My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 208: Everyone Wants To Spoil Frank

Chapter 208: Everyone Wants To Spoil Frank


Axitl suddenly opened her crimson eyes, waking up from her large and silky bed.

Her large and lonely palace atop the moon of Terra was as desolate as always.

However, her little friend and servant, and also her most beloved person in this world, Aztraloth, greeted her with his big and beady eye.

"My lady, you have finally woke up…" he said.

"Ah… How long did I sleep? Yawn…" said Axitl.

Axitl had decided to sleep to let time pass faster and see if Frank could wake up in that time period, however, she had done this many times, usually sleeping for a whole month, asking Aztraloth if had woken up to receive a "no" and then go back to sleep.

"Around two months, one week, and three days," said Aztraloth.

"I see… So? I guess he hasn\'t woke up yet?" asked Axitl.

"…Well, in fact… My lady…" muttered Aztraloth, as Axitl felt paralyzed.

"He woke up…" said Aztraloth.

Axitl\'s eyes opened wide, as she released a happy and excited smile as if she were a young girl that was happy over one of her friends finally coming to see her at home.

Although Frank did not know how to even visit her on the moon.

"He\'s back! He had woken up! Finally! Frank is really back!" said Axitl, as she jumped off the bed and flew out of her palace, breaking its ceiling apart as the entire building began to fall apart!


She floated atop the starry outer space, glaring at Terra from above, the beautiful, spherical planet that was being gently bathed by the sun far away.

"Axitl-samaaa! Don\'t go down!" cried Aztraloth, as he flew at the side of Axitl.

"Ah? Of course not! I was… just glaring at the world! …huh?"

Axitl glanced at the world as she noticed that the Demon King was about to be born in a few more months from now… however, Abyssal Spawns had already begun to emerge all around the globe.

"And just in time for this new event to happen… Frank is going to have a lot to do…!" sighed Axitl.

"Well, he was selected as a Hero by Abraddon and Thineas, so it is his duty to protect the world from the Demon King… and his power had increased a lot as he slept… just what kind of powers does he truly possess?" wondered Aztraloth.

"I can smell his scent… Ah, he had fully assimilated my own Chaos as well… and- Eh? Did he eat… an Abyssal Spawn? …How is that even possible? Haha! Frank is really someone amazing! He is truly fascinating…! Maybe he could simply eat up the entire Abyssal Sea and save Terra then?! …No, I don\'t want him to force such things…" said Axitl, having several ideas at the same time but then scratching them because they really didn\'t make much sense.

"Indeed, you don\'t have to force me to do anything! …However, he is quite strong and possesses a variety of amazing, outstanding abilities that have not even existed in our world until he came here. Frank is indeed a being from another world…" said Aztraloth.

"Yeah, I will call him whenever he goes to take a nap… I need to… apologize to him…" sighed Axitl.

"Hmm… you better do it well, my lady! You need to have a good relationship with Frank if you really want him to be your husband!" said Aztraloth.

"E-Eh?! W-What are you talking about?! I never… said anything like that, you pervert octopus!" roared Axitl, as she began flustered and hit Aztraloth with a strong punch, blowing him off into the moon\'s surface!


"Ungh… B-But you said that…!" muttered Aztraloth, as Axitl emerged in front of him and hit him again.

"Nooo! Shut up, shut up, shut up! I didn\'t say anythinggggg!" she cried, becoming even more flustered by just thinking about the possibility of having Frank all for herself!

Lewd thoughts began to emerge on her young mind (not so young seeing she\'s thousands of years old), as she started to get even more embarrassed!

Clash! Clash! Clash!

"Unagaaaah! My lady, stop hitting me! Remember that you are the strongest goddess in this world, please stooooop!" cried Aztraloth, as Axitl realized that she had gone a bit crazy at the moment…

"Oooh… S-Sorry! I just… here…" said Axitl, as she easily healed Aztraloth back to perfect condition, and hugged him tightly like she always does.

Aztraloth sighed as he began to pet her head.

"It\'s okay, my lady. I believe that as long as you apologize, Frank might be able to understand… He is a good man after all. Perhaps, you will have to do a few things to regain his trust, though. So do not try to be so forceful with it. Let it have some time for him to assess things," said Aztraloth.

