The Sage of Einar

Chapter 309 - Preparation For The Royal Wedding

In Einar\'s room, Laisa was trying on her wedding dress, unlike Kassia and Helmi\'s bearskin dresses.

Laisa\'s dress had a more modern look and was made of cotton fabric, which Darían brought from the city of Carcol.

Einar had dyed it purple and designed it as an evening gown, with leg slits and no V-neck.

Instead, he covered his wife\'s breasts. This he did at the request of Laisa, who only liked to show her cleavage to her husband.

Einar, respecting his wife\'s wishes, designed it that way. He also combed her hair in a double Chinese ponytail style.

Very similar to that of a Chinese protagonist in a famous fighting game.

Kassia and Helmi, who were looking at Laisa\'s beautiful dress, felt a little jealous.

But they said nothing, as Einar promised to make their dresses for them, as well as a little more suggestive clothes for their games at night.

Einar using a copper mirror showed his appearance to Laisa, who, when taking the mirror, could not contain her joy.

"I look amazing, actually I am so beautiful."

Einar took her by the waist and kissed her soft pink lips that were painted with a lipstick that Einar had created especially for the wedding.

The lipstick was made from a non-toxic artificial coloring that was combined with glycerin to make it.

Not only that, but it also had a minty flavor, so it was an added bonus.

"You have always been beautiful, it\'s just that in fights your beautiful face fills with blood.

Fortunately, you don\'t have to take up arms here unless it\'s to defend our family.

But if that\'s the case, you can be sure that we will fight together to eliminate the threat together. "

Laisa laughed and, using her arms, hugged Einar by the neck while giving him a passionate kiss.

"You are a cheater with us. You know what to say to keep us happy, but how did you learn to create the dresses.

No, in the future things can already be bought done without the need for you to do them yourself. "

Einar smiled and leaned his forehead next to Laisa\'s "I know what you like to hear, because I always pay attention to what you talk to me.

Being a husband is more than just having sex. It is the union of our destinies to be able to have a life as a couple.

I have the obligation to always learn from you to know how to treat you. That is what a good husband does.

Of course, everything is reciprocal, and you also do your duty. For your fortune, I am a simple man who does not ask for much.

But answering your question, you are correct in saying that things are bought, but it is not always that way.

At Erika\'s school, many times they asked her for costumes for the plays they were going to perform.

It would have always been easy for me to buy the suits, but as you know, I am a loving father.

So I preferred to stay awake for days learning how to make dresses and costumes. I did this with my daughter to be able to learn together how clothes are created.

Also in the army, I learned to sew my clothes because in the places where they sent us, we could not have our uniforms torn.

Because of the dangers that could have against us. "

Laisa looked fondly at her husband and caressed Einar\'s cheek.

"Have you had any information on Erika?"

Einar nodded and closed his eyes "Yesterday one slave informed me that he appeared to bring the souls of a couple of slaves who suffered an accident.

It hurts me that she has to be a reaper of souls, but I can\'t do anything for her right now. I only hope that in the future when I embark on the journey around the world.

May I find information to help Erika, that will be my last glorious adventure.

The empire, I think, will be in excellent hands with our children. "

Laisa looked seriously at Einar "I hope you have space for us on that trip, because we won\'t leave you alone."

Einar opened his eyes and gave Laisa a kiss "It will be our adventure of all of us into the unknown.

In the future, an empire from the East created a great fleet with over 30,000 sailors. The expedition that we will do will have over 100,000 sailors and will have gigantic metal ships.

It will be the largest fleet in the world and will travel throughout the known world. We will take advantage of the trip to get spices and other materials to be able to sow on our personal continent.

But that will have to wait. First you have to do many things in the present such as forming an empire. "

Laisa laughed and caressed Einar\'s face "I know you\'re going to make it ..."

Laisa interrupted his words when Laura came running into the room along with Daven.

"Mama Laisa, you look very beautiful. I hope that when I get married, I can have a dress like yours."

Einar looked fondly at his daughter and hugged her while kissing her forehead.

"When you grow up, dad will make you a beautiful wedding dress so you can get married, but your boyfriend will have to prove that he is worthy of my little princess.

Not only will he be strong enough, he must be intelligent and the most important thing is that he must take care of you, as I would.

Promise me that you will not marry a man who does not meet those requirements. "

Laura smiled and hit her chest "I promise you dad, I will do my best to find a man who is worthy."

Einar smiled and started tickling his daughter, who started laughing.

When they finished playing, Einar hugged his daughter and looked at his family "How about we go to see the dishes and the things that are being prepared for the wedding."

Daven, who was hugging Laisa, nodded. Meanwhile, Einar\'s wives also nodded, so the entire family left the room and headed towards the great hall.

Where Seren should be with the things that have been done for the wedding.

Seren, who was looking at the specially prepared glass, smiled as she knew it was of high quality.

\'It is a beautiful tableware that the artisans made. They have an exquisite relief and the gold thread that was used to decorate it gives it a unique look.

I wish the lead glass tests were stronger, but we barely managed to make a faint change to the green color of the glass.

We are moving in the right place ... \'

Morgan entered Seren\'s office, interrupting Seren.

"Seren, I would like to inform you that I have finished making the base for the new sculpture of King Einar\'s family.

Do you want to see it?"

Seren raised her eyebrow and got up from her chair. "It seems that the method Einar taught you is quite efficient to be able to make the sculptures faster."

Morgan was completely happy, so he opened his hands. "Not only is it efficient, but it allows the process to be done faster because I don\'t have to be chipping a stone.

It is as simple as making the plaster base to later fill it with cement. When it is ready, I just remove the plaster mold and leave the interior with cement.

If you make a mistake in any part of the sculpture, there is no need to throw it away, as cement can be used to repair the sculpture.

I am sure that in April the sculpture will be ready. It will be a true revolutionary method for making statues.

Well, it does not require chiselling gigantic stones to be able to make the sculptures, although it is a method that takes away the essence of an artist\'s work.

I feel better about being able to create sculptures quickly than taking years to make just one.

I\'m even sure that by the end of next year, the 100 Valkyries, 20 unicorns and 300 snakes that will be in the columns of the entire complex will be ready.

They will be sculptures that will go down to posterity, although they all have the same shape as they will be made using a mold. "

When they got outside, they could see a beautiful cement sculpture in which the silhouettes of people could be seen.

"The one in the middle is Einar on his left side are his father Sven and his mother Elin.

On the right side are Kassia, Helmi and Laisa.

In the back are Peder and Felipa, while in front will be Laura, Daven, Katherine and Erik.

Above all, of them is the Valkyrie Erika, who takes care of the imperial family, so that they are always healthy and do not suffer any kind of damage.

Although they are only silhouettes at the moment, the modeling process with cement and chisel is much faster than chiselling stone or marble.

Hopefully, one day he can make a truly gigantic sculpture for which he can be remembered.

I imagine how future inhabitants of the Nordic nation will talk about me in the future.

In this place, the artist Morgan captured his feelings by creating a true sculpture. Believe me that the last thing I want is to be forgotten, like the Roman artists.

Seeing his beautiful sculptures and not knowing where they come from is something that makes me very sad. "

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