The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 54 - The Power Of A Divine Body II

{Authors note: I was thinking of changing the perspective, yet not completely. I will keep the first person format (I, me. etc.) Yet have the same omniscience as a 3rd person perspective. It wont feel much different that it usually does, but at the same time one of the biggest differences is that you will be able to know how another character feels without switching POV\'s.}

When the obese man\'s soul flame finally gave in, his body had crashed into the ground lifelessly while I was appreciating the amazing feeling befalling my soul and body.

For the rest of the day, I spent it running around jumping from branch to branch, hoping to have another human group attack the white paw tribe territory.

Unbeknownst to me, hundreds of miles away, there was an argument taking place within my house.

"What do you mean she\'s staying with the beasts!? Did you not learn from the first time this happened? Do you want her to leave you for good!? She\'s a child for god\'s sake! She had no idea what she is doing and the only good influences within her life are miles away from her! Even if the beasts are friendly, you expect her to learn from them? You expect her to not change her mind about humanity?" Said an elderly voice

In the kitchen sat Aroura, Ava (mom) and Deros (dad), all with an ashamed expression painted onto their faces. They felt like the elder, who had come back from her seasonal work, had a point that could not be rebuked, yet they still felt like they did the right thing even though they were now questioning it.

"Mom... We didn\'t have a choice! She left without telling anyone but Argenta and her tutor." My mothers pleaded

"Well then, you get off you backside and drag her back home! What are parents for if they don\'t guide their child correctly? You have not only failed her when you didn\'t protect her against the nobles, but now against the beasts you repeated your mistake!" Snapped back my grandmother

"Granny... I know you still see Pany as a child, but she is only in age! Sometimes I feel like she understands more about this world than any of us could! We have to tru-" Aroura was cut off by a slam on the table.

The fist of my Grandma laid on the table before she shouted "SHUT UP CHILD! DO NOT SPEAK WHEN THE ADULTS ARE SPEAKING!"

Aroura had tensed up when the fist landed on the table and caused cracks to form, but at her grandma\'s words, she become completely stiff, almost like she was in a state of shock and disbelief, yet the look on her face said something different. Her eyes started to well up a little bit while the expression she wore of confidence and seriousness had crumbled

My father was the only one who was completely quite, not saying anything as to not anger my grandmother and his wife\'s mother.

"You are all useless! You know what? I\'ll go get her myself, and then we will talk about this matter some times later. Now scram, all of you!" She roared, making even Zarch and Zach upstairs stiffen up.

When they all left the room, my grandmother gabbed a yellow stone with runes engraved within it. The stone projected a list of names before she clicked on 5 and told them about the situation. They decided it was time for them to return to the Uladian forest for a personal mission this time.

Back in the forest, I was completely oblivious to the problem that were to occur in the next morning, as I sat on top of a tree, trying to refine my divinity and become able of using it. Right now however, Divinity was closer to being a slight power boost to all my spells. I had also decided on taking Juilam\'s advice on mana consumption, using the bare minimal that I can to win a fight while also training my use of magic.

Unlike when I fought against the humans, when fighting a magical beast, I would limit myself to a element that was weak against the affinity of the beast who had decided to trespass even after being warned. This would not only make great practice for using magic, but It would give me great experience when it came to fighting on the back leg.

Of course, when I come close to losing, I go back to using all the elements and finish off the beast pretty quickly.

At this point the sun had set for multiple hours, which allowed me to go back to the tribe and leave the res to the work for the real guard rather than doing everything myself. Going back to the tribe however, was a lot more demanding than my little scouting job that I was always doing. Juilam would push my body to the max, making me feel like I had just worked out for multiple day\'s straight due to how sore my muscles would become.

We would spar using the earth element for half the time while spending the rest of the time refining my mind. The exercises would be both mentally and physically demanding, yet when the physical wounds would heal and become stronger in a few minutes, yet the my mind\'s stamina could only be replenished with a good 4 hours of sleep.

After I woke up from my slumber, I had decided to go right back to my scouting job, yet this time I would be a lot more relaxed about it than before. Since my perception and vision spanned to a little less than 400 meters, I was still able to stand stationary for long amounts of time.

I would use air magic and a technique Juilam taught me, "Earth\'s scan", I am able to feel abnormal vibrations from up to 800 meters when combined with my divine senses.

As I walked out of the tribe village, the two guards lowered their head at me, almost like a small bow, while wagging their tales. I patted both of them before lunging to the depths of the forest while scaling my way up to the branches.

On the other side of the forest stood 4 people in front of a red robed elderly female with a blue staff on her right hand and knife on her belt. The robe went from her head down to her ankles while covering most of her body except the face. The robe was clearly engraved with multiple runes that let out a slight blue hue from them.

