The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 773 - Prelude to the Final Battle

Chapter 773: Prelude to the Final Battle

“From the moment that you appeared. When you appear, all our enemies stopped fighting the humans and focused fully on only hunting you down. Just how amazing is your taunting ability?”

“Shut up! Don’t you see that we’re being chased right now?”

A large horde of high-level devils and undead was currently chasing after me. These damned fellows immediately gave up on fighting the humans to only try and hunt me down right when I stepped out of the Forest of Dreams.

“Damn it, just what did those bastards promise you? Is it worth trying to hunt me down like this?”

I was quite dissatisfied as I shouted back to the large horde, but unexpectedly, I received lots of replies.

“God Equipment!”

“The secret of how to become an Undead Emperor!”

“The currently empty Devil Lord position!”

“The master of this area of land!”

“The city ruler of Asolivis. I’ll be the master of this land, idiot before me.”

“I can become the disciple of a Chaos Main God!”

“Forbidden spells and countless magical knowledge!”

Alright, I never thought that I would become so valuable. Even I was becoming tempted to hunt myself down.

“Hahaha, they really love you so much.”

“…Do you want me to throw you to them?”

Harloys and I could only keep running.

But actually, for Harloys and myself, running was basically just an act. Naturally, no weak enemy would try to hunt me. My flying speed wasn’t slow, but it wouldn’t be much to the devils and undead who specialized in flying.

Yet if only one or two enemies blocked my path, I would swiftly slay them. Even if they surrounded me…

“What’s with you all, not fighting me but continuously following me!!”

“You’re somebody living. You’ll suffer from fatigue and relax your guard. The moment that you show weakness, heehee… Aah!”

Would I show any signs of weakness? That was a matter for later. Still, there was nothing wrong with immediately shooting down the devil who talked too much with some Holy Light.

My enemies were just a temporary alliance of devils and undead attracted by the potential benefits. Even if they had me surrounded, none of them wanted to come up first and be the cannon fodder. They got in each other’s way more than cooperating with each other. It was quite simple for me to break out from their encirclement.

It was definitely a mistake that neither Shupnus nor Sarwenstan had personally come to attack me. Without a super powerful individual to control the situation, trying to hunt me down like this would be meaningless…

“Your Highness Roland! Please don’t come over here!”

“Aaah! Don’t jinx us! Definitely please don’t come over…”

Fine then, it was meaningful to other humans on the battlefield.

“Tsk, they’re all cowards.”

Although I was saying this about my cold-blooded teammates who didn’t even try to help me when I was in danger (they weren’t strong enough to help me), I wisely chose to avoid busy areas of the battlefield for the sake of my reputation which wasn’t easy to obtain.

Still, at this rate, when I finally met the fake resupply airship, I felt I would seem more like someone rushing over to jinx them far more than a supposed bodyguard.

“Even though I’m only bait, it has to at least seem real…”

Thus, I turned around and drew my sword for a proper battle, intending on reducing the number of those hunting me down as a warning to the old folks that even a young dog had teeth, but then…

I turned around and kept running!

“Shupnus, how shameless can you be? An Undead Emperor like you is actually bringing a crowd to hunt me down!”

“Roland! I’ll fight you in single combat if you stop right here!”

“…Only an idiot would stop here.”

Earlier, there were only 100-200 chasing me, but now there were almost 500-600 just a few minutes later. The newcomers were all powerful individuals. When I turned around to look, I even saw that Undead Emperor Shupnus was among them. How foolish would I be if I stopped here?

“This is probably the largest taunted mob in all of history…”

“…Your eyeballs are spinning around. Just who do you want to make suffer this time?”

Sometimes it was quite fun to have someone who really knew you well, but sometimes it was also quite mysteriously unfun as well.

“I was just wondering if I had any ‘good friends’ nearby or not…”

Right now, I was really missing the Holy Church. If only they were here right now, wouldn’t it be so fun to bring this entire horde of enemies to their camp?

Still, if I charged into the central area of the battlefield, that would probably create utter chaos for the battle… But, why couldn’t I create utter chaos? Was I supposed to be a good person who cared about others?

I instantly realized what I could do, so I unhesitatingly taunted my enemies right into the undead and devils’ army. All the projectiles and curses aimed at me were more than enough to destroy ordinary undead and devil soldiers.

Of course, there were also a few unfortunate individuals who suffered along the way…

“Roland! You’re taunting mobs and making others suffer yet again!”

The silly cat was becoming ever happier. Ever since she left the Forest of Dreams, her activeness and happiness were both increasing rapidly.

Still, it wouldn’t do to continue like this. Although I was confident in my patience and stamina, my enemies were the devils and undead. No living person could outlast a dead person or a pervert.

“…When did you stop classifying yourself as a pervert?”

Without saying anything, I picked up the silly cat by her neck and threw her away. She was vaporized by the enemies before she could even land.

“Where’s People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals? Someone is abusing a cat here!”

The silly cat reappeared and lightly landed on my shoulder while washing her face and then licking me with the tongue that she just used to clean herself.

I really wanted to throw her away again, but didn’t want to waste my efforts. Thus, I could only helplessly keep running.

By now, I had an idea of how to deal with the enemies who kept chasing me.

“Shine, light of Dawn.”

