have to assault the Land of Elf? I\'m not afraid of sneaking in or even battling them." Mike spoke as soon as he finished processing her remarks.

"We must fight them, and it is unavoidable. But first, we have to do something else." Jenny spoke, leaving Mike perplexed and asking, "What?"

"Form a Guild!"

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