"We have to be ready for anything! We don\'t know if the beasts have brain washed her with one of their techniques... One thing we have to make sure though! We must not hurt her too badly, but we will burn down the entire tribe if we have to... IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!" The elderly women shouted

"One question" Said a bulky man with pale blonde hair with two one handed axes crossed hanging from his back. "What if she is not being controlled? What if she isn\'t being manipulated?"

"Well then she will come back home without much of a struggle. Beasts don\'t like mingling with humans, which means they would let her come immediately if they weren\'t using her or manipulating her." The elderly women stated matter-of-factly.

"Why don\'t we observe? I mean, Argenta and her tutor did say that they were nice and even gave them a bed to sleep on. What make\'s you so sure that the beasts are the bad guys here?" Asked a man with black hair, eyes and skin tight leather made clothes from collar to shoes. He had a black blade hanging from his belt

"All beasts are the same. They all act the same towards humans and races they are not mingly with. We must expect the worst when it comes to them" Said the elderly women. She then looked towards the two mages and the one extra healer who she was willing to pay to join this mission. Two mages stood to the side were wearing green robes down to their ankles. One of them was a beautiful female who happened to be Elaina while the other was a women who goes by the name "The Goblin Slaughterer" Due to her dominating half a goblin army on her own.

My grandmother turned around before walking towards the entrance of the forest. Throid and Alan looked at each other before shrugging and following her. Elaina and "The goblin slaughterer" moved behind the two warriors while the healer and two kids, both looking as if they were close to the age of 14, walked behind them. One had a huge smug grin and walked while puffing his chest out, while the other treaded barley fast enough to keep up while moving in a slightly slouched posture behind the smug one.

They were Zarch and Zach, that had been chosen by my grandma to gain experience by watching the adults fight. They weren\'t expected to actually fight, but if a beast were to attack them , they were expected to hold their own until they could either be healed or gain support.

A few hours before the arrival of my grandmother and brothers, hundreds of miles away from the Uladian forest kneeled a man who was slightly overweight. In front of him sat a man in his late 50s, with a grey moustache and a slender body. His height couldn\'t be accurately told since he was sitting down in a wooden thrown, however, he could be estimated to be 5ft 7. His face was covered in wrinkles in specific areas that indicated that he was constantly frowning.

"What is the meaning of this?" The man sitting on the thrown asked, with disgust and poison coating his words.

Slightly ahead of the kneeling man laid a chubby head, with it\'s expression still frozen into a horrifying scream. Even though hours had passed since the death of the chubby man, his head that had been frozen solid was still cold to the touch.

"Lord Kalula! I am lucky I had even escaped from that demon! We were going towards the white wolf village to cause a little bit of havoc using the slaves that had become useless when we met a little girl. She wore a black mask with golden cracks going from the eyes of the mask to the edges." Trembled the kneeling man

"YOU LOST TO A CHILD!?" Roared \'Lord Kalula\' while looking down at the kneeling man

"T-t-that was no child my lord... THAT WAS A DEMON! It just had the vessel of a child! My Lord, if you saw the fight yourself you would have been just as terri- I mean, surprised as all of us. Not only was it\'s bloodlust terrifying, but it\'s prowess would rival that of a knight, if not a knight master! We thought that since she was human she would not kill the slaves, b-but-" The man kneeling couldn\'t finish his sentence as he had started to tremble violently at recalling the memory

"BUTLER!" Shouted the lord, waiting a few seconds until an elderly man had walked inside the room. "take this man and give him a room for the next few days. Also, mobilise the attack squad to attack the white wolf settlement within the Uladian forest, NOW!"

"Yes my lord" Replied the elderly butler while carrying the still shaking man in his arms"

Back in the forest, I felt a huge disturbance from both the air and earth vibrations. I immediately looked in the direction of the disturbance just to realise it should be one of the posts for a guard. disturbance of this size means a fight must have broken out, and the fact it is still happening in quick succession means that the fight must be against a group of mages.

I got up from my lying position and lunged from branch to branch towards the battle 2 miles away. It took me a bit less than a minute. I landed on a nearby branch, close enough to observe the battle yet too far for them to feel the pressure of my divine body. I watched as a fight between one red robed mage, 2 green robed mages and 2 hooded men of two different sizes fought against a 2 dozen yellow furred wolf.

The wolves was barley pushing back the humans, while growling at them as if they were warning them to stay back. The humans clearly didn\'t listen, making me frown at the fact I might have to fight a experienced group of fighter. These people were nothing compared to the group of slaves and humans that had attacked before. All their movements were without waste, as if they had been born to use their weapons of magic.

The frail looking women at the front made all my danger senses ring, as she was clearly the leader, yet she was also holding back. While I couldn\'t use my real eyes to see their soul flames and mana fluctuations to identify their prowess, I could still feel all those things. All of them were strong except one of the two wearing green robes and the two silver robed shorter pair at the back who were the weakest, yet every one of them was strong either physically or magically except the pair at the back. The two warriors had elemental particles exuding from their bodies, indicating they used a body refining technique of a certain element.

