Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 174 - Finding You


A growl puttered in Aaryn\'s throat, but Reth just pulled him back harder. "She won\'t be tempted, don\'t worry. It\'s the females I fear for," Reth chuckled in his ear.


"Yeah," Gar added, grinning. "She\'s going to tear out their throats them when she sees them touch you."

But Aaryn barely heard them, because Tarkyn wasn\'t grabbing like the others had. He didn\'t try to force Elreth to stop. He didn\'t lay his hands on her, he locked his eyes on hers, and he leaned in, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke.

And Elreth… Elreth\'s eyes slipped up to his face. She stopped pushing forward. And she listened.

Aaryn leaped forward, stopping only when Gar and Reth both took him by an arm each and wrestled him back, turning to put themselves between he and the crowd of males.

"Aaryn, don\'t do this. Remember your role. Remember hers!"

"He is seducing her! He\'s taking her! She isn\'t his to take!" he snarled.

"No, she isn\'t, and she won\'t give in. The Rite will test her and she will show herself true—but you do not interfere!"

"But, she\'s—"

"She\'d doing nothing but listening to words, and in a moment, you\'ll see her remember herself. Pay attention Aaryn, remember this moment. This is when she chooses you. This is when the temptation is given, and she does not take it. Pay attention!" Reth snapped.

Aaryn struggled to get past them, but they kept him boxed in. He was forced to peer between their heads, over their massive shoulders, and watch as his mate tipped her head and smiled up at her Captain of the Guard, her eyes bright as if she enjoyed what she was seeing. As if… as if… No, Aaryn told himself. She wouldn\'t. she could come for him and Tarkyn would be just another servant to her throne. Just another strong male she did not love.

The strong male she would work with every day of her rule. Unless he died.

Aaryn decided he could see his way clear to arrange that.

A snarl rattled in his throat and Gar chuckled. "Someone is literally pussy whipped."

"I don\'t know what that means," Aaryn snapped. "But I don\'t think I like it."

"Trust me, it\'s relevant," Reth muttered with a grin.

Aaryn knew they were trying to distract him, to keep him in his right mind. But he felt like he was going to break out of his own skin. Elreth wasn\'t walking anymore. She was listening. Her eyes were open and she listened to this male make promises! She spoke to him, softly, her face gentle, then she was raising a hand to touch his… chest. She put her hand to Tarkyn\'s chest and Aaryn thought his own might crack open.

He leaned forward, Gar and Reth pulling him back with warnings he was about to snap down when, to his relief, Elreth pushed the male out of the way.

Aaryn blew out a breath as his mate turned her head through the gap in the crowd and found him, finally, and her eyes lit up.

Tarkyn tried to step into her path again, speaking frantically, and the other males rushed around them, creating a wall between she and Aaryn. But Elreth shook her head and didn\'t turn away again. She gave the mating call and he leaped to respond, to claim her before the others. He saw Tarkyn flinch, but the older male had already given ground, was already behind Elreth and not fighting to get forward of her again. Tarkyn let Elreth move on. And move on, she did.

Elreth locked eyes with Aaryn, and he saw his name on her lips.

She was coming for him, just as she\'d promised.

She\'d chosen him.

She was coming.

But when he took a step forward to meet her—realized that Gar and Reth\'s hands were no longer on him, holding him back—he almost tripped over a smaller female who stood in front of him. He looked down to apologize for almost stepping on her, then his eyes widened.

He was surrounded. Utterly surrounded on every side.

Females of every age and stripe, shoulder to shoulder, gleaming eyes and flashing smiles.

For the first time in his life Aaryn was the most desirable male in the Tree City, and the females were coming to tell him so.

Over their heads he saw Elreth about to break free of the males and start towards him. She had only a handful to defeat—and he would be at her side.

As he took his first step forward and female hands appeared on his chest, his arms, his back, he shuddered.

He locked eyes with Elreth and took another step. It didn\'t matter how many steps it would take. He wasn\'t letting go.

But the females were persistent, rubbing themselves against him, whispering promises of love and lust, of homes and offspring until Aaryn was near frantic with the desperate need to get away from them.

More and more appeared without blouses, letting him see their bodies, cupping themselves, stroking his chest, teasing him with their eyes.

Tongues licked lips, husky voices whispered of touches and mating, and bodies, warm and lithe, pressed against him.

He groaned, and pressed forward, always forward, but they closed ranks and fought for him.

"…always wanted you, but never had the courage to tell you…"

"See how good we would be together?"

"I see your strength, I know your intelligence. I could give you offspring—"

"Are you certain she\'s a True Mate? Wouldn\'t you prefer someone with more experience in giving you pleasure?"

They were all words he\'d yearned to hear throughout his life. Words not of rejection or suspicion, but of admiration and respect.

He shuddered as one of them, another wolf, slid her arms around his waist and pressed her naked breasts into his stomach. "Are you certain?" she whispered, her voice husky with desire.

Aaryn growled, took her by the upper arms and moved her carefully aside, using the small gap she vacated to move forward, always forward.

As more hands appeared, and more whispers, he should his head, shook off the haze of the smoke, and called for his True Mate.

And she called back. 


This message was posted 17 August AFTER publication so you are not charged for the words:

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