"I see… Well, I will try to talk to him tonight and see how it goes… Oh boy, I have to prepare though! I will go take a bath… and get into a nice dress… new clothes! And… a few accessories, some makeup, and perhaps a good cologne as well…" muttered Axitl, leaving Aztraloth in the ground as she snapped her fingers and her palace went back to normal in a few seconds, she then began to search for pretty clothes to be as pretty as she could for Frank, and then went to take a long bath, exfoliating her skin with several types of soaps and more…

"She doesn\'t like to admit it but… she seems to be quite romantically interested in him…" thought Aztraloth with a light smile.

Meanwhile, as these events unfolded, Frank was celebrating his return with the rest of his family in Terra, there was a big feast going on where Gwendolyn, Cathyl, Kamei, and even Annabelle and Hilvera cooked delicious preparations for everyone present, of course, the most important here was Frank, who they wanted to spoil rotten with delicious food.

"Haahh… Everything is so good… I really missed eating food… And all of you had gotten very good at cooking as well…" said Frank, as he ate a large piece of meatloaf in seconds, his stomach seemed to have no bottom now that he had refined Gluttony and made it an even stronger power of him.

"Right? Gwendolyn taught me pretty well! Aren\'t I a nice housewife candidate now~?" asked Cathyl while winking.

"You sure are, I believe you would really make any man very happy," said Frank with a gentle smile, as Cathyl blushed a bit.

"I am glad you find my food nice, onii-chan. I have precited a lot! To the point that I even learned the Cooking Skill! It\'s level 4 at the moment!" said Kamei adorably, as Frank petted his head.

"Thank you for doing your best so much for me, Kamei, I love you," said Frank, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too! I… I still cannot believe you are here with us now… It has really been very long months!" said Kamei, as she pouted and jumped over her brother\'s legs, sitting on his lap and hugging him as if she were his spoiled daughter.

After having grown so strong, Frank\'s physique had become like that of a fully grown young adult now, and he almost towered two meters of height, with a slender yet muscular figure, although his gentle and mildly childish face was still there, he now had a charming air of maturity that made the women around him rather attracted to him even more than before.

"I am glad you still like our food, boy, we\'ll make sure to feed you delicious food every day to compensate for all this time you were dozing off in dreamland!" laughed Gwendolyn.

"We\'ll spoil you!" said Annabelle as she waved her tail.

"You are not running away from us any longer! Hehe…" said Hilvera.

"Yeah! You aren\'t going anywhere now!" said Asterion.

Suddenly, Frank felt as if everyone released some kind of evil aura…

Perhaps him being away for so long made them miss him so much to the point that they were both happy that he was back and angry over him going away for so long, so they would make sure to make him stick with them as long as they could!

"Haha… W-Well, I am glad to receive so much attention… But do not beat yourselves over it…" said Frank, he couldn\'t really refute those that loved him so much.

As he chatted with everyone, Frank talked about his experiences while sleeping, the power she awakened, his father, and all the things he had to do to reach this new level of strength he acquired after waking up, surprising everyone.

"You met… your father, nii-sama?!" asked Kamei in surprise.

"Indeed… He was… well, he was but a "Will" of my father, so it wasn\'t completely him…" sighed Frank.

"But even… having to defeat him so you could escape… That should have been pretty rough…" sighed Cathyl.

"Cathyl is more thoughtful with your words…" sighed Gwendolyn.

"Ah! S-Sorry…" said Cathyl.

"No, it\'s fine. I already got over it… It had to be done. When he faded away, father became my own power now, so he is living within my soul… All of this power is thanks to his teachings… Now I want to use it to help everyone and… to also try to save this world from whatever is surging from the depths…" said Frank.

"About that… I suppose we have to tell you what\'s going on regarding that, alongside Reuberto\'s plans, and the other Heroes…" said Gwendolyn.

"Reuberto\'s plans? You mean…?" asked Frank.

"I guess you are pretty sharp. Indeed, he is planning on gathering you with the rest of the Heroes from the other Races, after all, you guys are the last hope for Terra against the Demon King, as it always has been through the history of our world…" said Gwendolyn.

"The last hopes…" muttered Frank.


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