The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 88 - Massacre VII

Slicing the head of the two mages right next to the murdered healer, I jumped back and above the tankers.

\'Seems like sneak attacks wont be possible anymore.\' I thought while making sure I was releasing as much bloodlust as I could muster.

Killing a single healer was 25% of all of their healing within a crowd of 140 battle maniacs. Killing 2 mages was 10% of their efficient long ranged destructive magic users, while the two archers was 13.3% of their long ranged warriors.


\'Good, his panicking\' I thought while lunging toward towards to swordsmen and slashed diagonally from the top to bottom of their torso\'s, opening their bodies up for the whole world to see.

\'I\'m sure they can finally \'truly\' feel the fresh air in your lungs\'

"HOW DARE YOU!" Shouted a man with a huge war axe being carried on his shoulders. The war ace slowly sifted off the shoulder before descending down on me like a meteor.

Stepping to the side, the axe barely skimmed a lock of my hair before touching the ground and splitting it apart, but before thank could do anything else, he felt a pain within his right ribcage. The sword that I was once holding was protruding from the ribcage of the absurdly large man. While his focus was on the sword however, there I was above him spinning horizontally getting ready to detach his head from his neck the moment he looked down to see the sword, and that moment was now.



The entire body of the man fell lifelessly onto the floor, but it did not end there. I could see and feel multiple presences, 9 being Swordsmen and 5 being assassins moving towards with killing intent.

I did not pay them too much heed as my body moved on it\'s own had blocked parried the nearest assassin\'s strike towards my neck to the ground. Dodging the next assassin\'s attack, I simply stabbed him through the neck with one my my blades, while collected my other blade and decapitated the assassin with his blade stuck in the ground within a split second.


Hearing the crack from under me, I moved out of the way swiftly while grabbing a random attacking swordsman and throwing him to where I once stood in a fraction of a second, and before he could even realise what had happened, an earthen spear had ripped into his stomach and left the other side.

Putting my weight on my left heel, I spun my body and cut of an arm that was holding a dagger while using the same momentum to slice the throat of the same person. At the same time, I fended of two different sword slashes by parrying the first and blocking the second.

"Lightning body enhancement: Hermes\' boots." I muttered under my breath

Switching to a reverse grip on my left hand, I crouched to a point where my knees were extremely close to touching the ground. My body flickered for a second before nothing but a shockwave was left from my movement.

A boot made out of blue lightning was covering both of my feet. The boot had electric wings behind them that looked as if it was alive due to their constant twitching and movement that I would have no control over. This was one of the movement techniques that came with the "Lightning of Absolution" Skill set. Yes, it robs the user of all kinds of mana they have or will ever dream of, but it is really strong.

Due to the amount of mana I had in the moment, if I didn\'t want to faint due to mana exhaustion, I would have to deactivate the technique in 7 seconds after initial use. However, using the technique gave you a very weird perception time beyond that I felt when using my \'Thought acceleration\'.

Suddenly, the moment my feet reached the ground, multiple heads flew into the air, and every single on of them was either a healer, archer or mage.

\'One healer and the leader left. The rest won\'t be too much of a problem to deal with compared to the leader and the archers.\' I speculated in my time frozen state.

6 seconds

Moving towards the leader with nothing for a warning but my afterimage, I slashed down vertically hoping that I could slice the leader into two pieces before he could do anything dangerous. Unfortunately for me, I watched as the leader lifted his great sword with blurry speed and block my attack, however, I was not done.

Flickering to the side of the leader, I slashed again but this time diagonally from northwest to south east. The leaders reactions and survival instincts however, were top notch. He looked like a man who has survives man battles from the scars and roughed up body alone. The power behind his grips and stances was amazing too, as all my strikes with all my weight would not make him budge a single inch

5 seconds

Speeding back and killing 9 warriors and tanks in the way, I gained a little bit of mana back to coat my sword with an electrical field.


Moving behind the leader like a zap of lightning, I slashed using my now long sword instead of katana\'s toward the back of the leader with all my power and force. Due to his refined instincts, he was easily able to locate me. This put a shocked face behind my mask before I stammered a little trying to move out of the way in case he were to attack me while I was open, which was the exact thing he had done.

The large great sword moved like the wind towards my location, wanting to slice me into two with a single swing and obliterating my body with the shockwave. Finding that there was no way for me to dodge, I was forced to black using the now great sword.

Seeing this, the man grinned as his emerald black eyes shone with a new light. His grin made a visible shiver go down my spine which only excited him even more.

