The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 149 - Rose

"I have a mission for you."



Gulping down the last remaining food in my mouth, I looked at her and asked "What is it?"

Sighing, she looked at her empty plate for a few moments, as if thinking about something before finally speaking.

"The mission is quite simple. All I want you to do is to take one of my clients to Oreander City and back. He is part of the merchant\'s guild and all he needs is someone to escort him. If you can do that, then you are allowed into the guild. If you fail, then you know what will happen." She informed me while getting another streak and cutting into it with her fork and knife.

"Hmm? That\'s it? I thought yo would give me something a little harder" I rested my head on the palm of my hand while looking into her bewitching face as she chewed the piece of meat she just ate.

"Yes." She replied after gulping down what was in her mouth.

"Can I have a reward for finishing it?" I raised a brow lazily

"Hmm? Like what?" She asked while putting another piece in her mouth.

"I dunno... Like, fondle your breasts?"


"W-what?" An irritated smile appeared on her face while her voice cracked as she tried to confirm what she just heard

"You heard me right..."

"I said you have to do an S rank mission to even lay a hand on me, and your asking to do that when you are barley even doing a D rank mission?" The annoyance was clear in her voice.

"Well, now that we are on this topic, what is an S rank mission? How hard can it be?" I asked groggily as if the question did not matter and I was asking to just carry on the conversation. That was, however, not the case at all. I just felt slightly sleepy and kind of wanted to go to sleep

"An S rank mission needs either 1 SS ranked mercenary, or 10 S ranked mercenary." She replied

"Okay... Now tell me all that as if I am a 9-year-old." I retorted causing her to sigh again

"An S rank mercenary is about as strong as a Guardian or Sage even though sages are usually more powerful when it comes to power alone. SS Rank Is peak Guardian or Sage, while SSS Rank is Grand Sage or Guardian\'s levels of power. They have the power to wipe out entire cities on their own, as sometimes even kingdoms if they are sages. Elite Ranked Mercenaries are usually the Guildmasters of the big guilds like the Reaper\'s guild and the Broken crusaders. Those guys are strong enough to destroy kingdoms on their own while thy also have enough influence to change the economy as a whole." She lectured before finally taking another piece of meat and chewing it thoroughly.

Seeing that I had stayed silent, she changed the topic and asked "You haven\'t asked about what happened to you and that girl, Yuri was it?"

\'Oh crap!\' I thought while continuing to chew the piece of meat in my mouth with my expression not changing at all. I had completely forgotten to act oblivious since I already knew all the facts about what had happened from analysis, who was watching the whole time.

"About that... Well, I have this thing where even though I am unconscious, I still keep a survey of my surroundings. And while I might not be conscious in the moment, I can recall every single sound I heard while I was out cold" I replied making her freeze.

\'Does she know that I was looking at her face a lot... No way. She said sounds only so there is no way she knows\' The redhead started to panic

"On the same note, I don\'t actually know your name. I know people call you the red devil and all, but can I know your real name? You saw my face after all" I waved at my face as if revealing it for the first time, a bit like a grand possession that was hidden behind a cloth.

"Yes. I saw your face but let\'s not forget, you are the one who exposed to me the fact that you know about my Uncut-gem title and my real age" She harumphed while I regretted the fact that I had told her about it.

"So what should I call you them?" My smile twitched in annoyance.

"Madam Red" She retorted with pride

"\'Madam Red\' my fucking ass! No way. I\'m just gonna make you a nickname..." And in a single second, I went into deep contemplation

\'Blood... Bloody Mary? Ruby? Rowan? Camrine? Blaze? Poppy? No, all of these are crap. Hey analysis, help me out!\'

[Analyzing all known names]

[Analysis Complete]

[Most appropriate name: Rose/Rosie]

"How about Rose? Or maybe Rosie... I can\'t decide" I muttered while closing my eyes and rubbing my chin. At the same time, I could see surprise and suspicion flash in her eyes like a glint of light. I could not describe it, but it felt very weird seeing it on such a beautiful face, almost heartbreaking.

"Rose it is!" I thrusted my arm into the air.

"Ugh... Do whatever you want. I honestly do not care anymore" She sighed in defeat.

"Hmm? Why do you look so down? How about we go on a date later to cheer you up?" Another smile flashed across my face.

"Are you trying to court me into dating you?" She rubbed the bridge of her nose

"Maybe...." I replied while scratching my cheek awkwardly.

"Ugh... Just get out of here and meet the client next to the city gates in exactly 5 hours. Make sure to take all your supplies in your storage ring before leaving." She sighed again, however, before she could go back into the solemn state she was in before, she felt a pair of something soft and warm plant themselves on her cheek before disappearing with a gust of wind.

She quickly looked towards my chair, finding no one sitting there, before looking at the approximate direction I moved in with a dazed look.

Unconsciously, her hand moved up from the table and touched the area where a soft and gentle kiss had been planted, yet all she could feel right now was not anger, but relief. She did not know why she was feeling relief, but it felt like a set of shackles had been released just to be swapped with another set of shackles, these just a little weaker, thinner and lighter than the ones she wore around her neck before.

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