Eventually, the stronger out of the two green robed women had incapacitated one of the wolfs, dropping the combat prowess of the whole formation while also allowing the women to intrude passed their frontal defence.

As I observed to find a way to beat this group without having to take the bracelet off my wrist, another wolf had gotten injured, forcing me to step in even if I have to take of the bracelet in the middle of the fight. I stepped forward into thin air before dropping down with my hands within the pockets of the clothes that Juilam had lent to me since my last set was destroyed.

I wore a black jumper with a black sweatpants and knee high black boots. It wasn\'t the traditional clothing that people would wear in this world, but it was what Juilam had so I took it. I had my shoulder-blade long golden hair in a pony tail. Even though I had to live without shampoo or any hair conditioners within the forest, my hair was still silky and smooth, while smelling as good as if i had just had a shower.

Since I had awakened my divinity, my body odour had significantly improved. While my sweat smelled closer to perfume rather than humidity, all the dirt that I might have gained could easily be washed away with some water and air magic and I would be as good as new.

Nevertheless, when I dropped close enough for my divine pressure to be felt, the wolfs howled together in joy while the robed group seemed to be slightly startled with the sudden change in the mood within the small pack of wolves.

Still being near a tree and 25 meters away from ground, I stomped both my feet on the bark of the tree before being launched forwards to be just above the pack of defending wolves. Weirdly enough, all their tails had started to wag, making me raise one eyebrow to why the hell they would be happy in a situation like this one.

I landed behind the pack before I started to walk forward, while parting the wolves in front of me as if it was a red carpet. The moment I got to the front, I \'looked\' towards the robed people with my shut eyes. I had taken the bandage off due to there not being a point to keep them bandaged anymore. I could just keep them closed and that would be enough.

Even though I couldn\'t see the aura nor the soul flame of the people in front of me, there was still a familiar feeling coming from all of them except the healer and one of the green robed females. I couldn\'t see their faces since they were hidden under the shadow of the hood, yet I didn\'t care. These people were invading our turf, and they shall pay dearly for doing so.

"Leave and I\'ll think about not killing any of you" I stated while my voice echoed from all directions with the use of a little bit of air magic. My voice sounded distorted due to the travel of sound through the wind magic, plus, it was an additional feature I decided to add to not allow people to recognize me.

I turned my head towards the wolves before lecturing "You guys too! What did I say about fighting humans? You should have called me!"

"But Miss... They attacked us on sight, which didn\'t give us time to contact you" A wolf pouted

\'Huh? Why can I understand them now? Wait what?! They should know I don\'t understand their language, yet they are speaking it... Wait, did thy learn how to speak the human language? No way, right?\' I thought

"Whateve-" My sentence was cut off before I could mutter a single word, as a huge fist closed onto the back of my head at incredible speeds. Nevertheless, I dodged the fist by tilting my head to the side, allowing the first to slip passed, while grabbing the wrist and elbow before twisting them both and pulling them down to throw who ever attacked me onto the floor.

The wolves scattered in front of me, as a large man with pale blonde hair lost the cover of his hood and smashed into the ground. unfortunately, due to my inexperience in fights, I did not expect him to be able to twist his body and arm while being mid air, dropping onto his feet instead of his back and while sending a right hook towards my left torso.

Before the hit reached my torso, I used earth magic to shift the man\'s footing with a slight quake while using air magic to push him back. I looked straight into his face just to see a familiar face right after he had already missed the hook.

Before I could say anything, three other attacks came at the same time, one being a black blade, the other being multiple fireballs and the last being a huge Ice spear. The only one who hadn\'t moved in these extremely slow few seconds was the frail women, who I could only guess was my granny from her posture and physique.

While slamming a earth pillar into the abdomen of Throid, I turned around before releasing all my killing intent and summoning a huge wall like vacuum in front of me to neutralise the fire, a single blue heat ray beam out of my index finger, and another pillar of earth to stop Alan for the mean time.

Every single one of them seemed shocked that a child like me could stop all of their attacks at the same time, as if it was just a natural occasion. The real reason I was able to stop all their attacks was due to the fact that my thought acceleration had developed to a level I can activate and deactivate it at will. Another reason was my training with Juilam that had engraved within me how to use my different elements effectively by simulating fights and situations that might have happen in the future with the use of illusion magic created by sending light magic to the brain, making someone have an illusion if you want them to.

Right before they were about to attack me once again, I shouted "Hey! Wait!" With my normal voice this time while raising my hands in the air while waving them.

None of them knew why, but they felt obligated to stop their attack and hear me out.

I retracted my killing intent before grabbing my mask and taking it off, to show my face.

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