The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 196 - The Battle Of Giants III - This Is The Power Of A Divine Being!

An icy cold wind began to blow across the field causing the grass to turn into ice before shattering and turning into mana for me to absorb into my body before pouring it all into the giant spear that had started to elongate and spin at terrifying speeds.

The Wyvern tried to recall back all the mana it poured into making this throne world, however, when the scene shattered into countless shining white lights, instead of its call going back towards the wyvern, half of it automatically poured into my body.

Cracks began to appear along my skin as the mana surged throughout my mana channels and into the unstable spear that I was forced to enlarge. This was mainly due to my cultivation level being too low, and no matter how much I comprehend the fights of gods, I would not be able to replicate the same level of mana control as someone a whole stage above me in their cultivation.

Eventually, when the scene disappeared I used all the mental power that hadn\'t dwindled the pain of my mind being assaulted and my pain receptors going haywire to keep the spear stable. Right after, I felt even more energy from the surroundings enter my body before sending cracks throughout the skin of my entire body.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, I felt the cracks slowly being repaired by the energy from the inheritance before being cracked once again. The speed of healing was slightly slower than the speed of cracking, therefore almost nothing could be done in that regard other than pouring my heart and soul into the ice spear coated with arcane magic (pure mana).

In the distance, I felt like some of the energy I was pulling towards me was being directed elsewhere, yet I did not dare look up before the spell was finished.

My body had cracks spreading along with it like cobwebs as if it would shatter into a thousand pieces with a single gust of wind.

On the other side, the wyvern had flown high up into the sky before looking down as its eyes flashed in a multitude of colors varying from aqua-blue to a leafy-green.

An extremely powerful mana aura exploded from within the wyvern as it let out an ear-piercing roar and directed energy to the front of its maw.

its power kept increasing at speeds that were simply not possible for a mortal. 

The skies began to darken into an ashy dark grey while the ground began to shake and rapture under its brilliant display of power. 

The trees around however began to wither and die away, and so did follow the grass and all other life forms that lived in the forest whether that would be nearby beasts who did not run far enough or animals who had not died yet from the clashes of two of the most powerful beings in the forest.

A green-brown ball created out of nature grew larger and larger as the mana and soul energy of all the plants and animals nearby withered into nothingness. 

Both of us had our powers grow coincidently, and while the wyvern might have had the upper hand at first, the entries waves that were being released right now were about the same level of strength, therefore, neutralizing each other energy shockwaves.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, and a crackle of golden electricity appeared in my eyes before I pointed the spear towards the wyvern that was flying in the air as it charged up its attack.

The ice spear had fully absorbed all the pure mana that had enveloped it, causing it to be a golden color rather than cyan-white with a mixture of transparency in it. At the same time, golden electricity began to crackle along its surface while a mysterious half an inch thick azure flame burned coldly while covering the 15-meter long spear that was spinning wildly and causing turbulent green winds gales to swoosh all over the now plane field with piles of ashes everywhere now...


The Green-Brown ball was shot towards me. 

It caused countless gusts of wind to travel several dozens of meters in all directions while its speed online had broken several sound barriers.

*BANG* *Swish*

The spear was also launched almost simultaneously to the green-brown ball of energy.

Without waiting for another second, I instantly created dozens of golden shields with the use of arcane magic. The next moment, I used a flash step to appear 150 meters away before flashing with golden-silvery electricity and booming in the other direction.

The wyvern did not have the same luxury as I did since not only had my spear moved several times faster than his energy sphere, it had also collided with the sphere closer to the wyvern than to the ground.


A Deafening explosion rang out for miles while the shockwave of the blast even reached me over 800 meters away and shatter all my bones and captured almost all my organs at the same time.

This pain was not unfamiliar though, as I had been feeling what I considered much worse for the last half an hour or so.

In contrast, I felt like the pain was a relief, a relief that told me that the pain I was going through would probably be the worst pain I will ever have to feel in my entire life and something as meager as having all my bones destroyed and my organs almost pulverized would not feel as bad as what I am feeling right now.

However, I still pushed through the pain, the determination to not die under the power of a being lower than me surged out in the form of bloodlust and battle intent that swept the entire area with strong forces of energy.

Looking back at the explosion as my bones healed and my organs repaired themselves, I watched as a large winged figure flew out of the explosion with a trail of smoke following it before it started to gradually fall. However, a few seconds before it, the figure flapped its wings with so much power and force that it caused the remaining trees in the area it was about to fall on to be uprooted and flung into the air.

I slowly got back on my feet and watched as several cracks began to glow a golden light across my body as if warning me that if I were to not use the mana inside me right now, I would explode.


I looked at the sky with a slight sigh before I smiled

"Let me show you the power..." My voice swept the lands and was heard by everything in a 1km radius.

I slowly lifted my right foot above the ground before muttering

"The power of a divine being of my caliber"

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