My Dawn sword rose into the air once more as a calm yet scorching pure Holy Light began to illuminate this land. The Holy Light sun started floating above my head as it cleansed and weakened the Chaos existences in the area.

“Keep following me, and I’ll see if you all die or not!”

Hmph, they wanted to fight with me? Keep chasing me then, and I would counterattack once they were all weakened to a certain extent!

“…Roland, I don’t know if they’ll all die or not, but I know that you’re going to die if you don’t turn off this light bulb. Just look behind you again…”


I was surprised to hear Harloys’ words, so I turned around. I then started flying away even faster without a second word.

No longer were there only Undead Lords and powerful devils chasing me. Countless low-level undead, as well as low and mid-level devils had all abandoned their own camp. The entire battle had stopped because of me, a single person… and everyone was hunting me down!

“This thing really is capable of such large-scale taunting…”

Back when I used Dawn on that rainy day, all my enemies tried their very best to break through the human defenses and attack me. I never thought that simply bringing Dawn out and using it again could taunt the entire battlefield.

“Of course it would. If you really illuminated everything for half an hour, the undead generals would become undead cooks, and corpse ghouls would become huskie dogs.”

The tremendous undead army now focused only on killing me. I could only helplessly turn off my Dawn sword. I finally discovered an insufficiency of my Dawn sword that I had been highly satisfied with.

“I should have installed a control mechanism that could adjust the light’s power and area of effect…”

“The purer the power, and the fewer the restrictions; only then can such pure power become incredibly powerful. For such a tactical-level ability like yours, if it became a controllable power instead, it would likely greatly decrease in power, you know? Would you really be willing to have that?”

“Of course… not.”

Even though it seemed like Harloys and I still had the free time to idly chat, right now we really couldn’t do anything apart from chatting…

Meanwhile, Reyne who was on the eastern battlefront received reports on how Roland was currently being hunted down. She then sent out critical reinforcements while having an idolizing expression…

Naturally, the above would be impossible. Reyne simply smiled while having even more supply airships come…

“I knew that Brother Roland would be unparalleled as bait to attract all our enemies’ attention. Now, all of our supply airships can finally set out.”

Her words were then met with a round of applause in the command center.

After Roland reported on Karwenz’s plan, this caused Karwenz to become public enemy #1.

According to the Contract Heroes’ list of rewards, simply providing accurate information on Karwenz’s current location would see you rewarded with more than 100,000 points. This was tremendous wealth that was more than 10 times what any ordinary person could obtain in their lifetime.

The fairies, who could be found everywhere, were searching all over for his presence. Every country’s spies were searching for his location. Even the residents of the Chaos Abyss were unhesitatingly looking for him to betray his location.

When someone intended to destroy the entire world, or when his actions were capable of destroying the entire world, it was natural that even the air, water, and earth would become his enemy.

This would greatly impede Karwenz.

If you wanted to buy some cigarettes but even the old lady next door could identify you as an internationally wanted criminal and would scream for the police, then it was natural that anything you wanted to do would become really difficult.

The other Chaos Girls who learned the news of Karwenz’s intentions would try even harder to survive. By now, almost all the Chaos Girls who were still alive had joined some mega faction in search of protection.

Currently, there was confirmed information that the God of Holy Light’s previous holy maiden Sophia was currently at the holy mountain which was the Holy Church’s headquarters. That was the place closest to the God of Holy Light. If Karwenz dared to go there, he would have to have a direct confrontation with the God of Holy Light.

The other Chaos Girls’ situations were similar. One joined the Nature Faction, one joined the Mist Alliance, and there was even one who exiled herself away in another plane.

What was known to the powerful and influential was that five known and confirmed Chaos Girls were out in the open. How many Chaos Girls were still alive in total, though? Probably only Karwenz and Cynthia knew the answer.

Karwenz currently wasn’t in good condition.

His gigantic body was currently in a deep sleep in the deepest and darkest part of the Chaos Abyss.

Green vines kept crawling out from his golden body. These vines were rapidly growing at an abnormal speed. They were growing out from his injuries. Since Karwenz wasn’t so bored as to plant vines on himself, this naturally meant that these vines were a result of injuries inflicted upon him by Amelia.

Countless small demons with large scissors and poisons surrounded him and kept eliminating the weeds and vines that kept sprouting. However, their plant removal speed was slower than the plants’ growth. It seemed as if this sleeping sculpture Chaos Main God was going to become completely covered in plants.

Countless others were busy underneath Karwenz. Most of these others were female…

There was a certain horned beautiful devil who kept cracking a whip as she held a parasol and made the other demons work harder.

This was probably the person that all devils hated the most: Ilmisya the traitor to all devils.

Meanwhile, there was also a succubus who was placing some gems into empty sockets on the wall. This succubus’s face quite resembled Harloys’ face.

This was Didina, who was also previously the last Gold Elf Emperor, and Harloys’ father in her previous life.

The wall was the most obvious part of this large area. Dark shadows kept entering and exiting the black wall as if countless female souls were trapped within. A human female was currently tied to the center of the wall.

This female was Karwenz’s chosen Cynthia.

Didina was currently carefully controlling the soul gems that Karwenz had previously gathered. Every soul gem embedded into the wall would fill in another empty socket. This Wall of Creation was very close to becoming completely filled.

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