My Demon Pet System

Chapter 35 - One Last Thing

"Being the daughter of Tentochu\'s most important person requires great fortitude, and I assure you that it is not an easy thing. Unlike my three brothers, I was born without an Oracle. Yes, I am an ordinary human being", Sui confessed. "You can\'t imagine my father\'s disappointment when my mother gave birth to me."

"Disappointment for what? Just because you\'re not a tamer like your brothers?" Yoichi asked in amazement, marvelling at the Emperor\'s superficiality. ​​

"Psst! Yoichi! Don\'t make these comments!" Enatsu begged him, whispering. He sat, looking towards the tiles of the street.

"Don\'t worry, Enatsu. For the first time in my life, I met someone who isn\'t afraid to talk to me. I feel like I can trust you and Yoichi, so get up," Sui ordered in a friendly tone.

The merchant obeyed right then and there, standing up, but avoiding eye contact. Sora and Kenji stood next to each other behind their tamers. They too, seemed interested in hearing the Princess\'s story.

"The mere fact that I was born without an Oracle was the greatest disappointment for the Emperor. So great that he never says in public that he has a daughter," Sui commented, with a blunt expression painted on her face. "Because of this, fights with my parents have become more and more frequent and my high position in the social ranks has turned into captivity. Why should the \'Powerless Princess\' ever be free to walk the streets of her kingdom?\'

Yoichi and Enatsu listened, not knowing what to say.

"When I realized that the Emperor\'s desire to be recognized as \'the father of Tentochu\'s three strongest tamers\' was greater than the love he felt for his only daughter, I began to rebel against him. When I was a kid, I used to play hide-and-seek in the Imperial Palace, and I know every corner of it by heart. The first time I ran away, I was ten years old. They found me by the sea, right after the East Gates," Sui sobbed.

"It must have been a horrible feeling," Yoichi added. Somehow, the young tamer\'s strong empathy made him share the Princess\'s intense feelings.

"It was. I\'ve never seen the sea, Yoichi. When that gigantic mass of borderless water appeared before me, I understood the meaning of \'freedom\' and finally realized my purpose," she replied. With those deep words, she tried to create a vivid picture of her memories in the minds of her interlocutors.

"And what\'s your purpose, Princess?" Yoichi asked again, not listening to his companion\'s advice.

"I want to see the world. I want to discover new places, meet new people, smell new scents and listen to new sounds. I\'m 21 years old, but I never really grew up. I got trapped in my childhood inside that building."

Yoichi stepped forward, approaching Sui. Enatsu tried to stop him but failed. "You\'re sad because you know your father\'s men will find you soon, aren\'t you?" he sorrowfully acknowledged.

Princess Sui\'s blue eyes became watery, and a tear ran over her cheek. Her resigned gaze crossed with Yoichi\'s, and it was worth more than a thousand words.

A strong painful aura surrounded that beautiful girl. It was evident that her intelligence and passions had always been imprisoned and limited by the irremovable figure of her father, the supreme Emperor Nishiyama.

"I... I don\'t know what to say..." Yoichi murmured.

"Don\'t say anything. This time it\'s going to be different. I will return to the palace of my own free will. I\'m going to use one of the secret passages I know, and they won\'t even notice my absence," she interrupted, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Here, take this."

Gently, Sui handed Yoichi the metal hairpin. It was a small comb with hand-carved symbols on the widest part. In addition to some curved lines and small lotus flowers, the predominant design was a tiger\'s face in the center.

"I don\'t understand..." he mumbled, taking the object and clutching it in his hands as if it were a priceless treasure.

"This is the symbol of the imperial family, Yoichi" she explained, pointing to the tiger\'s face on the clasp. "Judging by the way you fight, it looks like you want to be a professional tamer, right? By showing this symbol, you can join every guild you want," she continued. Her shiny eyes continued to look at Yoichi, implicitly thanking him for saving her.

Enatsu put his hand in front of his mouth, holding back a scream. His eyes, wide open, kept witnessing that incredible scene.

Join any guild? I can\'t believe it! That\'s the luckiest thing that ever happened to me... or at least, I think so. Do I really have to show this little comb to join any guild as I please? Yoichi wondered, continuing to watch the imperial symbol.

"It\'s the least I can do for you. By entering a guild, you\'ll be able to train your Nekage. I\'m sure you\'re going to do great things together. I\'ve never seen anyone face an unknown danger with your tenacity," Sui added, bringing her hands back down her hips.

A warm wind gently touched the ripped edges of her dress, and her long black hair fluttered free in the air. The Princess closed her eyes. She seemed to be enjoying the last moments of freedom before returning to the captivity of her room in the Imperial Palace.

"I... I don\'t know how to thank you, Sui. This is the most beautiful gift I have ever received," Yoichi thanked, clutching the hairpin on his chest. "If there\'s anything else I can do for you... I mean anything... just ask."

"Actually, there\'s something, " the Princess promptly replied.

Enatsu and Yoichi were amazed at that statement. "You will take me with you," Sui affirmed.

"What?!" Enatsu gasped, panicking. "I mean... Princess, are you sure about this?" he repeated, reducing the tone of his voice.

"From my palace room, I can see a magnificent cherry tree. It\'s my favourite tree, and I admire it every night before I go to sleep, since I was little. My gaze will look for you under that tree every night, Yoichi. When you\'re ready to help me, all you\'ll need to do is stay there and wait," she explained, enigmatically but concretely.

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