4 seconds

I felt as if the world had further slowed down and the area around me had turned completely quite.

3 seconds

The great sword was no right above my head, while barely being held back by the block of my light brigade. Twisting my sword at an angle and covering it with ice made it easier to slide the man\'s sword off.

Fonally sliding the sword off, my eyes widened when I saw another sword, this time twice as large as the original great sword that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere when I was too focused on parrying the first attack.

This sword slashed from under, causing ke to panic a little and move the sword that was above my head In front of me.

Unfortunately, my stability was questionable at best, causing me to lose my footing and for my sword to be launched into the air.

2 Seconds


On the other side of a battle field was a well tones man with lean defined muscles fighting against a man the same size as him but cloaked with a black cloak.

Below their battle stood a mountain of corpses, rivers of blood and swords protruding the ground like grave stones above the dead bodies.

The uncloaked man fought the cloaked man with terrifying grace. While his every attack hit like a raging tide against a house made of sand, his every move had the grace and calmness of the wind. Every single sword movement felt like the wind itself, causing the enemy to not be able to sense it if it were to be out of sight.

Whole the strikes would seem slow to the untrained eye, they were so specific and swift that they could cut a limb off before even reaching the target.

\'This is troublesome\' Thought the cloaked man while looking at the sleeveless sword master he was fighting. \'To think I\'ve been using my battle aura this whole time, yet he hasn\'t shown a single speck of his own aura.\' The man thought with a self deprecating chuckle.

Watching the man in front of him twirl the sword around his fingers as if it were a pen, the man could barley feel nor see the slash going towards his torso but somehow managed to dodge it with a single scratch mark.


The cloaked man, who had thought he dodged the sword strike found his head slightly tilting before falling completely off his body.

"Phew, that was tiring" Said the sleeveless man who was actually Deros, my father.

However, before he could relax, he saw an item with familiar mana signature get flung into the sky from the same place he had felt blood lust before.

Tensing up once again, a frown appeared on his face before he muttered "No you didn\'t... Pandora"

2 Seconds left

Seeing that my sword was now flying through the sky, I had known what would come next.

A fist that was clocked back from the moment his sword hit mine travelled towards my face like a hammer about to turn me into paste.

The feeling of impending doom washed over my body as I thought back to the one mistake that had put me, or rather, him in this situation.

He was exactly where I wanted him to be, in the exact mind set I wanted him to be in

1 Second left

Seeing the \'Finishing blow\' only come closer made me grin demonically behind the mask as suddenly, my killing intent spiked and an illusionary bloody aura expanded from within me.

I had read somewhere that when someone emits killing intent to a certain extent, a blood dome would appear which is just an imaginary signal warning creatures to stay away from the dome, and that anyone within it could be paralyzed with fear.

\'They say the \'finishing moves\' always leaves the opponent the most open\' I inwardly patted my shoulder.

Stepping forward, a blue electricity coated my hand creating a \'lighting blade\' that sent bolt of lightning out due to its intensity. Taking the step forward, my entire body flickered to the right where his torso was left wide open due to the overhead punch he threw.

Slamming my foot on the ground, a felt a wave of energy enter my body which I allowed to slowly transfer from the soles of my feet to the tips of my fingers. Twisting every joint from my toes to my wrist, I preformed such a strong attack that it because the ground under me to crack and fold while rubble was thrown into the air.

*Crackle crackle*


The sound of the lighting hand blade going right through the skin and reaching his heart made the entire area quieten while looking at the \'Monster\' in horror. The sizzling of blood being boiled from the heart to the muscles and even the brain did not better the situation.

Lightning bolts could be seen bubbling the blood of the leader and making it into steam.


Blood curdling screams resounded within the village, as all sounds of metal clashing and screams had dissipated and the only thing that could be heard was the scream of horror and pain. Everyone within eye shot of the screaming man had their eyes filled with terror.



Sounds of both people and weapons falling as people lost grip of both their weapons and their balance. were the only sounds in the village besides the screeching of the electrocuted man. The man constantly had his legs and arms being stiffened and reflexively moved as electricity invaded and overloaded all him nerves.

Everything from the pre to post-synaptic neurons were electrocuted until they were completely fried, leaving nothing but the central nervous system {Brain and Spinal cord} uncharred.

All his veins, arteries and capillaries burned and exploded due to the boiling blood, while every hair on the man\'s body had turned into ashes. The man was covered in wounds and black blood which signified every area the veins and arteries had exploded.


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